The lack of a press release


Dec 19, 2007
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With all these rumours and supposedly confirmed cast members, why hasn't Fox given us an official press release? Not even a confirmation in the pages of Variety or The Hollywood Reporter? As if I needed another reason to dislike this studio. This is very unusual.
They will start that in August at comic con.
A source of Thexverse told them that a announcement will be made soon.
That's good to hear. How reliable (or should I say recognized) is The X-Verse?
With all these rumours and supposedly confirmed cast members, why hasn't Fox given us an official press release? Not even a confirmation in the pages of Variety or The Hollywood Reporter? As if I needed another reason to dislike this studio. This is very unusual.

Given that the movie doesn't come out until May 2009, which is 15 months away, it's probably a bit early to expect all this information.

Plus, I think studios are learning to just get on with making the movie and not keep engaging with ungrateful fanboys who just whine about everything anyway. I've seen EVERY piece of announced casting torn down on here which does tend to point to a cesspit of snivelling fanboys who aren't happy with anything. Why would studios want to engage with people like that!?

Chris Nolan (Batman Begins, Dark Knight) says he will only release things when he's finished and they're ready to be seen.

Look at the silence over the Incredible Hulk movie. They're getting it done the way they want to get it done.

It was the fanboys who screamed for Angel, Beast, Danger Room, Sentinels, Juggernaut and Multiple Man in X3 and then it was the fanboys who screamed because they didn't like Angel, Beast, Danger Room, Sentinels, Juggernaut and Multiple Man in X3. There's your answer. You can't please everyone and you can never please fanboys.
I see. Still, I like some official confirmation, but it was odd we have supposed casting leaked all over the place but nobody was saying anything. Still, I can wait, and be confused no longer.
We'll get an official release before the end of next month. Maybe they'll rush it out, due to all the leaks...who knows.

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