Age of Ultron The Avengers VS Age of Ultron


Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
The title says it all. Let's settle this here. Which of Joss Whedon's Avengers movies is superior?


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I need to see AoU a few more times before I vote. This is going to be difficult, because the one thing for A1 is that it's a cultural phenomenon that's held up over time. That's difficult to say how people will view AoU in a few years.
Age of Ultron definately!
Age of Ultron, and I don't feel like it is even close.
I need to see AoU a few more times before I vote. This is going to be difficult, because the one thing for A1 is that it's a cultural phenomenon that's held up over time. That's difficult to say how people will view AoU in a few years.
Over time? It has been 3 years. :woot:
Age of Ultron, and I don't feel like it is even close.

I feel you, and I believe for the same reasons as you.

But I'm way too emotionally attached to TA to vote against it, so I voted tie.
The Avengers. Absolutely no contest. I remember walking out of the theater that day and being unbelievably blow away. Age of Ultron just felt like another blockbuster, good but hardly noteworthy.
I saw The Avengers back to back on two days on opening weekend. I have no intention to do so with Ultron. The first Avengers is a much more exhilarating film.
That's the prevailing sentiment it seems, that TA was just an unforgettably fun experience. I personally think that TA has emotions and nostalgia in its favor, but as a movie AoU is just much stronger. Based on the things people say, it definitely seems like novelty is a bigger factor than people admit. So it was always going to be near impossible for AoU to top TA in people's minds.

Especially when Whedon put story above "wow" moments. He could have easily stuffed a bunch of epic moments in the finale like he did in TA, but I feel like he put the integrity of the story and what he was trying to say above the thrill factor.

The rumor of him cutting out a still-unknown Hulk moment that supposedly would have been the most epic moment yet in the MCU and more thrilling than anything in TA for the sake of the integrity of the story is proof of that, I think. He didn't elect to build the finale around thrilling moments this time.
Which I think was a big mistake on his part. The plot just didn't grip me as much as it needed too.

I'd also disagree about the movie being much stronger.
TA was tied into the other MCU films a helluva lot tighter, so the payoff was much bigger. The cosmic cube & Loki were the centralized theme's of every movie in phase 1. Phase 2 movies were just a "sneak peak" into what our favorite little Avengers were doing at that moment, Post-NYC. Then they all come together to battle a villain created during the movie. I love both movies, but TA is better than AoU, IMO.
The first film is still great, but Age of Ultron just tapped into so much more potential.

The cosmic cube & Loki were the centralized theme's of every movie in phase 1.

Not at all. Leading up to The Avengers, the Iron Man films and The Incredible Hulk had nothing to do with the cube or Loki (who was only in Thor anyway).
The first film is still great, but Age of Ultron just tapped into so much more potential.

Not at all. Leading up to The Avengers, the Iron Man films and The Incredible Hulk had nothing to do with the cube or Loki (who was only in Thor anyway).

The cube is where Stark's tech comes from, but I see what you're saying. TIH is kind of out there on it's own island.
They're sooo different that its hard for me to choose. Even though AoU didn't give me the same feels as the first one, I think i liked it better by just a hair.
Age If Ultron easily! The first Avengers is good, but AoU was absolutely fantastic!
Age of Ultron. It expanded upon what made the first work. I think The Avengers is highly overrated. I still love it, but Age of Ultron tapped into exactly what I wanted out of the first Avengers.
I never enjoyed the first Avengers. Far too much humor, so much so that it undermined the drama, and the plot was threadbare. There wasn't very much balance in how the characters were treated (felt like Iron Man & Friends) and Loki was turned into a caricature and a joke. Another gripe I had with it was that it felt like a TV movie. The sets were small and self-contained, the CGI was crap and the final battle was very underwhelming.

To me, Age of Ultron improved on all of those points. Maybe I've just gotten used to the comedy, but it didn't bother me so much this time. There was a lot more going on in the story and I actually cared about the characters for a change (aside from Natasha & Bruce). Ultron was a great villain, maybe the MCU's best (aside from Loki in the first Thor). Even with the number of characters this film had, to me short-changed was Thor (and even there, he still has another solo film to expand with); I really grew to like the new additions. This film was considerably larger in scope, and the sets & locations helped in emphasizing that. Whedon's skill-craft has clearly grown since the first film. The CGI was still wonky at times (the opening, Ultron and his horde in the final battle), but it was tolerable this time. It didn't have any outright bad shots like Tony & Pepper in Stark Tower at the end of the first film.

So for someone who hasn't liked the way the MCU has moving in the last few years, and went into this film expecting to dislike it, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Easily my third favorite MCU film, maybe even my second (Iron Man 1 is still the best for me).
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I went with them being tied. I think the first one is a better made film, but the additions (especially Vision) helped AoU score enough points to get a tie.
Wasn't a big fan of Avengers 1, i actualy disagree with the notion that it wasn't forgetable, and as a blockbuster, i didn't feel like it had all that many thrills. That said, it was a well put film and most likely better as a whole than Age of Ultron, as it had less problems.
I liked AoU more in every aspect.
Better action. Better cinematography. Better plot. Every character got chances to shine. Great new additions to the team.

I think nostalgia for the first film is playing against this one for a lot of people. But while I value A1 for what it represented, i think it simply doesn't hold water against Age of Ultron.

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