They might also have the attitude of, "We don't need to take 'em.... but probably should as these power hungry apes shouldn't be let off this planet."
But...that would violate the Prime Directive.
Seriously though - there are too many unknown variables, like Matt said, to form a valid opinion.
If the aliens are lucky enough to come from a world with an easily-accessible power source that allows interstellar travel, and they discovered that power source early enough in their development, then yes, they might be hostile or greedy due to the lack of social development in their society in comparison with their technological abilities.
However, the exact opposite could be true, and the aliens are now so advanced socially and mentally as well as technologically that they wouldn't notice or even care about a planet as comparatively undeveloped as ours.
Or maybe the exact formula needed for intelligent life to evolve in the universe is so rare, that we are the very first, and are currently alone.
Or maybe the rest of the intelligent life in this galaxy has died off without ever achieving interstellar travel, and we're the last ones left.
It's fun to theorize, but the gaps in our knowledge are just too gargantuan to have any clue to the reality of the situation.