
Feb 2, 2006
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I'd like to know if I can find Lee and Janet Scott Batchler's script draft of BATMAN FOREVER (a.k.a. BATMAN 3) anywhere.

Has anybody read the script or knows what the differences btw this and Akiva Goldsman's draft are?
fabman said:
Has anybody read the script or knows what the differences btw this and Akiva Goldsman's draft are?

Basically, the original version pre-Goldsman is more of a direct sequel to the Burton films and heavily explores Bruce's psyche. Goldsman added one-liners and such.
Have you read the script by the Batchlers... do you have it?
fabman said:
Have you read the script by the Batchlers... do you have it?

I've just done a quick Google search but all the scripts online appear to be the final version.
yeah, in fact... i can only find akiva goldsman's draft... strange...
fabman said:
yeah, in fact... i can only find akiva goldsman's draft... strange...

His draft is the final draft. The Batchelors wrote he bulk of it and he just added some extras.
i read it a while ago; its the same as the film with less dialogue; literally nothing new.
anyway, i'd like to read it... if you have, could you post a link or something?
If you really want to see how good Forever could have been, check out the Peter David novelisation. David richens and develops the story, and had it been the same in the movie then Forever would be the best Batman movie.
i've read akiva goldsmans' draft which is a bit different from the movie but still a bit... you know? on the batman forever special edition dvd they talk about the riddler having a rat in the batchler's screenplay... of course i don't want to read it because of THAT but it would be so interesting reading their draft. the changes, the characters, etc. so if someone knows where i can find it i would really appreciate... i've head a good read with sam hamm's 'batman 2' even if i think the final product is waay better i think it's an interesting read so i'd like to read this one, too...
Kevin Roegele said:
If you really want to see how good Forever could have been, check out the Peter David novelisation. David richens and develops the story, and had it been the same in the movie then Forever would be the best Batman movie.

Oh really sounds good. Whats it like?
House_of_El said:
Oh really sounds good. Whats it like?

First and foremost, it begins with young Bruce falling into the batcave, and the giant bat approaching him and them enveloping him in his wings - really creepy, like something from Coppola's Dracula. You can see the Warner Bros board members with a big marker pen crossing that out straight away.

Towards the start Batman meets Harvey Dent and thanks him for clearing his name for the murder of the Ice Princess.

Load more....I'll have to read it again soon.
Kevin Roegele said:
First and foremost, it begins with young Bruce falling into the batcave, and the giant bat approaching him and them enveloping him in his wings - really creepy, like something from Coppola's Dracula. You can see the Warner Bros board members with a big marker pen crossing that out straight away.

Hilarious! :up: :up:
Kevin Roegele said:
Towards the start Batman meets Harvey Dent and thanks him for clearing his name for the murder of the Ice Princess.

Now thats a big Burton film connection. I have to get my hands on it. :batty:
Now I think of it, the Batman & Robin novelisation is worth reading. Seriously. There's a whole prologue about Bruce and Victor Fries at the same university, and Bruce is inspired by Victor's athletic abilities.

The worst novelisation, I think inevitably, is Batman Returns. Because Returns is so visual, and so much about the performances, when it comes down to the story there really isn't very much of it. Still, it's a very weak book, apparently written for 12 year olds.
ab38416 said:
They say that Goldsman improved on the Batchler's script and that he removed some stupid scenes like the one where Batman makes love to Chase but keeps wearing his cape and cowl.

That scene could have worked if done right. It would have been interesting since Bruce Wayne is the pimp and not necessarily Batman. I don't think Batman gets much action except making out with Catwoman and Talia. Its Bruce Wayne who's constantly getting laid.
Kevin Roegele said:
The worst novelisation, I think inevitably, is Batman Returns. Because Returns is so visual, and so much about the performances, when it comes down to the story there really isn't very much of it. Still, it's a very weak book, apparently written for 12 year olds.

Good Lord, how that's true. How could Craig Shaw Gardner whip out the masterpiece that is the first film's book, and then the crap that is the BR book?

Goes to show that maybe Waters' script wasn't all that hot before Burton started tweaking it for production....
Does the novel have the Red Book subplot cut from the film?
DocLathropBrown said:
Good Lord, how that's true. How could Craig Shaw Gardner whip out the masterpiece that is the first film's book, and then the crap that is the BR book?

Goes to show that maybe Waters' script wasn't all that hot before Burton started tweaking it for production....

True, but I also suspect Gardner has to write the book on an extremely tight schedule. It reads like a detailed synopsis more than a proper novel.

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