It's about the day to day lives of gods and other mythological figures. It usually centeres around The Devil, who is either called Scratch by his friends or Mr. Morningstar by his subordinates. He lives in an apartment building in hell, with his neighbors being the various death gods of other mythologies. They all co own hell and run it as a time share. Scratch is in charge for three weeks every august. On the other side of things, Jesus is kicked out of heaven by god (who is portrayed as a rather atractive, somehwhat annoying, over acheiving young woman), who feels that the Christ has grown too distant from the people of Earth. Jesus, or Josh as he is called, which is the english translation of his name, shows up in New York. There, he rents an apartment with Damien, a young college student working for degrees in economic and political science. Damien is also the anti christ, son of the Devil and profcised arch enemy of the Messiah. The two soon become the best of friends, but are kicked out of their apartment when Damien loses his job and the two can't pay the rent. Damien suggests that they move in with his father, and the two soon become rather unwelcomed houseguests of the lord of darkness. This, obviously, incroaches on the 60s, Hughe Heffner Playboy lifestyle that the father of all lies enjoys. The cast of characters soon grows tp include Kali, the Hindu godess of death, the Grim Reaper himself, Danny, who quit his role as death and became a pizza delivery boy, Barbara, Damien's human mother and the only women Scratch every truely loved, and others. The series would be narrated by Anansi, the African trickster god and owner of all stories.
By the way, if I know my law right, simply by writing this town has it become copywrited material. So, if anyone steals it, I'll sue your asses off.