Still like Spider-Man 2??

I think that's the way Sam intended it to be. He said it was a continuation of SM-1, where we move onto the next chapter in Peter's life, where he faces new obstacles in his life as a superhero, with a villain who represents these obstacles.

The third movie will be the same. He said it continues on from where Spider-Man 2 left off with Peter.

As for over the top/cheesy moments. SM-1 had more than it's fair share of those, too:

-Green Goblin's cheesy lines like "We'll meet again Spider-Man" and singing itsy bitsy spider etc, were very saturday morning cartoon villain.
-Aunt May's "Deliver us from eeeeeeeeeeeeevil", "Auuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh those eyes. Those horrible yellow eyes. Auuuuuuugggghhhh!!"
-The New Yorker's "You mess with Spidey you mess with New York. You mess with one of us you mess with all of us". *Cringe* At least Ock dished out the pain to them when they tried that again in SM-2.
-Goblin's costume. I loved Dafoe. But that costume looked ludicrous.

The movies are supposed to be cheesy because it is aimed at children as well as adults.
Yeah, I understand that. I like them both, but there is just something special about the first one. They both have their moments... I'm probably one of the few out there that loves the end fight between Goblin and Spider-Man and the grittiness of it.
As for over the top/cheesy moments. SM-1 had more than it's fair share of those, too:

-Green Goblin's cheesy lines like "We'll meet again Spider-Man" and singing itsy bitsy spider etc, were very saturday morning cartoon villain.
-Aunt May's "Deliver us from eeeeeeeeeeeeevil", "Auuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh those eyes. Those horrible yellow eyes. Auuuuuuugggghhhh!!"
-The New Yorker's "You mess with Spidey you mess with New York. You mess with one of us you mess with all of us". *Cringe* At least Ock dished out the pain to them when they tried that again in SM-2.
-Goblin's costume. I loved Dafoe. But that costume looked ludicrous.

The movies are supposed to be cheesy because it is aimed at children as well as adults.

See, this is where your wrong. Those "cheesy" moments as you call them actually worked.

- "We'll meet again Spiderman"...maybe its just me, but at that moment I realized how cool this movie was with that single "chessy" line.

Oh, and how can you complain about singing itsy bitsy spider? That showed how insane GG had become. Green Goblin is Marvel's Joker, let's put it at that.

- The New Yorkers united scene is a reflection of 9/11. Back then, all of us New Yorkers were united against anything that threatened our lives. Green Goblin represented the terrorist we all wanted to stand up to if we had the chance. Plus, that scene showed that in the end, Spiderman was not alone. I found it quite powerful...except for them cheering in self gratification ><

I don't understand your other complaints. I was ok with them.
See, this is where your wrong. Those "cheesy" moments as you call them actually worked.

- "We'll meet again Spiderman"...maybe its just me, but at that moment I realized how cool this movie was with that single "chessy" line.

Oh, and how can you complain about singing itsy bitsy spider? That showed how insane GG had become. Green Goblin is Marvel's Joker, let's put it at that.

- The New Yorkers united scene is a reflection of 9/11. Back then, all of us New Yorkers were united against anything that threatened our lives. Green Goblin represented the terrorist we all wanted to stand up to if we had the chance. Plus, that scene showed that in the end, Spiderman was not alone. I found it quite powerful...except for them cheering in self gratification ><

I don't understand your other complaints. I was ok with them.
I agree... You put into words was I was trying to express.
See, this is where your wrong. Those "cheesy" moments as you call them actually worked.

I'm not wrong. That's just your opinion. I've seen plenty of people complain about them. Just because you enjoyed the cheese doesn't make it good cheese. Or bad cheese. It's just your opinion.

- "We'll meet again Spiderman"...maybe its just me, but at that moment I realized how cool this movie was with that single "chessy" line.

One man's trash is another man's treasure....

Oh, and how can you complain about singing itsy bitsy spider? That showed how insane GG had become. Green Goblin is Marvel's Joker, let's put it at that.

In terms of insanity?? No way. Joker is way crazier than Goblin. Joker can't even remember his own past properly, he's that demented.

And itsy bitsy spider was still cheesy.

