
wow, that movie looks sick... def. going to put an ice pack on my balls now
Holy tornado! Somebody was definitely high on NyQuil when they brainstormed that plot. I have a feeling this will have a squeamish crowd.
Scary...to say the least
The Devil's Movie!!!!! It's the Devil's movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can tell, I'm a guy. SHIVERS
Yeah, this movie looks freaky as hell. The guy who plays Matt on Nip/Tuck is in this movie, which I find kind of funny because if you watch that show, you know that his character has certainly had his share of nightmare girlfriends... well, it look like none of them hold a candle to this one!:woot:






Can you guys believe this movie was actually MADE? Seriously...
You do realize we already have 2 other threads on this movie, right?
My ex used to bite me hard..

I might see this.
Use the f-ing search tool. Is it hard to look?
I saw a new pic in Fangoria magazine,One of a Guys hand all cut up and he is crying,caption says "Theres some places where you shouldn't stick your hands"
This looks stupid.
Use the f-ing search tool. Is it hard to look?
Simmer down there not that big of a deal is it???

Anywho, I don't know what to make of this movie. Its kindof in the line of slither imo.. It might be a renter movie,might,but /shrug Ive seen worse movies...
Simmer down there not that big of a deal is it???

Anywho, I don't know what to make of this movie. Its kindof in the line of slither imo.. It might be a renter movie,might,but /shrug Ive seen worse movies...
It's a big deal when nobody takes the time to look. There have been I would say about 10 threads started over this same movie over the past few months. So what if every film had 10 threads in here? Would it be a big deal then? I'm not attacking you, just lazy people:o It's sadly like this in every thread though:csad:

And he's a forum veteran too...just as bad as n00bs sometimes...
hahahahahaha! this has to be some kind of dark comedy. i'm gonna take my boyfriend to see this one.

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