The Odyssey... IN SPACE!!!


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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Warner Bros Moves Forward With Space-Bound ‘The Odyssey’

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s one Homer surely didn’t see coming. Warner Bros is making The Odyssey, dropping the togas and setting it in space. The studio has just hired James DiLapo to write the futuristic re-imagining of the Greek epic. Warner Bros has also put in place a blind writing deal behind the project to keep him in the studio fold.

The Odyssey is Homer’s followup to The Illiad, which the studio turned into the Wolfgang Petersen-directed Troy, which starred Brad Pitt as Achilles. The Odyssey tracks the struggle of Odysseus to return from those wars, as suitors line up to marry his wife, and sponge off his estate as they wait for her to make a decision. Terry Dougas of 1821 Pictures hatched the idea of setting the tale in space and he and cohort Paris Kasidokostas Latsis brought the idea to the studio. Brad Pitt was once attached to this one as well, but is no longer. The 1821 duo–who are separately producing Jane Got A Gun which stars Natalie Portman, Michael Fassbender and Joel Edgerton–will produce along with David Heyman, with Heyday’s Jeff Clifford also involved in a producing capacity. The project got kickstarted with the pitch by DiLapo. The studio now sees it as a potential franchise and it’s being steered by Greg Silverman and Courtenay Valenti and Racheline Benveniste.

Since DiLapo just graduated from NYU last summer, it’s conceivable that The Odyssey is fresh in his head, from term papers. The scribe is pretty accomplished for one so young. He won the Nicholl Fellowship in the fall for his first script, Devils At Play. That script made the 2012 Black List. It’s set in 1937 Soviet Union, and is a classic paranoid thriller about a worker of The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs who finds a list of traitors which he thinks is going to be his way out. He is repped by Verve and Kaplan Perrone.

Depending on who they get for this, I think it could work, but I don't know...
What a great idea! Here it is -

FYI: Odysseus is also known by the Roman name Ulysses.


Plot Summary: The 31st century. Ulysses is the Captain of the spaceship Odysseus, directed by the central computer Shyrka. As a a gift for his son's Telemaque's 12th birthday, Ulysses takes him on a space journey for the first time. Telemaque is kidnapped by aliens who need a child sacrifice to their god - a giant cyclope, who is discovered to be a machine, of which the aliens, of course, are not aware. Ulysses saves his son, along with a little girl, Themis, and her older brother.

As a punishment for such an intervention, the Great Gods of the mysterious Olympus punish him, freezing all Ulysses's staff, leaving him alone on the ship with Telemaque and Themis. The way back to Earth is erased from Shyrka's memory. Now Ulysses has to find the Kingdom of Hades in order to discover the way home.

Ulysses's journey and adventures are paralleled to those of his ancestor, the Ancient Greek Ulysses, though "translated" into the Outer Space. The question of who actually the Olympus Gods are is raised.
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How did I forget? :facepalm:
How did I forget? :facepalm:
I'm sure WB and whoever is making this movie is hoping everyone forgot.
In German it was called Odysseus too. Great cartoon.

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Personally I am far more interested in the proposed Heart of Darkness in Space movie.
Wow. I've been working on a fanfic of this for a while. I've been trying to do a three-movie mashup of The Odyssey and Flash Gordon.
That seems like such a Star Wars knockoff above. Lmao!

Like something Asylum would make.
How about they make an actual Odyssey movie? Not set in space. Starring Sean Bean. Reprising his role from "Troy". :o
Because we don't deserve good things.
Personally I am far more interested in the proposed Heart of Darkness in Space movie.

With the Silver Surfer "hanging ten" in the middle of an epic space battle. "Charlie(-27) don't surf!"

I love the smell of dilithium crystals in the morning. It smells like....victory.


That space ship has big boobies.
Why would somebody build big boobies for that space ship?
So at the end of this movie will Odysseus slaughter all the unruly suitors that were trying to marry his wife and the female servants that slept with some of them? I guess in this sci-fi film he will slaughter all them with blasters since in the original story he did it with a bow and arrow.

How about they make an actual Odyssey movie? Not set in space. Starring Sean Bean. Reprising his role from "Troy". :o

There's actually a pretty good mini series that was made for television, produced by Francis Ford Coppola starring Armand Assante in the role of Odysseus.
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It would be interesting if they did 'The Illiad' too. Especially if it stuck to the original story and had Achilles' lover, not "cousin" in it.

I'll definitely turn up for this.
Why would a studio think a sci fi take is better that the original style, now that Tolkien's world once again has been visited: magical lands inhabited by divine power and by different creatures?
Oh wait.... it's Warner Brothers. I forgot about that :(

If Rowling hadn't been a nit-picking author, if she hadn't been involved at all.... then Harry Potter would have either been set in a dystopic high tech future, or in space. Imagine lazers over wands. :oldrazz:
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That's not really fair. The Oddysey has been adapted dozens of times. This is just a different interpretation.
That's not really fair. The Oddysey has been adapted dozens of times. This is just a different interpretation.
But not like a big blockbuster with well-known actors, right?
Troy was a good film, now we deserve an even better sequel.
Well, not recently, no.

But The Odyssey has been made into films, TV series, miniseries, etc.

Yeah, it'd be nice to see a more faithful adaption of it (and if this does well at all, you can bet we will before long). I'm curious if this will be The Odyssey in space, or if we're going to get something really cool, like Space Greeks in The Odyssey.
But not like a big blockbuster with well-known actors, right?
Troy was a good film, now we deserve an even better sequel.

Troy was trash in terms of adaptation. Like, mega-trash. A more literal Odyssey adaptation should never be associated with that crap. It's better if they do this in space, the adaptation will be less of a f**kup.

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