Guardians of the Galaxy Star Wars Connection?


Sep 17, 2002
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Okay so hear me out...(ducks tomato) wait a second:

Now that Disney owns both Marvel and Star Wars would it not be pretty cool if they had some level of connection between the two properties? I think it would be very cool if it were done on a very peripheral level.

For example what if Episodes 7-9 (which remember take place in our universe, only a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..) deal with an enemy creating some kind of super powerful "force" weapon and it's fueled by (what is later called thousands of years later when they are rediscovered in a distant galaxy) the Infinity Gems.

That could be a small little nod to something much larger in the MCU without having a direct crossover. It certainly expands both universes into something much larger and deeper. I think it'd be cool but then again I'm from the east coast and I only just got my power maybe I've been driven completely insane. Whichever.

I think the Michael Scott gif speaks for us all
Okay so hear me out...(ducks tomato) wait a second:

Now that Disney owns both Marvel and Star Wars would it not be pretty cool if they had some level of connection between the two properties? I think it would be very cool if it were done on a very peripheral level.

For example what if Episodes 7-9 (which remember take place in our universe, only a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..) deal with an enemy creating some kind of super powerful "force" weapon and it's fueled by (what is later called thousands of years later when they are rediscovered in a distant galaxy) the Infinity Gems.

That could be a small little nod to something much larger in the MCU without having a direct crossover. It certainly expands both universes into something much larger and deeper. I think it'd be cool but then again I'm from the east coast and I only just got my power maybe I've been driven completely insane. Whichever.


Doesn't Star Trek and the X-men all ready exist in each others alternate universes. Proteus from the X-men universe crossed over into the Star Trek universe.
Star Trek/X-Men crossover
In the Star Trek/X-Men crossover, the spirit of Proteus crosses over to the universe of Star Trek because of a rift created by classic Star Trek antagonist Gary Mitchell (who also had reality warping powers). Proteus is able to reanimate and inhabit Mitchell's corpse, which does not deteriorate like other hosts. While chasing Deathbird, the X-Men end up teaming up with the crew of the USS Enterprise to stop Proteus, who forms an alliance with Deathbird to escape the planet.[18]
At one point, Proteus compares Mitchell's fate (as seen in the Star Trek TV series episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before") to the kind of anti-mutant prejudice that the X-Men are fighting.[18]

star trek x men crossover comic

LOL :funny:
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So, if Star Trek and X-Men have cross-overed and Star Trek and Doctor Who have cross-overed, does that mean that we can canonically imagine the Doctor being able to meet Charles Xavier?
Okay so hear me out...(ducks tomato) wait a second:

Now that Disney owns both Marvel and Star Wars would it not be pretty cool if they had some level of connection between the two properties? I think it would be very cool if it were done on a very peripheral level.

For example what if Episodes 7-9 (which remember take place in our universe, only a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..) deal with an enemy creating some kind of super powerful "force" weapon and it's fueled by (what is later called thousands of years later when they are rediscovered in a distant galaxy) the Infinity Gems.

That could be a small little nod to something much larger in the MCU without having a direct crossover. It certainly expands both universes into something much larger and deeper. I think it'd be cool but then again I'm from the east coast and I only just got my power maybe I've been driven completely insane. Whichever.


I think the Michael Scott gif speaks for us all

Yeah. To put it nicely...this is a HORRIBLE idea pal :woot:
These kinds of crossover can be done in comics because you can make non-canon comics, while in films you can't waste your time and money with something like this unless it's 100% canon
Have The Other refer to Rocket Raccoon and Groot in conversation with Thanos as "The mascots we were looking for."
I changed my ideas, what about the Avengers recruiting Jar-Jar?
I think a cute little cameo or reference of SW in Guardians is now possible (an astromech in the background or something), but a full out crossover isn't going to happen.

However, a comic crossover is 110% going to happen. It's just a matter of time. Rocket Raccoon vs Chewbacca is going to be godlike! :D
Ooh, a little cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy would be awesome, like the ET aliens in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Just a little cameo would be great. Maybe on a list of planets Coruscant or Tatooine are listed, or something along the lines of that which would make every geek on the planet go nuts.
Maybe they could have an obscure Star Wars alien in the background.
Hmm, Star Trek/X-Men, X-Men/Street Fighter, Street Fighter/Tekken, Tekken/Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur/Star Wars.

Yes. LOL! :woot::jedi
Maybe we could have a scene where Rocket Raccoon repeatedly shoots Jar Jar Binks in the face.
A Jar Jar cameo, or maybe he could beat Thanos
Star Wars would not be in a galaxy far far away. If it took place in our galaxy
Not to crap on your idea or anything OP but...AWW HELL NO
I foresee this thread being around for years to come, being ressurrected by posters saying no time and time again

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