The "Pitch a Movie" Thread


I saw footage
Sep 28, 2011
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Don't know if we have a thread for this but basically this is a thread for you guys to cast (and/or choose a director, writer, etc if you want) a hypothetical movie you want to see. It could be book/ animated show adaption, a remake to a movie you found dissapointing, something completely original like Chris Nolan directing a western starring JGL, scored by Ennio Morricone, about so and so. Or something completely rediculous.

Have at it guys.
Period drama set in the 1950s when mental illness was poorly understood and usually undiagnosed and untreated.

Anne Hathaway (I'm also open to Jessica Chastain or maybe Jennifer Lawrence) is a wealthy but unhappy society woman suffering from bipolar disorder (which they didn't have a word for or understand). She basically has a meltdown, abandons her significantly older husband (David Strathairn) and goes on a voyage of self-discovery across Europe where she meets other damaged souls, including a gay American expatriate (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who fled to escape shock treatment and the lovely stuff they did to gays in the '50s, and a depressed, suicidal French widow (Marion Cotillard) and has a torrid affair with a volatile English boxer (Tom Hardy), who's just as messed up as she is.

Eventually you get the tragic backstories: Cotillard lost her husband and children in a fire, and Hardy has PTSD (which, again, was not understood or treated well at the time). He was in WWII, and saw some **** he's never, ever opened his mouth about, and boxes to vent all his bottled-up issues (I know, slight "Warrior" vibes, only plus banging Anne Hathaway).

Eventually, Hathaway breaks it off with Hardy because he's kind of an intense scary dude and they're both messed up and their affair is toxic. Tragedy also strikes when Cotillard commits suicide by burning her house down around herself.

Hathaway goes home, and confesses all to Strathairn, who is sympathetic and as understanding as he can be, and they get divorced. She leaves with a lot of money he gives her and starts a new life somewhere remote and peaceful.

Meanwhile, Hardy gives up boxing and confides in his cold, unfeeling father (Ralph Fiennes) about the WWII horrors he's never opened his mouth about (something to do with liberating a concentration camp). Fiennes is moved to tell his son he loves him for like the first time ever.

In the epilogue, some time later, Hardy tracks down Hathaway and they try again, both of them being in a somewhat better emotional place than when they met.

Yea...I don't know. Don't judge me.
No, no. I like it lol. You guys have fun with this, I'll think of something as well
I've actually written a script for a live action adaptation of one of my all time favorite Saturday Morning cartoons, Thundarr The Barbarian. It's an origins story, explaining how everyone met, where Thundarr got his Sunsword, where Ariel is a princess, etc.

It begins in modern times with two NASA scientists, Dr Harris & Dr Kraft, discovering a planet sized comet heading towards Earth. The world's governments join together to try and stop the comet. Their attempt fails, but rather than colliding with the Earth, the comet passes between The Earth & The Moon. A large chunk of the comet strikes the moon, causing it to split in two. Earth is bombarded with smaller debris from the comets tail. The comet is highly radioactive and causes genetic mutations in future generations.

Two thousand years later the world has become a savage place of mutants, monsters, and magic. Princess Ariel's parents are the king & queen of the kingdom built on the ruins of what was once Vancouver BC, Canada. The king is covertly murdered by the royal sorcerer, Sabian, who then marries the queen and takes over the kingdom.

Years later in the wild mountains of norther BC, an adolescent Thundarr The Barbarian and Ookla The Mok's tribes are meeting to trade food, clothing, and weapons. This is how Thundarr learned to understand Mok, for it's important to maintain their trade agreement. The meeting is attacked by mutant slavers. Many of both Thundarr's and Ookla's tribes are slain, including their parents. Everyone else is sold to the wizard Sabian. Thundarr and Ookla are put to work doing hard labour, and grow to become big and strong. When Sabian tries to force them to fight each other to the death in the ruins of BC Place Stadium, they refuse and fight his guards instead. They're subdued and thrown in the dungeons.

