The "How to introduce" thread


Jan 3, 2012
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This thread will be based on how we think certain Marvel characters owned by Marvel should bbs introduced in their film universe. Whether it be a solo film, a supporting turn in another hero's film, a cameo, etc.

I'm going to start off with Wonder Man.


I think he could really work in Iron Man 4 as the head of a competing company with Starks Industry.
Adam Warlock - Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Honestly I feel like the entire movie could be based around Adam Warlock, The High Evolutionary, The Universal Church of Truth, Soul Gem, Thanos.
No let's focus of Wonder Man for now. The idea is to get a discussion going one character at a time.
I say adapt the Wonder Man episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes for Iron Man 4.

Really I just want to see Iron Man vs Wonder Man on the big screen.
yep the EMH version was a great way to introduce Wonder Man and it also dealt with the point that even if Tony tries to do the right thing for all the right reasons it might have negative consequences he simply didn't think about and I'd love to see that in IM4. but it might be to similar with the Ultron origin in that regard, depending how that is handled in AoU
I love Simon Williams. I'd love for him to show up in agents of shield.
I like the EMH idea, but I'm honestly a little freaked out by the idea of seeing MODOK on a movie screen.
I think him getting experimented on could be changed to how QS & SW have gotten their powers. His powers being the higher levels of what it was in the comics.

Ideally there would already have been an easter egg that his father died to set him up a bit.
But it could be mentioned in AofU that QS & SW aren't the only ones, and there are plenty of enemies to the great Tony Stark.

Which would echo Ironman 2 with the skeletons in the closet and fallout of the former Stark family business post Tony coming back in Ironman 1. I'm not sure why Tony was to blame but that's the way it was I guess in the comics. You could say that Stark getting out of weapons bankrupted their company.

Him "dying" and coming back might be tough. They might have to explain it as a part of his powers...maybe borrowing a little from Mr Manhattan in a sense. Unless of course they do something with Doctor Stange or Thor to bring him back.

Maybe he is in AofU....Bettany, Feige, and others have been rather coy as to what that second part of the vision is besides JARVIS. Maybe Ultron "kills" Wonderman and uses his brain to map out the Vision's like it is in the comics. Reasoning being he saw his hate of Tony and the Avengers and thought that would twist JARVIS into hating them too. But Ultron didn't realize WM kind of came to his senses and died saving some of the Avengers at the hands of the drones. So now JARVIS has that whole range of emotion and thinking that a human does.
Modok would look insane but so much more believable now that Guardians has come out.
How would you want him to show up in Agents of Shield?
If what I said happened in Age of Ultron, for me his revival could be in Agents of Shield in the 3rd season I guess.

Just because I'm not sure what movie you'd but that in.
I'd introduce Punisher, Moon Knight and the Runaways through their own TV shows.

Diamondback and US Agent can first appear through Captain America sequels.

I'd introduce Cybermancer through an Iron Man sequel.

Namor should first appear as a villain in an Avengers film before joining the team.

She-Hulk needs to come by in a Hulk sequel.

Elektra, Echo and White Tiger can debut through Daredevil.

I'd introduce international heroes like Crimson Dynamo and Union Jack through Agents of SHIELD.

Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, the Inhumans and the Eternals can all get their own films. And Crystal and Sersi should both join the Avengers as well.

Misty Knight and Coleen Wing should both debut in Iron Fist.

I'm not sure of Black Knight should debut with the Avengers or if he should get an origin story with Sir Percy and Eobar Garrington as his ancestors. I'm all for a film taking place across three different times with different protagonists since The Red Violin is my favorite film of all time.
I'd rather they don't introduce Wonder Man.
Wonder Man?

- Introduce him as a bit part in Iron Man
- Have him get recruited and transformed in the Thunderbolts movie
- Have him leave them and join the good guys, perhaps on Agents of SHIELD
- Then have him betray the Avengers as originally planned during the Avengers vs Masters of Evil movie
- Then have him sacrifice himself to redeem himself
EMH did a lot of great things. I liked Hank Pym's introduction.
Iron man says "hey have you met my friend black panther?"

I'm really sorry guys I didn't put any thought into that at all
I'd rather they don't introduce Wonder Man.

That tends to be my thought. If they do, a rival to Stark makes sense in the service of some bigger threat. But, really not all that exciting or necessary.
How would you want him to show up in Agents of Shield?

As the owner of a company competing with Stark. He does some questionable things, gets super powers, and dies. Then comes back in a movie reborn as Wonder Man.
speaking of SHIELD
simon Williams is a contractor to SHEILD as is/ was tony stark after being diagnosed with cancer he tries a process Williams innovations was developing for fury prior to SHIELD being shut down as a cure it works better than expected giving him super-strength
Here's a challenge:

Howard the Duck. Ego the Living Planet. Make them fit the MCU.

I have no idea how, but let's see you guys try.


*Wikipedias Guardians of the Galaxy cameos*

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I don't know about you guys but this man right here has made his dues:


To WONDERMAN, introduce him in Iron Man...

Leader has been experimenting under Thunderbolt Ross' command, especially since SHIELD fell. Modifying the Hulk formula with Kree DNA gives this new Hulk formula some self sustaining energy absorption properties that also trigger it. Ross takes it for whatever reason, duress or lunacy or some combination thereof, destroys everything and takes on the Hulk one on one, until Betty is in danger from the Leader, then they team up. Good times. Extra points of Rulk draining Hulk of his gamma leads to the creation of Joe Fixit.

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