Still like Spider-Man 2??

Doctor Octopus

Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
There's a similar thread in the Spidey 1 forum, so I thought I'd ask the same here.

Do you guys still enjoy Spider-Man 2?? I do. I feel SM-2 had better action, better roles for the supporting cast, like Aunt May, Harry, Jonah Jameson etc.

And the villain was cooler, and more 3 dimensional. And the action scenes were truly spectacular.
I loved SM2, because it was SM. I wish they would have given it a better start and that SM2 would have been a bit less cheesy. Other then that it has some terrific scenes!
Even after the 5,000,000th viewing, I still love it to death. :up:
There's a similar thread in the Spidey 1 forum, so I thought I'd ask the same here.

Do you guys still enjoy Spider-Man 2?? I do. I feel SM-2 had better action, better roles for the supporting cast, like Aunt May, Harry, Jonah Jameson etc.

And the villain was cooler, and more 3 dimensional. And the action scenes were truly spectacular.
It's my favorite so far, but I know that 3 will demolish the first two.
i felt SM2 was to much Peter Parker and not enough Spider-Man. And i diddent like Doc-Ock that much either. I found it a bit lame that the arms where controling him. But its a good movie.
Aunt May, Harry, and Jonah did have better scenes in Spider-Man 2. Loved the scene where May gave Peter the $20 on his birthday. And you could really see Harry going more and more to the dark side. Slipping into the booze, losing his temper alot etc.

Doc Ock was the most awesome, bad ass villain. Molina was able to portray him as sinister, ruthless, and sympathetic. Great actor and great villain he portrayed. He really echoed the theme of the movie very well.

I'd say the major draw back for this movie was Kirsten Dunst. She really didn't look good in some scenes. In others she looked good, like at the planeterium party or on the bill boards.
There are some scenes in it that I still like but it's just not worth watching again. The film is rather boring because Sam doesn't really do anything to alter the formula. Everything is extremely predictable. It also doesn't help to constantly hear Elfman's clown music in the background either.
It also doesn't help to constantly hear Elfman's clown music in the background either.

You probably won't like SM-3 much then either, because Elfman is back for that, too.

Personally, I love Elfman's score.
Aunt May, Harry, and Jonah did have better scenes in Spider-Man 2. Loved the scene where May gave Peter the $20 on his birthday. And you could really see Harry going more and more to the dark side. Slipping into the booze, losing his temper alot etc.

Doc Ock was the most awesome, bad ass villain. Molina was able to portray him as sinister, ruthless, and sympathetic. Great actor and great villain he portrayed. He really echoed the theme of the movie very well.

Agreed. Everyone involved turned in an excellent performance. And the fighting and movement felt much more like Spider-Man than the first.
Love Harry slapping Peter. Nice touch.
I'd say the major draw back for this movie was Kirsten Dunst. She really didn't look good in some scenes. In others she looked good, like at the planeterium party or on the bill boards.
Yeah, what was that? Really up and down on the pretty scale.
But it seems like they're trying to fix that in SM-3 (from what I've seen).
I loved it when i saw it, now i probably love it and appreciate it more, if i made a definitive lift of my favourite movies it would be on top.
My only beef with the film were the pointless cheesy humor sequences that had no relevance to the plot. I'm all in favor of a little humor in a Spiderman film, but only if its Spiderman pulling out those quips. We only had 2 :csad:
You probably won't like SM-3 much then either, because Elfman is back for that, too.

Personally, I love Elfman's score.

He was fired/resigned a long time ago. Someone else will be doing the score.
He was fired/resigned a long time ago. Someone else will be doing the score.

Mwahahahahaha you are wrong. He is back for SM-3. Go in and ask in the SM-3 forum if you doubt me.

Elfman is back :up: :word:
But it is essentially why the film made 400 million each time. It's not because Sam Raimi did such a great job at adaptating the character or even coming up with really good stories.
nah, I still don't like spider-man 2.

the did nice things to it but really went overboard with some ideas, especially ones that won't be focussed on in the next film.

surely wanting to get married should bring a conflict in with his powers again but i guess it's all gonna clear up and no one will ever talk about it again...


I say why bother wasting all that time, they could have filled it with something else, a good chunk of that film was wasted, a cartoon pretty much does the whole ock story in 30 minutes, funnily enough he's probably in about 30 minutes of the second film, what the hell was all the other time doing????


i've only been a fan of one multiple villain film but hopefully this looks like a good thing for spidey since there's only so much more 'filler' material i can take, the next film should be filled to the brim where every scene isn't wasted.
I love Spider-Man 2 more than the first movie because it feel 'fresh', has a more original storyline. Spider-Man is great too but I have read the storyline too often. Maybe when Spider-Man 3 is shown, it will be my favourite becase of Black suit and Venom!
I liked it but not as much as the first. the first was better to me. I can sit done and watch the first one and it never gets old to me.
I like the second and think that it is a good movie, but there is just something about the first film that I like more. I still don't think I've been to narrow down what it is either. I feel that SM2 just went a little too over the top every now and then, and it was just a lot like the first one except it was farther in Peter's life and there was a different villain.

Spider-Man: 7.8/10
Spider-Man 2: 7.6/10
I liked it but not as much as the first. the first was better to me. I can sit done and watch the first one and it never gets old to me.

I like the second and think that it is a good movie, but there is just something about the first film that I like more. I still don't think I've been to narrow down what it is either. I feel that SM2 just went a little too over the top every now and then, and it was just a lot like the first one except it was farther in Peter's life and there was a different villain.

Spider-Man: 7.8/10
Spider-Man 2: 7.6/10

I feel exactly the same way. There's something about the first film that seems so epic and magical. The music, the emotion, the pacing, the all became this wonderful epic that captured my attention and imagination.

Some may not understand why i love the first movie with a passion. Let me tell you. I was 10 years old when my mom brought me to see Spider-man in theaters. I thought it would be a cool little movie although i didn't like superheroes that much. Boy, was i wrong! Spiderman astounded me in so many ways :wow: . It was my first exposure to a fantastic comic book movie. From that day I became obsessed with comic books. And look at where it's led me today. Thanks to Spider-man, I'm not one of those jerks making fun of you guys.
I feel that SM2 just went a little too over the top every now and then, and it was just a lot like the first one except it was farther in Peter's life and there was a different villain.

I think that's the way Sam intended it to be. He said it was a continuation of SM-1, where we move onto the next chapter in Peter's life, where he faces new obstacles in his life as a superhero, with a villain who represents these obstacles.

The third movie will be the same. He said it continues on from where Spider-Man 2 left off with Peter.

As for over the top/cheesy moments. SM-1 had more than it's fair share of those, too:

-Green Goblin's cheesy lines like "We'll meet again Spider-Man" and singing itsy bitsy spider etc, were very saturday morning cartoon villain.
-Aunt May's "Deliver us from eeeeeeeeeeeeevil", "Auuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh those eyes. Those horrible yellow eyes. Auuuuuuugggghhhh!!"
-The New Yorker's "You mess with Spidey you mess with New York. You mess with one of us you mess with all of us". *Cringe* At least Ock dished out the pain to them when they tried that again in SM-2.
-Goblin's costume. I loved Dafoe. But that costume looked ludicrous.

The movies are supposed to be cheesy because it is aimed at children as well as adults.

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