Princess Ariel then learns that her stepfather had promised her to the demon lord who helped him become king. She frees all of Sabian's slaves, then helps Thundarr and Ookla escape. They steal three mounts and ride off into the wilds. There they meet the rebelion, mostly former palace guards and soldiers who were loyal to the true king. Their leader has a map which leads to a hidden treasure which could turn the balance of power in their favour. So Ariel, Ookla, and Thundarr go in search of this artifact.

Meanwhile, Sabian has hired the services of a barbarian mercenary named Zogarr to track the three of them down and bring Ariel back alive. He captures a rebel and tortures him until he reveals the trio's destination. Zogarr then follows in hot persuit.

When they get to the ruins of Seattle Washington, Thundarr and Ookla scout ahead while Ariel stays behind with their three guides. While the barbarian and the mok are away, Zogarr attacks, killing the three guides and kidnapping Ariel. When Thundarr and Ookla come back to camp and learn what happened, they go back to Seattle and find the hidden treasure. The treasure in question is The Sunsword. Thundarr proves his worth to the sword's guardian, then becomes the swords master. He and Ookla then return to the rebelion. They organize an assault on the royal palace, and Thundarr and Ookla use the diversion to sneak in. As they make their way through the palace halls, they are confronted by Zogarr. Thundarr and Zogarr battle it out, Sunsword vs Power Axe. Thundarr eventually cuts Zogarr's arm off at the shoulder and slashes him across the chest, collapsing his lungs.

Thundarr and Ookla arrive just in time to stop the demon lord from inhabiting Ariel's body. They defeat Sabian, but in so doing cause a chain of events that will destroy the royal palace, if not the city. They flee, and just barely escape the wrath of a gianormous explosion. With her home, and many of her subjects destroyed, Princess Ariel chooses to accompany Thundarr and Ookla on their travels.

Then during the end credits, there's a teaser where Zogarr's arm has been replaced with a robotic one. His entire torso is not an armor plated artificial breathing machine. When he asks who it was that saved his life, it turns out to be the wizard Gemini.

My dream cast for this movie is as follows:

Producer & Director: Joss Whedon

Dr Harris: Patrick Stuart

Dr Kraft: Catherine Zeta-Jones

Samantha (The President's Secretary): Sarah Michelle Gellar

President Of United States: Harrison Ford

Secret Service Agent #1: Nathan Fillion

Secret Service Agent #2: David Boreanaz

King Lo (Ariel's Father): Bolo Yeung

Queen Lee (Ariel's Mother): Tia Carere

Sabian (Ariel's Stepfather): Al Leong

Chief Ogrot (Ookla's Father): Peter Mayhew

Chief Borgarr (Thundarr's Father): Dolph Lundgren

Queen Sinda (Thundarr's Mother): Lucy Lawless

Thundarr The Barbarian: Chris Hemsworth

Princess Ariel: Ellen Wong

Ookla The Mok: The Great Khali

Zogarr The Barbarian: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
I always thought about a Trilogy having the same characters and storyline for all 3 films, but have each film be a different genre. Comedy, horror, sci-fi. I think it would be interesting to see the same characters in each genre and would be a challenge to have a thorough Storyline for all 3 films.
:up: Thundarr, very nice

Thanks. I've got a couple of others planned, but they're not as fully thought out. They're just in the preliminary planning stages.

One is for Clint Eastwood to return as "Dirty" Harry Calahan. Harry has retired from the force and is trying to deal with the dull life of a retiree as best he can. He goes for a run every morning. Goes to the firing range to squeeze off a few rounds. Goes to the local police watering hole to down a few with the fellas who are still on the force. That sort of thing. One day he gets a letter in the mail. It tells him to watch the news on a specific channel at a specific time later that day. When the hour rolls around, his curiosity gets the better of him and he turns on the news. The top story is that of a young woman being shot dead in her pool on the anniversary of the day that the sniper known as Scorpio had committed an almost identical murder. Harry brings the letter to the police station and shows it to the boys in homicide. They shrug it off. Then the mysterious sniper starts recreating more of Scorpio's crimes and sending Harry more letters. Now the department takes the case more seriously and bring Harry on as a civilian consultant. They team him up with his old partner from "The Dead Pool" and a fresh young hotshot, who actually idolizes Harry and shares his views of beaurocratic BS. But once Harry is on the case, the copycat killer is no longer copying Scorpio. Now he's copying one of Harry's other cases. Every time Harry is about to get ahead of the killer, he changes his M.O. and starts to copycat another of Harry's cases. This continues until the killer is finally revealed. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out who I want the killer to be yet.
I would watch the **** out of that lol....cuz you know.....