- The New Yorkers united scene is a reflection of 9/11. Back then, all of us New Yorkers were united against anything that threatened our lives. Green Goblin represented the terrorist we all wanted to stand up to if we had the chance. Plus, that scene showed that in the end, Spiderman was not alone. I found it quite powerful...except for them cheering in self gratification ><

I know why it was done, but it doesn't change the fact that it was still cheesy. Explaining why it was done doesn't change how it came off.

I don't understand your other complaints. I was ok with them.

Good for you. But just because you liked them doesn't make them not cheesy. There's still people complaining about them today, particularly Norman's crappy costume. If you liked the cheese of SM-1, then you should have lapped up the cheese in SM-2. It's all the same brand of cheese executed in different scenarios.

"Deliver us from cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!!" :oldrazz:
Good for you. But just because you liked them doesn't make them not cheesy. There's still people complaining about them today, particularly Norman's crappy costume. If you liked the cheese of SM-1, then you should have lapped up the cheese in SM-2. It's all the same brand of cheese executed in different scenarios.

"Deliver us from cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!!" :oldrazz:

hahaha. although I disagree with you, your still able to make me laugh:woot:

I understand there was cheese in both films, but they had different kinds of cheeses. Spiderman 1 had the tasty american cheese that still remains classic and timeless today. Spiderman 2 had the rotting soft cheese that wears out easily. In other words, see what I'm doing right now? Trying to be funny? Spiderman 2 tried to pull off quirky humor, but it just wasn't funny and that made most scenes that more irrelevant to the plot. With every "cheese" that was in SM1, there was a point to it in which helped the story along.

And, no there not the same brand of cheese. Raimi tried to hard to make us laugh in SM2, when he should have given spiderman the numerous quips he deserved.
hahaha. although I disagree with you, your still able to make me laugh:woot:

I understand there was cheese in both films, but they had different kinds of cheeses. Spiderman 1 had the tasty american cheese that still remains classic and timeless today. Spiderman 2 had the rotting soft cheese that wears out easily. In other words, see what I'm doing right now? Trying to be funny? Spiderman 2 tried to pull off quirky humor, but it just wasn't funny and that made most scenes that more irrelevant to the plot. With every "cheese" that was in SM1, there was a point to it in which helped the story along.

And, no there not the same brand of cheese. Raimi tried to hard to make us laugh in SM2, when he should have given spiderman the numerous quips he deserved.
I thought they were funny...but Spidey should have quipped more, yessir. He did some of that in SM-1, at least.
Don't try to tell me JJJ wasn't hilarious.
With every "cheese" that was in SM1, there was a point to it in which helped the story along.

Oh, really?? Well please explain to me the point of the cheesy stuff above. Because it was about as valid as any cheese that was featured in SM-2.

Go on, give it your best shot.

And, no there not the same brand of cheese.

Yes, they were.

"Aunt May, Aunt May, is that an angel??" :D

Raimi tried to hard to make us laugh in SM2

And for the most part, he succeeded. SM-2 was recently aired on American TV. There was a thread in the SM-3 forum, because there was some SM-3 info being shown after it, and everyone was talking about each scene as it came on. They were all lapping up the cheesy moments.

I'll dig it up and show you if you doubt me.

So I say again, just because you didn't enjoy it as much, doesn't make it any less funny. Or cheesy.

when he should have given spiderman the numerous quips he deserved.

Oh yeah, because he said so many of them in SM-1...............NOT!!!
One thing I never got was whether some characters knew he was Spider-Man or not. Robbie was particularly ambiguous, and Aunt May's speech to Peter about heroes makes more sense if she knows...but they never say.
Does it say in the novelization?

Dark Phantom: They were not the same kinds of cheese.
Doc Ock: Yes they were.

That's almost sig worthy, right there.
One thing I never got was whether some characters knew he was Spider-Man or not. Robbie was particularly ambiguous, and Aunt May's speech to Peter about heroes makes more sense if she knows...but they never say.
Does it say in the novelization?

Aunt May might know, she knows Peter would not run out on her, but he did, just before Spider-Man showed up.

As for Robbie, its alway been that way in the comics, does Robbie no. No one those for sure.
Oh, really?? Well please explain to me the point of the cheesy stuff above. Because it was about as valid as any cheese that was featured in SM-2.

Go on, give it your best shot.

