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Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Everyone! Here's a simple survey that will line you up with the Presidential Candidate you have the most in common with. I ended up with my top two of 95% Ron Paul and 95% Gary Johnson with like 76% with Romney (lol wut?) only 9% with Obama (This one surprised me more than the Romney which was still a shocker.) Post your results. Also, some of the sections are expandable so don't forget to look at like Foreign Issues and answer the extra questions.

My results = I side 95% with Ron Paul

Get your results @ iSideWith.com
91% Gary Johnson
after than Mitt Romney, then Ron Paul

On these three I agreed with them on all things, except with Mitt Romney I did not agree on Social issues....

I sided with Ron Paul and Gary Johnson on all areas except domestic issues....
A new poster shared this with us, and I thought it would be fun for people to see where they stand.

You don't necessarily have to share, but just a fun thing to do, and hopefully share with us your find.

Get your results @ iSideWith.com

If your answer is not a yes or no answer, then be sure and pick the third choice which gives you some good choices, and then be sure and move the spectrum to show how important that issue is for you....
Quick question, how do they decide what Romney's political positions are?
Quick question, how do they decide what Romney's political positions are?

For the most part looks like the National Republican Party Rhetoric

Thing I don't get is it says that I agree most with Romney when it comes to Science issues. lol

The poll also has a few questions that go beyond a checkbox(for instance: )

Should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of other countries?
Mitt Romney: Only if there is a direct threat to our national security
Your similar answer: Only in matters of national security, human rights violations, or specifically asked by the international community

What I would consider a "direct" threat to national security and the Republicans consider national security are 2 different things(ie Iran is not a direct threat). Same deal with Global warming, there was no answer saying "Uncommitted to either side, but we should have an honest debate about it". I also wish there was an answer that said I am skeptical of both Evolution and Creationism(although I completely disbelieve the later, I think the first one is up for debate when it comes up to specifics of the theory)
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Getting a blank page. Fitting, considering my political views.
81% Barack Obama
68% Jill Stein
60% Stewart Alexander
9% Ron Paul
5% Mitt Romney

81% Democratic
68% Green
30% Libertarian
5% Republican

:ff: :ff: :ff:
For the most part looks like the National Republican Party Rhetoric

Thing I don't get is it says that I agree most with Romney when it comes to Science issues. lol

Kind of makes the results pointless, doesn't it?

He keeps changing his positions.
Jill who?

Green Party, basically a far left party that would probably be better classified as "socialist"(but even then I don't think they would be socialist enough to hold a candle in Euro style socialism, but don't let that get in the way of the Republicans calling Obama the most socialist President ever)
Gary Johnson

on domestic policy, foreign policy, economic, immigration, and healthcare issues. more info

Ron Paul

on domestic policy, foreign policy, environmental, economic, and healthcare issues. more info

Barack Obama

on social, environmental, science, and immigration issues. more info

Jill Stein

on social, environmental, science, and immigration issues. more info

Jimmy McMillan

on domestic policy and foreign policy issues. more info

Mitt Romney

on environmental, healthcare, and economic issues. more info

Virgil Goode

on domestic policy and healthcare issues. more info

Stewart Alexander

Surprising but I still plan on voting for Obama.
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I've done this before. Long ago. But here is my recent try just now.

Gary Johnson 93%
Ron Paul 92%
The rest don't matter lolololol.

Libertarian 93%
Green 63%
59% Republican
56% Democrat
If only they let Jimmy McMillan take part in the debates...

Actually make them worth watching.
If only they let Jimmy McMillan take part in the debates...

I have him at 53%

I am surprised the Constitution Candidate(Virgil Goode at 21%) rates so low, I always thought they were like the Christian Libertarian Party(Paul and Johnson are both high on my list). I guess they are like a more Radical Republican party more then Libertarians(ETA: just looking at his stances on issues while I find his stances on Foreign policy and Immigration a tad extreme, I don't 100% disagree with them. Probably closer to my liking then what we currently have but both of those were hard to pick since while I do think the US puts way to much cash into foreign policy(ie sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong only to benefit big business) and should tone it down a bit, I don't think we should become complete isolationists which there wasn't really any options for that). All that being said they truly suck on Jesus issues like abortion, gay marriage and pot(even worse then Romney)
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I do wonder how some of those issues get to be on the same side.

It's political framing, I suppose. Abortion wasn't a partisan issue until the mid-20th century, with second-wave feminism in the 1960's. The first environmentalists were Republicans. Though that was before the radical political party restructuring of the 20th century.

Of course, some of it is unfair stereotyping. For example, most Democrats are Christian. The numbers are actually comparable to Republicans. And not all Republicans are very religious.
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Of course, some of it is unfair stereotyping. For example, most Democrats are Christian. The numbers are actually comparable to Republicans. And not all Republicans are very religious.

Well the Republicans sure do pander to the extreme religious christians(although I do know a large part of people that do vote for them probably care less about the issues either way)

My personal stance on the issues.

Abortion - I shouldn't decide for somebody else although I think it's wrong, I am pro government trying to help/fund people to prevent pregnancy

Gay Marriage - once again not my business although I don't see anything wrong with it

These 2 issues though for me have minimal effect on me voting. If I like a candidate for other issue these won't sway me. All that being said I call BS if anybody claims they want "Big Government out of their business" yet are against both. Both of these issues are the pure definition of Government invading peoples business. I guess you can argue if somebody is against these it does sort of give me a negative opinion so it does have minor effect. Seeing the Republicans go Abortion Bill crazy all over the US doesn't really endure me to their style of politics(think of all those lost Abortion doctor jobs in this terrible economy. lol)

Legalizing Drugs - this one for me is a game changer, Romney comes out tomorrow and says he will try legalize drugs, he would get my vote no matter how crappy I think the Republican Foreign Policy issue is(generally my main voting issue despite the fact it's a case of less of 2 evils)

Once again I find this falls under the big government invading your private life side. Anybody who says that should be pro legalizing weed. I also believe the I hate Regulation crowd should be on this issue as well(although I guess technically it's criminalization at the federal level).

All I know is during the Republican debates I just wanted to see a moderator call Bachmann out on her "get big government out of my business" BS, at least some of the other candidates had a clue that some of their issues might cross the "big government invading peoples business" line and would only say they want it out of certain issues
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I'm definitely not the average Arkansas voter. I had no idea I was such a bleeding heart libruhl tree hugger environmentalist wacko, as the talk radio pundits would label me.

87% Obama
75% Stein (I think that was mostly environmental stuff)
58% Alexander
46% Romney
30% Paul
Damn H_H, you and I are almost exactly alike.....

I have no idea who Jill and Stewart are.
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