The Official ''The Sopranos'' Thread


Movie critic
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm currently at episode 13 of season 2 and I love the show. The second season is not as good as the first, but it's quality TV.

I started watching the show in honor of the late James Gandolfini.

What are your thoughts about it?
Just finished season 2.

Season 1 - 9/10
Season 2 - 8/10

Hope it gets up is S3.
Just last week I finished running through the whole series, which I hadn't watched in years. It really was an extremely well written show, with a slew of great actors. My only complaint would be the dream sequences, which were okay in small doses but most of the time came off as clumsy and just boring in general.

The worst offender was the fantasy life/dream thing that Tony had during his coma. Far, far too much time was spent on that to the point I just skipped through it any time it came on.[/BLACKOUT]
I rewatched the entire series earlier this year. Loved it a lot more than when it first ended. One of my favorite bits of dialogue ever was between Chris and Paulie in season 6.

Chris: "Allegra? Isn't that a cold medicine?"

Paulie: "It means happiness. In Italian."

Chris "....the ****'s that gotta do with cold medicine?"

Lmfao. One of the best series ever no doubt. I've been really bummed out about James, he was so amazing as Tony
Seasons 2 and 4 were the best by far. Season 2 was just simply amazing. One of the HBO's plays episodes every (week)night at 8pm. Currently they're halfway thru Season 5.
Seasons 2 and 4 were the best by far. Season 2 was just simply amazing. One of the HBO's plays episodes every (week)night at 8pm. Currently they're halfway thru Season 5.

Out of all the seasons, I thought season 4 was arguably the worst season of the show. Still better than the average show, especially at that time, but there was a lot of filler and it was a pretty aimless season till the last few episodes. The Christopher Columbus episode and the Furio subplot were big offenders I feel
Seasons 3-5 were my favorite. Olivia annoyed the **** outta me so I loved it after she ended up croaking lol
As far as I'm concerned, The Sopranos is one of the greatest tv shows ever made. No arguments.
Acting, writing, direction... everything gets an A+ from me.
It also basically laid the groundwork for this "new golden age" of ulta-high quality TV we're in.

But the one thing -the one thing!- I think they really got wrong? Livia's final scene. You know, the one where they digitally resurrect Nancy Marchand for absolutely no reason at all?
I think it's quite possibly the most involuntarily creepy ****ing scene in television history.
Seriously, look at this:

As far as I'm concerned, The Sopranos is one of the greatest tv shows ever made. No arguments.
Acting, writing, direction... everything gets an A+ from me.
It also basically laid the groundwork for this "new golden age" of ulta-high quality TV we're in.

But the one thing -the one thing!- I think they really got wrong? Livia's final scene. You know, the one where they digitally resurrect Nancy Marchand for absolutely no reason at all?
I think it's quite possibly the most involuntarily creepy ****ing scene in television history.
Seriously, look at this:

While I agree with you that it's an awkward and creepy scene, I could see why they did it
since she died between seasons 2 and 3. It's at least an attempt to provide some closure since if it was just mentioned in passing, we may've felt gipped. Oh well
If she didn't pass away, we probably would have never got Gloria Trillo, one of the highlights of Season 3.
Yea Gloria really was awesome. The steak, hahahahaha
Oh, yeah....she was a wack a doo of the highest order.

The Tracee arc was great as well. Ariel Kiley was one of the hottest girls on that show. She runs a Yoga studio these days in Brooklyn.
What about Svetlana? (sp?) She was unbelievably hot
The blond with one stump? She was alright, Irina was always waaaay hotter despite being an emotional/alcoholic wreck. Svetlana was more comical than anything else. I loved the scene in S4 when she was hired by Tony to look after Junior and ran into Janice for the first time after stealing her leg. Janice starts to go into a long winded explanation and Svetlana just cuts her off, "Eh, you are such a boring woman".
FYI folks, HBO announced today that starting Monday they will put up all the seasons for 1 full month starting with (of course) Season 1 on Monday, then S2 in August, S3 in Sept, ect.....
I'm 3 episodes in Third season, I it's a bit boring. The story just isn't moving forward.
Seasons 3-5 were my favorite. Olivia annoyed the **** outta me so I loved it after she ended up croaking lol

Kinda sad but remember the scene where they CGI'd her head?


.....Oh it's been posted! LOL. Creepy and hilarious.
I'm 3 episodes in Third season, I it's a bit boring. The story just isn't moving forward.

Season 3 suffered from last minute re-writes after Nancy Marchand died. It gets better.
The episode "Long Term Parking" was on last night. It was probably one of the best episodes they ever did. If someone never watched a single episode of the show and watched this episode in particular, they would probably totally get everything that was going on. It played out like a mini movie.
I tried to get into The Sopranos, couldn't do it. Seemed really dull and uninteresting. Plus I think the whole Italian-American mob thing is totally played out and lame. Oh well.
Your MASSIVE loss. It's an amazing work of fiction
I just finished this last night, and I have to say, this title of the greatest television drama lives up to the hype.

The writing was absolutely impeccable. There is not one bad episode. You just love some more than others, but all of them are of the highest quality. Genius.

And after watching the final scene a few times, it just might be the best closing to a show ever. Brilliant, brilliant stuff as to how Chase laid everything out not just here, but by the build up through the episode and the whole sixth season. The entire death of the mob culminates in that one scene.
I binged all 7 Seasons of this show not too long ago and yeah I can definitely see why people love it. I don't even think I can pick a favorite season, because I thought each was great in their own ways, but I did really enjoy those episodes with Steve Buscemi and Joe Pantoliano in them. Love both of those actors man and the fate of Buscemi's character was actually kind of sad considering he was at least trying to go straight. James Gandolfini is going to be really missed as well. The man was an insanely talented actor, but I'm sure Tony Soprano will always be one of the most iconic television characters and up there with the rest of the other greats.

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