You know, it's useless for me to argue my point because I know somewhere along the line I'll contradict myself. So I'll save myself the trouble and say that it's just my opinion like you said.

"Aunt May, Aunt May, is that an angel??" :D

:dry: ...Aunt May recalled something that Peter said about MJ when he was 9 years never said anything silly when you were 9?

And for the most part, he succeeded. SM-2 was recently aired on American TV. There was a thread in the SM-3 forum, because there was some SM-3 info being shown after it, and everyone was talking about each scene as it came on. They were all lapping up the cheesy moments.

I'll dig it up and show you if you doubt me.

I don't doubt you. It's just that I don't understand how you can love the cheesy moments in SM2 more than you do in SM1. As you said, SM2 had as much valid cheese as SM1. So what makes them so different? :cwink:

Oh yeah, because he said so many of them in SM-1...............NOT!!!

How many were in Spiderman 2? I Think he had at least 3 or 4 valuable quips. How many did Spiderman 1 have? At least 6 or more. Think of lines at the top of your head from both films and it always comes out the same.

Just to add in another thought...If it wasn't for the brilliant Special Effects in Spiderman 2, we wouldn't be having this debate. I felt that SM1 had the suspenseful emotion driving the movie "the heart osbourn!". Where as SM2 was predictable at times and lacked the gritty edge like GG had on Peter's life from SM1.
My response:

I enjoyed The Money Pit

And, you know, this too
You know, it's useless for me to argue my point because I know somewhere along the line I'll contradict myself. So I'll save myself the trouble and say that it's just my opinion like you said.

Sounds good to me :yay:

:dry: ...Aunt May recalled something that Peter said about MJ when he was 9 years never said anything silly when you were 9?

That's not the point. You're explaining the cheese again, like you did with the do gooder citizens. Doesn't matter why it was said, it just came off as cheesy.

I don't doubt you. It's just that I don't understand how you can love the cheesy moments in SM2 more than you do in SM1. As you said, SM2 had as much valid cheese as SM1. So what makes them so different? :cwink:

Whoa, where did I say I like the cheesy stuff in SM-2 more than SM-1?? I like SM-2 more than SM-1, but not because of the cheesy stuff.

How many were in Spiderman 2? I Think he had at least 3 or 4 valuable quips. How many did Spiderman 1 have? At least 6 or more. Think of lines at the top of your head from both films and it always comes out the same.

Six more quips than SM-2?? Please name them, because I can't think of them.

Just to add in another thought...If it wasn't for the brilliant Special Effects in Spiderman 2, we wouldn't be having this debate. I felt that SM1 had the suspenseful emotion driving the movie "the heart osbourn!". Where as SM2 was predictable at times and lacked the gritty edge like GG had on Peter's life from SM1.

Well, that's where I disagree. SM-2 had much more emotion with all that was going wrong for Peter. He was losing MJ, Harry, Aunt May was losing her home, Harry was sinking into madness, Ock was a much more emotional villain etc. The only gritty moment in SM-1, was the final fight between Spidey and Goblin. I liked Dafoe, but I couldn't take him very seriously in that silly plastic Power Rangers costume with his over the top monologues.

SM-1 was more predictable than SM-2, because it was a carbon copy of Peter's origin, Goblin's origin, and Goblin taking Peter's gf to the bridge.

Not saying that's a bad thing, but it was much more predictable. Peter gets his powers. Norman gets his powers. They fight. Norman learns Spidey's identity. Takes his gf to the bridge. Norman dies by his own glider. Harry blames Spidey for his dad's death.

It all happened in the comics. All predictable. SM-2's storyline was more original, and more unpredictable.
spider-man 2 was okay i guess, had more action scenes than the first one, but some of the scenes were just boring lol
Six more quips than SM-2?? Please name them, because I can't think of them.
I think they were (not taking anyone's side, this is just a fun challenge):
It's you who's out, Gobby! Out of his mind!
Well, sure beats taking the Subway (dropping MJ off on the roof)
Telling JJJ that "mommy and daddy need to have a little talk"
Cheese! (taking pictures of himself)
And that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I liked hearing him say "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!" Awesome.

