The Batman complete season 1 dvd review

Good looking artwork for it. I might get it if I have some extra cash to spend.
I'll pick it up even though I have the three dvds that were released for it. Stupid me getting the one disk BB with bonus disk. Oh well. I'll just send the dvds I all ready have to my nephew.
I love this box set. It's one of the few times that we have a perfect balance of fun mixed with original and well crafted stories based on many of the classic villians. I don't feel the producers or artists get nearly the credit they deserve for crafting a new and refreshing Batman while still keeping him well within the spirit of the original concept. This Batman is different. He's for the kid in you, whether your 8, 18, or 80. The special features were entertaining although I think they should have permitted you to actually answer the questions during the quiz section rather than just watching the DVD select them for you. What's the challenge if their giving you the answers? Minor critiques though for a well made series. I like and enjoy watching it. Clearly one of the smartest animated features out there.
Webhead38 said:
I love this box set. It's one of the few times that we have a perfect balance of fun mixed with original and well crafted stories based on many of the classic villians. I don't feel the producers or artists get nearly the credit they deserve for crafting a new and refreshing Batman while still keeping him well within the spirit of the original concept. This Batman is different. He's for the kid in you, whether your 8, 18, or 80. The special features were entertaining although I think they should have permitted you to actually answer the questions during the quiz section rather than just watching the DVD select them for you. What's the challenge if their giving you the answers? Minor critiques though for a well made series. I like and enjoy watching it. Clearly one of the smartest animated features out there.
Sorry dont want to start a war with you the batman fans but really smartest?
No war needed with me. What do you find offensive about it? What is dumb about it? That animation might be stylized but it's some of the best design pieces I've seen in a long time. It's a youthful interpretation of a familiar character that needed to evolve into something more pleasing to the eye and more satisfying for new and old fans alike. In the past Batman has been depicted in every way but the manner in which he began. You've seen him as the bitter Dark Knight. You've seen him as an aging old man in "Beyond". Why not show the fans what he was like when the world still held promise for him? It's a great perspective and it's stylized to attract modern audiences of all ages. Few cartoons can make such a claim.
I don't know but I dont see the batman as smart. Now I grew up with B:tas and when I heard about beyond I just yelled ripoff. But as time went on I saw it as its own show and I really enjoyed it and took off my ripoff claim. Now the batman I tried t=doing that and well it didn't work. All the villans are really 2d theres just nothing there to make me feel for them. Unlike in b:tas where I have cried watching epsidoes becuase I felt for the bad guys like clayface. But the the batmans bad guys are more like street pucks more cannon fodder for bats there just nothing there to make me care about them. I thinks its the writing its just not as well done as older shows that we saw 10 years ago.
Well, I understand what your seeing and why you might feel that way, but I think your missing the intent of the show. The story is intended to explain Batman's evolution as well as his many villains. None of these characters are going to grab you like the older versions because your watching them from their own humble beginnings. Their not established villians with a history of battling one another. Their all basically kids and your watching their evolution into those classic heroes and villians you most closely associate with from the Animated series. What you seeing is the back story and I find that refreshing. I think my first animated cartoon was the '67 Spiderman show (during it's first run) so I've been around a while and have a seen alot of different interpretations of our beloved crusader. Through all of those years no one has ever attempted to address his early years when he had a different vision and didn't forsee his need for vengence turning him into the force he becomes later in life. The Batman addresses that development and explores what Bruce Wayne was like and what he could have been. It wasn't just the events with his parents that shaped who he became. It took many more revelations and disappointments to shape the character your familiar with today. That makes this series especially smart from my vantage point. Just some food for thought.
I'll wait til Season Two comes out. That way, if that has more features or what, it doubles.
i just got it, this is actually a good show, cant believe i hated it. could entertain yourself buying a crapload of goldfish with all that money (like 25 cents a goldfish or something) and watch their whole life span which is not very long.
I'd be better off flushing a $20 bill down my toilet.
Mr. Socko said:
I'd be better off flushing a $20 bill down my toilet.

OR, you could combine what I said and you said and instead of watching the goldfish you bought with the 20 bucks just die overtime..flush them down the toilet...genius, I know. :up:
it only costed me $ ****, get a life and go troll somewhere else
trustyside-kick said:
OR, you could combine what I said and you said and instead of watching the goldfish you bought with the 20 bucks just die overtime..flush them down the toilet...genius, I know. :up:


Assassin said:
it only costed me $ ****, get a life and go troll somewhere else

How old are you?
older than you. i didnt like it at first, but i didnt bash it, i bought it to add to my batman collection, and when i watched it, it wasnt that bad.

grow up..
Grow up? Someone is getting too serious about this...and you are telling us to grow up? :)

Whatever man. I can care less if you are older than me or younger.
good, i wasnt telling above idiot

and i hate mercy reef and a bunch of other **** on here, but i have a life and i dont go into other threads bashing them.
trustyside-kick said:
Grow up? Someone is getting too serious about this...and you are telling us to grow up? :)

Whatever man. I can care less if you are older than me or younger.

The main thing is, you're still watching. Thanks. I'm sure the creative team, WB, the advertisers, and your couch are happy that you're sitting on your fat @ss, every Saturday morning with your bowl of fruity pebbles, watching a show that you claim to hate, just so you can complain about it in every thread here.

Thank you. (This goes for you too Socko. Although, I'm not sure your couch is thanking you. You ate one too many bowls of fruity pebbles. You got to go on the special k diet man. It's not nice to abuse your couch that way.)

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