Terminator: Genisys

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I grew up to be a psychotic killer. SHUSH! Don't tell anyone.:halo:
I totally forgot about arnold cutting into his on arm and ripping the flesh off of it. That's another scene that guarantees the R rating. The rating description mentions strong violence too. Terminator 2 would definitely be Rated R today. TDK trilogy got away with things due to great cutaways. You dont actually see the pencil in the guy's eye for example. This reminds me of when someone said Die Hard would be pg-13 today. No it wouldn't. Todays stuff is childs play to me compared to growing up.
I saw Terminator, Alien, Robocop, and Die Hard when I was really young. And somehow I didn't grow up to be a violent criminal...
Same here. All these and more like the Friday the 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, Predator movies, etc. I have no violent tendencies outside of video games. I've never gone homocidal.
I totally forgot about arnold cutting into his on arm and ripping the flesh off of it. That's another scene that guarantees the R rating. The rating description mentions strong violence too. Terminator 2 would definitely be Rated R today. TDK trilogy got away with things due to great cutaways. You dont actually see the pencil in the guy's eye for example. This reminds me of when someone said Die Hard would be pg-13 today. No it wouldn't. Todays stuff is childs play to me compared to growing up.

Die Hard would be rated-R simply because of all the swearing, oh and the bloody mess that Bruce Willis's feet become after stepping on all of that broken glass (even today those scenes make me squirm/cringe).
... and let's not forget the blood squibs during shootouts, the bloody kneecaps, etc.

FINALLY, I'm reading some smart stuff about PG-13/R on these forums. I thought I'd have to surrender to endless 'PG-13 is today's R in action movies, anyway, unless you want torture porn, bla bla bla.'

There IS hope! I'm not alone!
PG-13 is only allowed one F-bomb. Die Hard has...slightly more than one.
Just yesterday I found an old picture of me and my sister wearing "Cobra" sweaters (The stallone movie). I was 9 and my sister was 7. I had seen the movie and also Terminator, Rambo, Robocop, Universal Soldier, Rocky 4 etc. in a way they were marketing to kids aswell with all the toys and animation. I'm pretty sure my mother let me watch Jaws and Alien, it are her favourites.
And lt'snot forget all the 80's B fighting movies starring van Damme, Dudikoff, Wincot etc.

I should have become a serial killer...
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"That sounds like the key to the premise of Terminator: Genisys, which sees young Sarah Connor, older John Connor and Kyle Reese all showing up. Is the premise here that the Terminator overshot his arrival time in the past and somehow created a new timestream? If that's the case Cameron's quote makes it sound like this is going to be yet another goddamned good guy Terminator movie, which I can't stand. I want to see the T-800 killiing fools, like in the very superior The Terminator, not learning to ****ing cry, like in T2"

Echoes my thoughts exactly. There's no way they could make the teminator evil again, especially in a way that is justified and with the fairy liquid ***** keeping everything borderline these days. (PG 13 crowd) it really does irk me what has happened to the terminator franchise, yea i could be classed as pessimistic about this film but i just can't see how the pieces are going to fit into the puzzle regarding this film. Everyone watching this film will be mind****ed just like arnold was when he went to recall.
The Social Network got two and I've never found out how they were able to get away with that.

There are a few other movies that have gotten away with two. I can't remember the film off the top of my head but a recent one where they said it twice in like one scene.

The "1 f-word rule" isn't really a hard rule and depending on the context they probably can allow 2 or so.

The MPAA is much more concerned with sex and nudity than language or violence, which is silly because you used to get a fair share of nudity in past pg-13 films but really nothing now almost. While the level of violence depicted has actually increased.
When was the last time Arnold played a villain?


Yeah, the T1000 didn't have any restrictions on who he could kill in persuit of John Connor. But most of the movie focused on the actions of the T800, John, and Sara Connor. I'm not saying T2 was non violent. I'm just saying that it was LESS violent than it COULD have been.

Maybe if there were a rating in between PG-13 and R, T2 would land there. As it is, I would put it on the lower end of an R rating. A soft R rating, rather than a hard R bordering on NC-17.

T2 exeeds pg-13 ever since Terminator got his naked chest burned by that cigar.
Disappointing but not surprising.



The last nail in the coffin. :csad:
Skynet probably makes some sort of hybrid sperm or egg thing and manages to inject it into Sarah Connor or Kyle Reese thus making John Connor a new form of organic Terminator/Skynet operative from the beginning thus finally "winning" the war.

Probably something super frustrating and convoluted like that. If I end up being right, then make sure to quote me. :cool: :up:
No surprise there. Not that there were any spoilers. Calling the movie "bad" and "nonsensical" is also the furthest from surprising.

Skynet probably makes some sort of hybrid sperm or egg thing and manages to inject it into Sarah Connor or Kyle Reese thus making John Connor a new form of organic Terminator/Skynet operative from the beginning thus finally "winning" the war.

Probably something super frustrating and convoluted like that. If I end up being right, then make sure to quote me. :cool: :up:
I had a similar thought that whatever the new Terminator was, would not be metallic in any way but some kind of superhuman clone or genetic monstrosity which is so far from what Skynet has done (even the T4 hybrid was an extension of the existing machinery) that it would feel out of nowhere.
Skynet probably makes some sort of hybrid sperm or egg thing and manages to inject it into Sarah Connor or Kyle Reese thus making John Connor a new form of organic Terminator/Skynet operative from the beginning thus finally "winning" the war.

Only on an internet forum could that sentence make any sense.
The sad part is that may very well be the "twist" for this movie. This franchise seriously needs to end on a more permanent basis already. It's clear there will never be a definitive quality ending in my lifetime.
There may be, if James Cameron decides to do something after he finishes his Avatar series off.
We pretty much got the definitive ending with T2. Everything else that has come since has been big budget fan-fiction.
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