I had a similar idea about Clint returning as Blondie. I'm still working on the story though
I want a Clint Eastwood/Christopher Walken buddy movie.
Period drama set in the 1950s when mental illness was poorly understood and usually undiagnosed and untreated.

Anne Hathaway (I'm also open to Jessica Chastain or maybe Jennifer Lawrence) is a wealthy but unhappy society woman suffering from bipolar disorder (which they didn't have a word for or understand). She basically has a meltdown, abandons her significantly older husband (David Strathairn) and goes on a voyage of self-discovery across Europe where she meets other damaged souls, including a gay American expatriate (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who fled to escape shock treatment and the lovely stuff they did to gays in the '50s, and a depressed, suicidal French widow (Marion Cotillard) and has a torrid affair with a volatile English boxer (Tom Hardy), who's just as messed up as she is.

Eventually you get the tragic backstories: Cotillard lost her husband and children in a fire, and Hardy has PTSD (which, again, was not understood or treated well at the time). He was in WWII, and saw some **** he's never, ever opened his mouth about, and boxes to vent all his bottled-up issues (I know, slight "Warrior" vibes, only plus banging Anne Hathaway).

Eventually, Hathaway breaks it off with Hardy because he's kind of an intense scary dude and they're both messed up and their affair is toxic. Tragedy also strikes when Cotillard commits suicide by burning her house down around herself.

Hathaway goes home, and confesses all to Strathairn, who is sympathetic and as understanding as he can be, and they get divorced. She leaves with a lot of money he gives her and starts a new life somewhere remote and peaceful.

Meanwhile, Hardy gives up boxing and confides in his cold, unfeeling father (Ralph Fiennes) about the WWII horrors he's never opened his mouth about (something to do with liberating a concentration camp). Fiennes is moved to tell his son he loves him for like the first time ever.

In the epilogue, some time later, Hardy tracks down Hathaway and they try again, both of them being in a somewhat better emotional place than when they met.

Yea...I don't know. Don't judge me.

Here, I brought you some Oscar bait for all the Hollywood sharks you'll undoubtedly encounter :awesome:

I actually think that's a great idea for an original film. Bravo :up:
I would watch the **** out of that lol....cuz you know.....

I had a similar idea about Clint returning as Blondie. I'm still working on the story though

I figured you'd like that one, lol. Here's a movie idea I've had for a while. It actually started out as an idea for a summer camp, but it would cost millions of dollars to launch a camp like this, and I don't happen to have millions of dollars so . . .

The title of the film is "Camp Blood", chosen as a tribute to one of my all time favourite slasher movies, Friday The 13th. It's about a summer camp that just a little bit different. It's a camp for young horror fans. Kids sign up to spend two weeks at camp. During Week #1, they do normal summer camp stuff (swimming, hiking, canoeing, toasting marshmallows, singing campfire songs, etc). Then during Week #2, they are "stalked" by a mysterious "killer", and are picked off one by one. It's all just a big game, kinda like those "Murder Mystery Parties", where clues are left around the camp and the remaining campers have to deduce who the "killer" is. Kinda like the revealed plot in the 1980's horror/comedy "April Fool's Day". In the script, it's a popular summer camp and the kids enjoy trying to figure out who the killer is going to be this year (the killer changes every year for each new batch of kids so that they don't get bored with Week #2). Only this year, the murders end up being for real.

I also have an idea for a movie loosely based on a short story entitled "The Sentry". If you haven't read the story, its a monologue by a soldier in an intergalactic war who's on sentry duty. He describes the enemy as being bloodthirsty and warlike, saying that they attacked his civilization without provocation, and they respond to all attempts at a peaceful resolution with violence. Then he shoots and kills one of the alien invaders and it's revealed that the aliens in question are humans.

