The Machine Girl

Hahaha, I know!! This looks incredible!! Next frickin' huge cult hit here. Someone else described it best on my site saying "can you say Bruce Cambell in Japanese??"

When will this ever come to America?! Come on, some smart distributor has to realize the cult potential of this! Criterion should just buy it up right now lol
Hahaha, I know!! This looks incredible!! Next frickin' huge cult hit here. Someone else described it best on my site saying "can you say Bruce Cambell in Japanese??"

When will this ever come to America?! Come on, some smart distributor has to realize the cult potential of this! Criterion should just buy it up right now lol

I was thinking more "Ash as a hot Japanese schoolgirl" but that works too.
Well I'm sure Danger After Dark or one of the film festivals will pick it up. They did it for "Meatball Machine," which I recommend to all of you who liked the "Machine Girl" trailer.
Just seen machine girl its one of the funniest cheesiest films, but pure awesomeness :D loved it
wow, it's like an low budget Japanese Planet Terror drugged up on opium.
I thought this movie would be off the chain but it looked like some crappy exceprt from Kill Bill.
Saw it, wasn't that great. Tokyo Gore Police was much better.

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