In the burton series of batman, the connection between all the films is rather minor...other than having the same character returning to the film. What happens in the previous film has very little impact in the next film.
In the dark knight, it is the first batman sequel that really explore the consequences of the previous film. What happens in BB result in what has happened in the next film.
For example, the amount of crazies working for the joker, the need for batman in gotham, why he can't take off his mask, why bruce wayne isn't living in his mansion and etc.
So, do you think that TDK requires you to watch BB first to really enjoy this film?
In the dark knight, it is the first batman sequel that really explore the consequences of the previous film. What happens in BB result in what has happened in the next film.
For example, the amount of crazies working for the joker, the need for batman in gotham, why he can't take off his mask, why bruce wayne isn't living in his mansion and etc.
So, do you think that TDK requires you to watch BB first to really enjoy this film?