The Michael Bloomberg Thread


inconspicuous since '03.
Dec 25, 2003
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NEW YORK - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg left the Republican Party on Tuesday and switched to unaffiliated, a move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race.


The billionaire former CEO, who was a lifelong Democrat before he switched to the Republican Party in 2001 for his first mayoral run, said the change in his voter registration does not mean he is running for president.

"Although my plans for the future haven't changed, I believe this brings my affiliation into alignment with how I have led and will continue to lead our city," Bloomberg said.

With an estimated worth of more than $5 billion, he easily could finance an independent presidential bid.

The 65-year-old mayor has increasingly been the subject of speculation that he will run as an independent in 2008, despite his repeated promises to leave politics after the end of his term in 2009. He has fueled the buzz with increasing out-of-state travel, a greater focus on national issues and repeated criticism of the partisan politics that dominate Washington.

"The politics of partisanship and the resulting inaction and excuses have paralyzed decision-making, primarily at the federal level, and the big issues of the day are not being addressed, leaving our future in jeopardy," he said in a speech Monday at the start of a University of Southern California conference about the advantages of nonpartisan governing.

Throughout his 5 1/2 years as mayor, Bloomberg has often been at odds with his party and President Bush. He supports gay marriage, abortion rights, gun control and stem cell research, and raised property taxes to help solve a fiscal crisis after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

But he never seemed willing to part with the GOP completely, raising money for the 2004 presidential convention and contributing to Bush and other Republican candidates.

Just last year, he told a group of Manhattan Republicans about his run for mayor: "I couldn't be prouder to run on the Republican ticket and be a Republican
He's too liberal to be a Republican anyway.
Bloomberg was a Republican? That's news to me.
What's this guy about? Could anybody tell me why a person should or shouldn't vote for him, and could anybody tell me why I should or shouldn't vote for him?

I know he's a republican but from what I saw the other day on the news a lot of people believe the only reason he ran on the republican ticket was because he couldn't defeat the democrat in the nomination process.

I know he's pro-choice, but how pro-choice is he?

Can anybody tell me a little about him or his political beliefs?
He's a fascist, I know that.

He's a fascist, I know that.


I'm not saying he isn't, becaues I know so little about him, but this does sound like something a facist would not say.

In a 2005 interview with The New York Times, Bloomberg made a rare comment on his religious views. “I believe in Judaism, I was raised a Jew, I’m happy to be one — or proud to be one,” he said. Then he paused and added: “I don’t know if that’s the right word. I don’t know why you should be proud of something. It doesn’t make you any better or worse. You are what you are.”

He was a member of the Democratic party for 40 years, then was a member of the Republican party for 6. Now he's an Independent.

Look him up on wikipedia and read
Bloomberg bores the hell outta me........I think I'd die of boredom having him as president...
Anyone know his platform?
Assuming he ran, what has he done and what would he try to do if he can guess even if he hasnt come out with it by past work done.
He supports same-sex marriage, amnesty for illegal immigrants, universal health care, and strict gun control. He's adamantly pro-choice, agrees with the fundamentals of the Iraq War even though he thinks the United States screwed up their strategy in the long run, and is fiscally conservative to a degree.

In other words, he's more Nader than Perot.
Shame me into posting substance eh...
You know what I meant.
"Im a Democrat".
"Im a Republican"
"Im an Independent".
Then later on it'l be
"Im a little teapot".

You wrote-"You can guess by his past work".I say Its almost impossible to decipher him anymore.
The guy raised property taxes and chastised this administration for offering that rebate check.
He supports gay marriage and is anti death penalty.
All in all, a man far to complicated for one word slogan campaigns
Shame me into posting substance eh...
You know what I meant.
"Im a Democrat".
"Im a Republican"
"Im an Independent".
Then later on it'l be
"Im a little teapot".

You wrote-"You can guess by his past work".I say Its almost impossible to decipher him anymore.
The guy raised property taxes and chastised this administration for offering that rebate check.
He supports gay marriage and is anti death penalty.
All in all, a man far to complicated for one word slogan campaigns

Michael Bloomberg is a better politician than anyone currently seeking the Presidency. He didn't want to deal with the nonsense of New York City politics, so he dropped his lifelong affiliation with the Democratic Party so he could run for Mayor as a Republican. Then he got sick and tired of the labels associated with the Republicans, and because the Democrats basically abandoned him when he jumped ship, he decided not to affiliate himself with a political party.

The man is very, very smart. You have to be to essentially go from nothing to billions virtually over night. He's a dedicated philanthropist, an excellent businessman, and he's transformed NYC into a respectable city again. Last year, NYC had the lowest crime rate in 40 years. The city's economic growth is back on track, and he's successfully led NYC out of the uncertainty which followed 9/11.

Bashing him because he isn't teh Obama is stupid and uninformed, and if he ran against Obama, I'd cast my ballot for Bloomberg.
He supports same-sex marriage, amnesty for illegal immigrants, universal health care, and strict gun control. He's adamantly pro-life, agrees with the fundamentals of the Iraq War even though he thinks the United States screwed up their strategy in the long run, and is fiscally conservative to a degree.

In other words, he's more Nader than Perot.

Assuming you got it all correct...

same-sex marriage - ok with
amnesty for illegal immigrants - against adamantly
universal health care - against
strict gun control - against adamantly
pro-life - ok with
War- ok with
Michael Bloomberg is a better politician than anyone currently seeking the Presidency. He didn't want to deal with the nonsense of New York City politics, so he dropped his lifelong affiliation with the Democratic Party so he could run for Mayor as a Republican. Then he got sick and tired of the labels associated with the Republicans, and because the Democrats basically abandoned him when he jumped ship, he decided not to affiliate himself with a political party.

The man is very, very smart. You have to be to essentially go from nothing to billions virtually over night. He's a dedicated philanthropist, an excellent businessman, and he's transformed NYC into a respectable city again. Last year, NYC had the lowest crime rate in 40 years. The city's economic growth is back on track, and he's successfully led NYC out of the uncertainty which followed 9/11.

Bashing him because he isn't teh Obama is stupid and uninformed, and if he ran against Obama, I'd cast my ballot for Bloomberg.

I bashed him because hes not "teh Obama"?

It was stupid and uninformed of you to even make such a statement

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