Superman Returns Superman featured in Magazines


Apr 30, 2003
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New articles on Superman Returns are in Lo Magazine and french magazine Cine Live. I'm not sure if the french one has anything new in it. Does anybody know? Below are pics of the covers and samples of the articles.

From CINE LIVE's official site:

Les super-héros, Bryan Singer, c’est son dada. Après avoir lancé une très rentable (et intelligente) franchise avec les X-Men, le réalisateur canadien s’attaque aujourd’hui à Superman, icône en bleu et rouge qui lança quasiment le genre du film de super-héros. Question : sa combi lui colle toujours autant à la peau ? Réponse dans Ciné Live… dans lequel on poussera également un grand Cocorico ! Car pour la première fois, un cinéaste français adapte en exclusivité un thriller made in USA à succès. Pour son deuxième film, Guillaume Canet s’attaque au roman triomphal d’Harlan Coben “Ne le dis à personne”. Mais à sa manière et selon ses propres ambitions. La rencontre est d’ores et déjà prometteuse...


Download PDF File with article:

Wizard magazine are getting their fair share of Superman Returns pics and scoops, so be on the look on fans. (These bits were originally spotted by epc11223 and D. SuperHarman at the BTN forums)

New pics of Superman, Lex and 'the kid with no name'(Lois's son):


December issue news (courtesy of D. SuperHarman at BTN)
Just got the latest Wizard and at the very back where they preview the next issue, they also preview the issue after that in the bottom right hand corner and it says it will feature:

Brandon Routh Q&A
Exclusive Photo Cover

This issue is scheduled to arrive in stores December 28th I believe, so it is a while off yet, but something to get excited about all the same.

The new issue of Starburst has got a pic of Superman. Does anyone know if they've got anything new in it?


Issue #330 • ships from Oct 20 2005
News-stand Price • UK £3.99 / US $7.99

Theres also something about Superman Returns in Premiere Magazine (see: bottom left corner). Does anyone have a copy of this new issue?

From the little I understood, there's nothing new. It's the usual Brian Singer will bring to the big screen the superheroes' most recognized icon Superman. The former director of the X-Men franchise. . . etc.
Wizard Magazine are getting their fair share of Superman Returns pics and scoops, so be on the look out fans.
(These bits were originally posted and spotted by epc11223 and D. SuperHarman at the BTN forums)

New pics of Superman, Lex and 'the kid with no name'(Lois's son) in tommorows issue!



December issue news (courtesy of D. SuperHarman at BTN) :up:
Just got the latest Wizard and at the very back where they preview the next issue, they also preview the issue after that in the bottom right hand corner and it says it will feature:

Brandon Routh Q&A
Exclusive Photo Cover

This issue is scheduled to arrive in stores December 28th I believe, so it is a while off yet, but something to get excited about all the same.

Thanks to epc11223 and D. SuperHarman at the BTN forums for the lead :)
New Pics?????????????

IN DECEMBER?????? F...K wb

We'll see about that...........
why december? than we will alredy have the trailer. yes like i said. ... THE TRAILER
dark_b said:
why december? than we will alredy have the trailer. yes like i said. ... THE TRAILER

Nope, just The Teaser.
I wouldn't expect a Trailer so soon...
Here's a translation in case you guys want one;

To superheros, Bryan Singer is a dad. After launching a very remarkable (and intelligent) franchise with the X-Men, the canadian director moves on today to tackle Superman, the icon in blue and red who basically launched the genre of superheros on film.

Question : his costume, does it always stick so tight to his skin? The answer in Ciné Live..."

The rest is about other movies (mostly french).

Thanks Retro for once again a good find!
Just so everyone knows....Wizard 172 is going to be dedicated to Superman Returns. So We should get some new pics and obviously the trailer will have come out by then I bet.
No new photos in this months wizard though. Just an overview of what we already know.
Since when was Bryan Singer from Canada? That one has me scratching my head. And that Wizard cover look cool, expect Cap. look weird like someone else mention.
Nightwing1977 said:
Since when was Bryan Singer from Canada? That one has me scratching my head. And that Wizard cover look cool, expect Cap. look weird like someone else mention.
He's not. :o

I wonder who won! Wolverine or Captain America???
Retroman said:
Wizard Magazine are getting their fair share of Superman Returns pics and scoops, so be on the look out fans.
(These bits were originally posted and spotted by epc11223 and D. SuperHarman at the BTN forums)

New pics of Superman, Lex and 'the kid with no name'(Lois's son) in tommorows issue!



December issue news (courtesy of D. SuperHarman at BTN) :up:

Thanks to epc11223 and D. SuperHarman at the BTN forums for the lead :)

The son's name is JASON.

Enigma2k said:
The son's name is JASON.


Sorry...Maybe something obviously went over my head..(and this isnt meant to be a negative comment) but......So?
Theres something about Superman Returns in Premiere Magazine (see: bottom left corner). Does anyone have a copy of this new issue? :)

Wizard loves Wolverine. In their book, he always come out on top.
today i bought the magazine TOTAL FILM
on the cover a new pic of routh and bosworth in the style of lois and clark
inside 1 new pic ( i think ) of lois and the kid , the others we already seen on the net :up:
explode7 said:

I wonder who won! Wolverine or Captain America???

well, Cap has a very little disadvantage. he doesn't have FRIGGIN' NECK!!! :down
Maybe that a girl. After all, girls tend to have tattoo on their lower back more than guys. Nowdays I tend to look at lower back tattoo as girls thing. Don't ask me why. :p

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