Hey all haven't been around for awhile, been super busy workin' on projects of my own as well as freelance . . . . I'll be keepin' all my stuff on this first page so people wont hafta scroll through endless pages to find new stuff. Peace!
Lil Boba's pappy always told him not to mess with nature, and that some day nature would pay him back for bein' mean to the baby Sarlacc . . . well we all know how that turned out . . . heehee!
As you MAY or MAY not know, I am indeed a HUGE Star Wars fan and one of my favorite characters is definitely Darth Maul, I had a blast workin' on this lil bad ass . . . even at an early age they new he was gonna be trouble!!! hee!
Stormtroopers were known throughout the galaxy as great marksmen . . . . with dreams of being part of an elite squad some day little TX-421 would run around with his pal Dewey, and would practice shooting at anything that moved with his trusty squirt blaster.
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Well I have a friend Drew who is a friend of Ron Lim, and one day when I was browsin' through his collection of art, I noticed this very ruff sketch by Mr. Lim and decided "I'm gonna ink that and make it look HOT! There wasn't alot of detail (as you can see) so I added my own stuff, then I decided to color it up and well this is the result!

Lil Boba's pappy always told him not to mess with nature, and that some day nature would pay him back for bein' mean to the baby Sarlacc . . . well we all know how that turned out . . . heehee!

As you MAY or MAY not know, I am indeed a HUGE Star Wars fan and one of my favorite characters is definitely Darth Maul, I had a blast workin' on this lil bad ass . . . even at an early age they new he was gonna be trouble!!! hee!

Stormtroopers were known throughout the galaxy as great marksmen . . . . with dreams of being part of an elite squad some day little TX-421 would run around with his pal Dewey, and would practice shooting at anything that moved with his trusty squirt blaster.
Medium: Photoshop CS3

Well I have a friend Drew who is a friend of Ron Lim, and one day when I was browsin' through his collection of art, I noticed this very ruff sketch by Mr. Lim and decided "I'm gonna ink that and make it look HOT! There wasn't alot of detail (as you can see) so I added my own stuff, then I decided to color it up and well this is the result!

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