Well, that's where I disagree. SM-2 had much more emotion with all that was going wrong for Peter. He was losing MJ, Harry, Aunt May was losing her home, Harry was sinking into madness, Ock was a much more emotional villain etc. The only gritty moment in SM-1, was the final fight between Spidey and Goblin. I liked Dafoe, but I couldn't take him very seriously in that silly plastic Power Rangers costume with his over the top monologues.
I always liked him throwing Spidey through a wall and dropping a bomb in his face, only to say, "Misery, misery, misery, that's what you've chosen..."
Six more quips than SM-2?? Please name them, because I can't think of them.

"Staying away from you. That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?"


"Well, beats taking the subway. Don't mind her she just needs to use the elevator."

"It's you who's out Gobby. Out of your mind." :whatever:

"Oh great." (referring to the razorbats)

"Settle down tough guy."

"Hey kiddo, Let mom and dad talk for a while will ya?"

"You have a nag for getting in trouble."

"Not coming back, chief."

Some of them might not qualify as quips, but you can see how much Spiderman actually joked in the first film.

Well, that's where I disagree. SM-2 had much more emotion with all that was going wrong for Peter. He was losing MJ, Harry, Aunt May was losing her home, Harry was sinking into madness, Ock was a much more emotional villain etc. The only gritty moment in SM-1, was the final fight between Spidey and Goblin. I liked Dafoe, but I couldn't take him very seriously in that silly plastic Power Rangers costume with his over the top monologues.

SM-1 was more predictable than SM-2, because it was a carbon copy of Peter's origin, Goblin's origin, and Goblin taking Peter's gf to the bridge.

Not saying that's a bad thing, but it was much more predictable. Peter gets his powers. Norman gets his powers. They fight. Norman learns Spidey's identity. Takes his gf to the bridge. Norman dies by his own glider. Harry blames Spidey for his dad's death.

It all happened in the comics. All predictable. SM-2's storyline was more original, and more unpredictable.

Your right, SM1 is quite predictable for those who have background knowledge of Spiderman. Fortunately I wasn't one of them.:woot:

Dark Phantom said:
Some may not understand why i love the first movie with a passion. Let me tell you. I was 10 years old when my mom brought me to see Spider-man in theaters. I thought it would be a cool little movie although i didn't like superheroes that much. Boy, was i wrong! Spiderman astounded me in so many ways :wow: . It was my first exposure to a fantastic comic book movie. From that day I became obsessed with comic books. And look at where it's led me today. Thanks to Spider-man, I'm not one of those jerks making fun of you guys.

So you see this was a fresh experience that had me on the edge of my seat. This why I'm so defensive when it comes to SM1. Don't you remember the first comic book movie you ever saw? There's something about it that can't be replicated. No other comic book movie has been able to replicate that feeling i had when watching Spiderman at age 10. I've grown to love other films over the years and the comics themselves, but Spiderman is a childhood memory that stays close to my heart.
And the big reason Spiderman 2 was predictable to me was because I read the spoilers. It was my own fault because i had high expectations.

Doc Ock, SM2 did have more emotion in terms of dramatic themes, but i thought it could have been executed better in some parts. Still a good film though
"Staying away from you. That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?"

A great one.


I wouldn't really consider this one a quip.

"Well, beats taking the subway. Don't mind her she just needs to use the elevator."

Not funny.

"It's you who's out Gobby. Out of your mind." :whatever:

I share your sentiment, that one was bad.

"Oh great." (referring to the razorbats)

Again, this is hardly a quip.

"Settle down tough guy."

I thought he said "Set him down, tough guy", as Goblin was holding Jonah.

"Hey kiddo, Let mom and dad talk for a while will ya?"

This one was ok.

"You have a nag for getting in trouble."

LOL! It's you have a knack for getting in trouble.

"Not coming back, chief."

That's not a quip.

Ok, point taken. There's a few more jokes made in SM-1. Maybe not great jokes or quips, but they were there.

Your right, SM1 is quite predictable for those who have background knowledge of Spiderman. Fortunately I wasn't one of them.

My point is made. So, SM-2 was even more unpredictable plot wise, because even if you knew the comic books, you still didn't know what would happen, as the story was practically original.

So you see this was a fresh experience that had me on the edge of my seat. This why I'm so defensive when it comes to SM1. Don't you remember the first comic book movie you ever saw? There's something about it that can't be replicated. No other comic book movie has been able to replicate that feeling i had when watching Spiderman at age 10. I've grown to love other films over the years and the comics themselves, but Spiderman is a childhood memory that stays close to my heart.

