The Immortalfire you know is GONE


Staff member
Feb 15, 2001
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I am the Dark Flame, an ancient power risen to full strength. As I come from WITHIN the Flame, my physical form becomes the Flame's controller, in this case, your writer/real estate friend you call 'fire. Too long have I awaited a coming-out day, but at last it is HERE!!!! :mad:
You remind me of that stupid ass Batman's Head.:o
kick @$$ :D. notice everything big seems to be happening. i think it just part of the plot to kick all the newb's butts
Originally posted by bmfunny
kick @$$ :D. notice everything big seems to be happening. i think it just part of the plot to kick all the newb's butts

Just Shut.Up. You dont know what is "big".
Originally posted by bmfunny
kick @$$ :D. notice everything big seems to be happening. i think it just part of the plot to kick all the newb's butts

Pft. Why are you so happy?:D
Originally posted by Immortalfire
Who are you supposed to be? The big bad wolf? :rolleyes:

I think of my self more as a cute puppy that bites :)
Oh no!!:eek: I'm so scared!!:rolleyes: ;)
huh-do-what-now-huh? Is this like the Phoenix saga or something, cause i REALLY don't feeling like going to outerspace
Originally posted by bmfunny
kick @$$ :D. notice everything big seems to be happening. i think it just part of the plot to kick all the newb's butts

So, are you wearing your kevlar pants?
Originally posted by bmfunny
what are ya gonna do flamie?
Destroy you, destroy Mr Parker, destroy bakerboy, destroy those who abuse the english language and spell stuff however the hell they think it's spelled, and all kinds of crap that 'fire never did.
i thought fire DID do all that stuff, MANY times actually, or at least THREATENED to
Originally posted by ImTheWombat
i thought fire DID do all that stuff, MANY times actually, or at least THREATENED to
He punished many, threatened some, but I will do this to the max I hope.
I hope I'm not on the hit list, cause, as of late, i have enjoyed my life.
Just watch yourself and you shouldn't have any trouble.

ALSO, why the heck is down??!!!! :mad:

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