The Microsoft VS Sony VS Nintendo tournament


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
I hope the mods don't mind this. I figured I'd start a tournament thread using only our favorite game characters in match ups to determine who is better. It's just like any other tournament thread you've seen. Vote for who you think would win and the character with the most votes in a fixed amount of time wins the round. I'm open to suggestions for match ups if you have any(pm me for suggestions), but I've already decided on the first match and I'm going to post it in just a few seconds.
First match-



Voting starts now!!!
Im going to go with Omegaweapon because it looks cooler and has a cheesier name :o
Omegaweapon, it just looks WAY COOLER.
Mewtwo because it's penis whips around the back and seconds as a tail.
Mewtwo. Anyone who says otherwise just doesn't know what he's talking about.

...Leave Nintendo out of this tournament. Nothing can match up against all 386 Pokemon, Mario (with legendary stars), Link (with Triforce), Samus, Donkey Kong, StarFox Team, etc. Like DC Comics, Nintendo has a lot of powerful characters. Lugia can own them all.
Mewtwo wins. Destroying the membranes of the viscious Omegaweapon!
Next match soon.
Next match-
Final form Sora

Feirce deity Link
Fierce Diety Link wins this one.
Great idea, Sloth7d.
Axid said:
Fierce Diety

So where's Microsoft? :confused:
I'm going to post a microsoft liscensed character next match up.
I want to see a battle of the beat 'em ups. Characters from Tekken and Virtua Fighter for Sony versus characters from Dead or Alive for Microsoft.

Vanessa v. Tina
Law v. Jan Lee


Does Nintendo have any exclusive fighter?
Avalanche said:
I want to see a battle of the beat 'em ups. Characters from Tekken and Virtua Fighter for Sony versus characters from Dead or Alive for Microsoft.

Vanessa v. Tina
Law v. Jan Lee


Does Nintendo have any exclusive fighter?
Not really. Best they have is smash brothers.
I probably won't post Ryu vs Link right now. Seeing as Link has just been used(and is still being used). And I want to include every character atleast once, before reusing old ones.

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