Superman Returns SR Vouchers in WB's Summer DVDs


Jul 3, 2004
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"It may not be a golden ticket leading to a life of chocolate and singing midgets, but Warner Brothers' home entertainment line is offering a special insert prize with a select line of specially marked DVDs. In a promotion for their upcoming hopeful summer blockbuster Superman Returns, WB will include "Movie Cash" stubs (redeemable for only the Film of Steel, of course) with their summer DVDs, apparently valued up to $10.50 -- presumably enough to cover the full price of a movie ticket in most locales."

Nice. Buy a movie, see a movie. Since I like buying DVDs and will probably see SR more than once, this is good news.
I know a voucher is included with the third volume of Superman TAS, which I'm getting.
I know this was talked about, but what other DVDs?
Why are they doing this??? Aren't WB the same ones who said that they want to make money by bringing out a superman movie. So if you want to make money on a movie why give out free tickets???
You're still buying the ticket.
Why are they doing this???

think before you post. Seriously. Start doing that. If you could. I know you can, because there are some synapses firing that allow you to punch the keys enough to post messages to a messageboard, so what I want you to do is try HALTING those synapses for a second and CONSIDERING what you're about to type before you just puke it up onto the internet.

As far as the subject goes--don't think this is news, actually. Coulda sworn this was discusses way back when the "Summer of Superman" thing was first announced.
You didn't answer my question though in all your useless ranting and raving.And you aske me to think before I post take a good hard look in the mirror and see who should really be thinking.
You didn't answer my question

Because if you're not a functionally ******ed person if You THINK BEFORE YOU POST YOU GET THE ANSWER YOURSELF.

Honestly, straight up, tell the truth, right now--are you mentally handicapped. Seriously. No lies.
Okaayyy......I think i'll leave you alone now to calm down.
No, I'm not angry. Answer the question. Are you seriously, honestly, in any way, shape, or form, mentally handicapped? It would REALLY help in considering your posts from now on. Because if you've got Downs or something, or you were born with Fetal Alcohol or something, I can cut you a break, because it's something you can't help.
Fatboy Roberts said:
No, I'm not angry. Answer the question. Are you seriously, honestly, in any way, shape, or form, mentally handicapped? It would REALLY help in considering your posts from now on. Because if you've got Downs or something, or you were born with Fetal Alcohol or something, I can cut you a break, because it's something you can't help.

dude thats kinda harsh. people with downs can still type and stuff.
That's exactly why I'm asking. That's not harsh, I wanna get the cards on the table here, so I know what's going on.
Superboy, don't worry about that idiot. He's always stirring up nonsense over something ridiculous. A quick viewing of his posts will confirm this. Just let him say his piece and don't fight back and he'll move on to someone else.
What's with all this Fatboy hate? Isn't X-Plode usually the one stirring up nonsense based on his love for other comic book characters. I do admit X-Plode has been much better lately.
Tron's got a grudge from when he tangled with me awhile ago. There's no real "Fatboy Hate" spreading the boards. hell, me and Oldguy even get along :)

I would still like an answer from Explode, however, because it could be enlightening.
Fatboy Roberts said:
Tron's got a grudge from when he tangled with me awhile ago. There's no real "Fatboy Hate" spreading the boards. hell, me and Oldguy even get along :)

I would still like an answer from Explode, however, because it could be enlightening.

I noticed about you and Oldguy. It's a good thing.

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