The 7 Least-Faithful Comic Book Movies

Captain America and the 89' Punisher should be on that list
I don't think Hulk belongs on that list.

But Catwoman is strangely absent from that list. Is a superpowered Patience Phillips and a story about a killer face-cream anything to do with the source material?
But Catwoman is strangely absent from that list. Is a superpowered Patience Phillips and a story about a killer face-cream anything to do with the source material?
no i don't think so
that list is complete bogus...

it's just another breeding ground for people to rant...

there have been far less accurate portrayals of characters out there...
that list is complete bogus...

it's just another breeding ground for people to rant...

there have been far less accurate portrayals of characters out there...

Exactly. As X-Maniac pointed out, Catwoman for one. The Blade movies are also considerably diferent from the source material. Even the third movie, which introduces Dracula and the Nightstalkers, reinvents them as a wrestler/Buffy-esque monster, and some smart ass kids, respectively. Really, not what was in the Tomb of Dracula comics.
Surprised Superman Returns didn't make the list. :o
I want them to come out with a howard the duck film that's more like the comic I think it would be awesome.
No surprise at number 1. lol But this list could've been easily longer than a top 7.
This isn't a list of unfaithful comic book movies, this is a list of movies that guy doesn't like.

There are far more inaccurate films out there he could've listed. And Batman and Robin was not unfaithful, it managed to capture the spirit of the terribly campy 1950's comics just perfectly.
This list suck. Hulk by and large, was not that unfaithful, just anti-climatic. It was still about a scientist tortured by an abusive childhood who accidentally turns himself into an incredible you.

You want unfaithful. Try Blade, which reinvents the character from the ground up, changing his powers, appearance and supporting cast. Or X2 and X-Men which resembled the comic only after Grant Morrison started overhauling it post-movie. Of course the glaring omission here is Catwoman
Well there's 90 seconds of my life I'll never get back.
Because it's one of the least faithful comic book movies? :huh:
How? I know things were changed but they weren't that drastic.
Yes. They were very.. very drastic changes. They were great films, but they were far from faithful .
How can you not see it. :huh:
Fine, I can see changes, but I don't see how it is completely unfaithful. The basic story and theme is the same. It's not like they changed it into a comedy like 'The Mask'.
Charcters persinalities and origins where changes, as well as their appearances. Even certain important plot elements were left out/altered.

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