
Master Tim
May 10, 2004
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Yeah, in the midst of all the Chameleon, Kraven, Venom, Vulture, Sandman, and Green Gobin threads, I am making a Hair thread.

Simple reason really, I think that much of why every one thinks that Kirsten looked so god awful in Spider-man 2 was do in large part to that God awful rag on her head.

I don't know if she had a die job or a wig for movie one, but the color was much more 'MJ' and well she looked a lot better with it. It was dark red, like it should be. In movie two it was more of an orange, and it just looked like she was a girl who never saw the sun.


^Pretty Girl in Movie One


^Totally different look in movie two, and for the worse.

And while we are on the subject, Will Rami give Tobey a hair cut, he looked like a dork from the fifties....this is golden Age Spider-man, but in the Modern Time. He just looked terrible with that Donald Trump combover.

Yeah they are SMALL problems...but MJ has to be 'the perfect girl'. And she looked the part in movie one, then in part two, I was at times wondering why Peter even would care if she moved on.

I really hope they change MJ's hair back to being like the first one. It wasn't nearly red enough in the second movie, she looked almost blonde! I think they took the "MJ and Gwen Stacy mixed" thing a little too seriousey in that aspect.
:o *PRAYS* :o

Dear God in Heaven, I know I usually pray to you for much more meaningful and serious things. But someone, and I'm not saying no names, has just started a "HAIR" thread. I know Lord, it is idiotic to me too, but I was wondering if you would wipe this fool from this Earth for me, because I do feel that he's about to start a "FEET" thread real soon.

Amen. :o
It´s better than an "new" organic web-shooters thread ins´t,Vis?:D :spidey:
i think they need to go back to spider-man 1 mj. she looked prettier. her hair was more red than orange.
Yeah Kirsten Dunst actually looked hot in the first movie.
I want my hair dyed MJ's color from the 1st film :up:
dump mj and give brant the spotlight in sm3. Either that or just have her go blonde so it seems like she progressed from dark to light.
Cannot believe we have a thread on her god damn hair......
In Spider-Man 1, MJ looked distinctly like a red-head. But in Spider-Man 2, if you didn't know better you'd think she was a light brunette or a blonde. I hope they go back to the color she had in the first film for #3.
Dunst in my opinion looked better in the first film then the second one.Go with wig 1 in the next one.

With Kristen's looks its either hit or miss with me but I saw some new pics of her for Elizabethtown and she looks pretty good in that.Heres one

I think her worst looking scene is where she enters her apartment when Peter is calling and talking on the answering machine.
Nah the worst scene of here was when she said "What's Happening?" when Ock was comming to the Deli.

Yeah, it is a hair thread.....but seriously, how much REAL news have we had?

Mr. Freeze said:
Cannot believe we have a thread on her god damn hair......

sorry about that!

i however do think she looked better in the 1st movie and the hair was to blame.

but maybe we wil see a 3rd style in this movie
Visionary said:
:o *PRAYS* :o

Dear God in Heaven, I know I usually pray to you for much more meaningful and serious things. But someone, and I'm not saying no names, has just started a "HAIR" thread. I know Lord, it is idiotic to me too, but I was wondering if you would wipe this fool from this Earth for me, because I do feel that he's about to start a "FEET" thread real soon.

Amen. :o

lol. Looks like someone just got owned.
IMO her worst looking scene was the one where she was walking down the street talking to Peter after the play. She looked good in alot of other scenes though.
Yeah dammit, the hair of the characters really ruin the movie for me. Damn you all, how can you not have good hair! How dare they.
Well, at least it is somethng different, I'm tired of 50 threads about Chameleon.

As far as hoping MJ looks "hot" next time out, I wouldn't do any heavy betting on that, but I'm a pessimist so there you go.
well her hair in sm2 was a wig and sm1 was her real hair they just dyed it. thats why it looks so bad in sm2
Ah, so that's it. So, if they dye her hair next time instead of using a wig, then she'll look more like a real red head again. I hope that's what they do in SM3. :up:
venom4life said:
Yeah dammit, the hair of the characters really ruin the movie for me. Damn you all, how can you not have good hair! How dare they.

Mj's hair can be blue for all I give a ****, but if they ever gave jjj an afro or anything besides that duke-nukem buzzcut thing, it'd ruin the movie for me. Yeah!
Visionary said:
:o *PRAYS* :o

Dear God in Heaven, I know I usually pray to you for much more meaningful and serious things. But someone, and I'm not saying no names, has just started a "HAIR" thread. I know Lord, it is idiotic to me too, but I was wondering if you would wipe this fool from this Earth for me, because I do feel that he's about to start a "FEET" thread real soon.

Amen. :o
That is SO going in my sig

EDIT: Scrap that idea, it's too big :(

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