Teenage fellas...you might want to read this


Apr 13, 2002
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Study: At Least 1 In 4 Teen Girls Has An STD

By Lindsey Tanner, AP Medical Writer

CHICAGO (AP) ― At least one in four teenage girls nationwide has a sexually transmitted disease, or more than 3 million teens, according to the first study of its kind in this age group.

A virus that causes cervical cancer is by far the most common sexually transmitted infection in teen girls aged 14 to 19, while the highest overall prevalence is among black girls -- nearly half the blacks studied had at least one STD. That rate compared with 20 percent among both whites and Mexican-American teens, the study from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.

Among girls who admitted ever having sex, the rate was 40 percent.

While some teens define sex as only intercourse, other types of intimate behavior including oral sex can spread some infections.

For many, the numbers likely seem "overwhelming because you're talking about nearly half of the sexually experienced teens at any one time having evidence of an STD," said Dr. Margaret Blythe, an adolescent medicine specialist at Indiana University School of Medicine and head of the American Academy of Pediatrics committee on adolescence.

But the study highlights what many doctors who treat teens see every day, Blythe said.

Dr. John Douglas, director of the CDC's division of STD prevention, said the results are the first to examine the combined national prevalence of common sexually transmitted diseases among adolescent girls. He said they likely reflect current prevalence rates.

"High STD rates among young women, particularly African-American young women, are clear signs that we must continue developing ways to reach those most at risk," Douglas said.

The CDC's Dr. Kevin Fenton said given that STDs can cause infertility and cervical cancer in women, "screening, vaccination and other prevention strategies for sexually active women are among our highest public health priorities."

The study by CDC researcher Dr. Sara Forhan is an analysis of nationally representative data on 838 girls who participated in a 2003-04 government health survey.

The results were prepared for release Tuesday at a CDC conference in Chicago on preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

Four common diseases were examined -- human papillomavirus, or HPV, which can cause cervical cancer and affected 18 percent of girls studied; chlamydia, which affected 4 percent; trichomoniasis, 2.5 percent; and herpes simplex virus, 2 percent.

Blythe said the results are similar to previous studies examining rates of those diseases individually.

HPV can cause genital warts but often has no symptoms. A vaccine targeting several HPV strains recently became available. Douglas said it likely has not yet had much impact on HPV prevalence rates in teen girls.

Chlamydia and trichomoniasis can be treated with antibiotics. The CDC recommends annual chlamydia screening for all sexually active women under age 25. It also recommends the three-dose HPV vaccine for girls aged 11-12 years, and catch-up shots for females aged 13 to 26.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has similar recommendations.

Douglas said screening tests are underused in part because many teens don't think they're at risk, but also, some doctors mistakenly think, '"Sexually transmitted diseases don't happen to the kinds of patients I see."'

Blythe said some doctors also are reluctant to discuss STDs with teen patients or offer screening because of confidentiality concerns, knowing parents would have to be told of the results.

The American Academy of Pediatrics supports confidential teen screening, she said.

Quit having sex kids...you're all babies. Yuck...just play the Wii or something.
Oh, we knew that **** from day one. That's common knowledge, brah.

I was listening to this morning show today and they were talking to this 16 year old who said she went on spring break last year, got straight ****ed on vodka and slept with 17 guys in one night, according to her friends who informed her after she blacked out.
Should be re-titled: "Teenage fellas and skeezy dirtbags..."
I was listening to this morning show today and they were talking to this 16 year old who said she went on spring break last year, got straight ****ed on vodka and slept with 17 guys in one night, according to her friends who informed her after she blacked out.

"Hey girl, you blacked out and 17 dudes had LOTS of fun...can I borrow your shoes?"
I'm proud to say I'm not a statistic. I do not have any STDs :woot:

(well I have AIDS, but its not an STD. Its my fish's name.)
Where was I during these Spring Breaks? Damn 90s were no fun.

Can you spot the STD before it's too late?
^The chubby one always is the first to get the clap.
Just always wear a bag...
It's a trick question they all have one....:rolleyes:
The good thing is that the #1 STD of those girls tested was HPV, and that doesn't do anything to males.
2nd one, she looks uncomfortable...and has a strange nose...

The 4th one wearing the purple dress. Ugh.

I think its the third one, she's hiding her body and trying to emphasize her giant mouth.

Though the second one does look like she doesn't want to be touched, and the fourth looks like a ****e so she's a good candidate.

Its probably the last one you'd guess, which leaves Pippi Nippletitays in the front there. :up:

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