I'm not knocking SM-1. I think it's a great movie. We were talking about the cheesey stuff here. Raimi crams the cheese in where ever he can in both movies.

I hope he lays off it a bit in SM-3, as it has a very dark tone, and cheese might not fit in alot of places.

And the big reason Spiderman 2 was predictable to me was because I read the spoilers. It was my own fault because i had high expectations.

That doesn't make the movie itself predictable. If you read the spoilers of any movie prior to seeing it, then any movie becomes predictable.

Doc Ock, SM2 did have more emotion in terms of dramatic themes, but i thought it could have been executed better in some parts. Still a good film though

Oh, I agree. There was alot of room for improvement. But that goes for SM-1, too. It goes for most movies, in fact.

Everyone has their preferences. SM-2 was the better movie for me because of Peter's personal torments, his strained relationships with those closest to him, confessing to Aunt May about his role in Ben's death, Harry's descent to the dark side, Harry and MJ learning Peter's secret, Ock being a much more emotional and three dimensional villain, the mind blowing action sequences etc.

Still love SM-1, but SM-2 offered me more.
"Staying away from you. That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?"


"Well, beats taking the subway. Don't mind her she just needs to use the elevator."

"It's you who's out Gobby. Out of your mind." :whatever:

"Oh great." (referring to the razorbats)

"Settle down tough guy."

"Hey kiddo, Let mom and dad talk for a while will ya?"

"You have a nag for getting in trouble."

"Not coming back, chief."

Some of them might not qualify as quips, but you can see how much Spiderman actually joked in the first film.

......Do you know how I know you guys are all gay?

......just kidding:oldrazz:

Seriously, I never really liked those sorry excuses for quips. I thought they were bad but actually reading those lines out loud make them sound like a load of cheesy bs. They lacked comic timing, had no ounce of decent delivery and worse yet, they weren't even witty.
There's a similar thread in the Spidey 1 forum, so I thought I'd ask the same here.

Do you guys still enjoy Spider-Man 2?? I do. I feel SM-2 had better action, better roles for the supporting cast, like Aunt May, Harry, Jonah Jameson etc.

And the villain was cooler, and more 3 dimensional. And the action scenes were truly spectacular.

My only complaint with Spidey 2 is that the action scenes are mostly CG and it makes them look a little fake in my opinion (especially with some of them moving so fast)- one of the reasons I even bring it up as a complaint though is because some of the shots in Spidey 1 were really cool with the action (even if they were slo-mo) and they fit Sam's style [<- for example, love the Spidey 1 fire fight, and same with the bridge and abandoned building as well as the World Unity fight)

So far it looks like 3 will have both types of action shots (slo-mo and faster CG), so I'm psyched about that
The storyline was excellent, but I still say: Norman Osborn>Otto Octavius

I loved the first movie and I found Spidey 2 to be a major improvement. Doc Ock was a much better villain than GG,there was more story and more reason to care for these characters,the special effects were better and some of the action scenes were awesome. I'm still blown away by the train fight,even after seeing the movie like,120 times. I also LOVED the sountrack. Train's song "Ordinary" is probably my all time favorite song because it fits Spider-man so well. For me,Spider-man 2 is the greatest comic book movie EVER made.Loved it!:woot:
let's put it this way, maybe I overdid watching spider-man, but It's not as easy to sit through it as it is for Spider-Man 2, and that train scene gets me EACH TIME.

but even with that, the high that I had watching the trailer for Spider-Man and after seeing the movie for the first time, was MORE than the one I had after Sm2 trailer and movie.

I hope it returns in Sm3.
Nothing will beat seeing the trailer for sm1 for the very 1st time, nothing.
In response to the lack off quips in 2, I think one of the major reasons Spidey had less quips than in 1 was the fact that he was actually going through a tougher time in his life (money problems, not being able to express his love, bad grades, Uncle Ben's death still on his conscience, ect.) so him constantly cracking crappy jokes would cut down from the tone of the movie. Also, during most of his action scenes the situations were serious, so quips by Spidey would spoil the mood.

I'm not saying that they couldn't throw in a few more quips here and there, its just that there weren't as many chances to fit them in.

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