Thanks, Kevin. Sorry that I didn't post more yesterday but I had a lot to do... I'll post more as soon as I can!
This sort of parallels what I'm doing, a re-edit of Forever to include the deleted footage. But you have more freedom than I do....what I always wanted to see was a better, more dramatic fight between Batman and Two-Face - Batman can't beat Two-Face because he holds back, whereas Robin can beat him because he doesn't. This does come across in the film, but I'd like to see a real rumble in the confined, out of control helicopter, a really brutal, chaotic fight in there.
Also - and this is a real comicbook conceit - the Riddler has the brainwaves of millions of people, including Bruce himself, and probably some martial arts experts, boxers, etc. So using
comicbook logic, or superhero movie logic, he should be able to fight as well as them. I'd love to see Batman actually fighting the Riddler while Robin fights Two-Face, and losing....the Riddler throws Batman off his throne platform, where upon Two-Face enters, and you go back to the actual film and the, 'Let's meet our contestants..." line.
I love the fact that in Forever, the major villain is primarily cerebral and doesn't outfight Batman, but outruns and outwits him, giving him the runaround until trapping him at his evil lair. However....I just like to see these iconic figures actually in combat as well.