So for the movie version, I would have it begin with seeing the peaceful aliens culture being destroyed by intergalactic invaders. Then the aliens fight back. It's a very bloody war with heavy casualties on both sides. The invaders wear uniforms and helmets which keep their entire bodies covered, so we never see what they look like. At least not until the very end, when during the final battle of the film, an invader is shot dead and his helmet flies off. When the alien protagonist walks up to him to finally get a good look at one of these invaders, it's revealed to be a human from Earth. Then the alien makes a comment like "How disgusting".
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I also have an idea for a movie loosely based on a short story entitled "The Sentry". If you haven't read the story, its a monologue by a soldier in an intergalactic war who's on sentry duty. He describes the enemy as being bloodthirsty and warlike, saying that they attacked his civilization without provocation, and they respond to all attempts at a pieceful resolution with violence. Then he shoots and kills one of the alien invaders and it's revealed that the aliens in question are humans.

So for the movie version, I would have it begin with seeing the peaceful aliens culture being destroyed by intergalactic invaders. Then the aliens fight back. It's a very bloody war with heavy casualties on both sides. The invaders wear uniforms and helmets which keep their entire bodies covered, so we never see what they look like. At least not until the very end, when during the final battle of the film, an invader is shot dead and his helmet flies off. When the alien protagonist walks up to him to finally get a good look at one of these invaders, it's revealed to be a human from Earth. Then the alien makes a comment like "How disgusting".

I love this. It'll be good to see an alien invasion from another race's perspective after so long (then again, we did kinda have Avatar). I think it might be more effective if the human reveal comes sometime around the halfway-point in the movie so you could develop why the humans are invading, what Earth is like now, possibly turn the soldier (if he's still alive) into a protagonist etc. That's probably the more studio-friendly direction lol

Thank God this thread was made - I have an entire document on my laptop tracking any ideas, scripts, concepts or whatever I have. Most is original but there's some adaptations, sequels, remakes etc ideas in there. I'm gonna be in here a while :woot:
Great stuff Thundarr.

I have an idea which I am still working on. It's around 70-100 years in the future and set in San Francisco (because NY is overused :o). All guns have been outlawed and many criminals have resorted to swords and other weapons. The main character is a young latin vigilante detective who is very popular around the community, giving food and money to the poor (which he takes from criminals).

The universe has influences from 1984, Dirty Harry, Dredd, Batman, and Asian culture. All water is privatised and gasoline is gone. That's what I have so far, I have many other interesting side characters and villains. And no, there is no super powers lol.
Buddy cop movie where two men go after a man who claims to be the son of Al Capone and he plans on bringing back Al Capone's criminal empire.

P.S. I read this on some other website.

What do you guys think?
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Cage to the Future

Nicolas Cage goes back in time and kills Johnny Depp. This results in a universe where Nicolas Cage played Tonto in a Long Ranger movie.
Cage to the Future

Nicolas Cage goes back in time and kills Johnny Depp. This results in a universe where Nicolas Cage played Tonto in a Long Ranger movie.

Did someone say Oscar? :o
Read this on Cracked:

A Gladiator sequel where Russel Crowe goes on a God of War type journey battling Greek gods
Great stuff Thundarr.

I have an idea which I am still working on. It's around 70-100 years in the future and set in San Francisco (because NY is overused :o). All guns have been outlawed and many criminals have resorted to swords and other weapons. The main character is a young latin vigilante detective who is very popular around the community, giving food and money to the poor (which he takes from criminals).

The universe has influences from 1984, Dirty Harry, Dredd, Batman, and Asian culture. All water is privatised and gasoline is gone. That's what I have so far, I have many other interesting side characters and villains. And no, there is no super powers lol.

Interesting. So it's kinda like a crossover between Tank Girl and Mad Max.

There are a couple of novels I'd like to see adapted into films. The first is Harry Turtledove's World War series. For those of you who haven't read it, aliens invade Earth during the height of World War II. They came here expecting to find armoured knights riding into battle swinging swords. Instead when they get here they find we have planes, tanks, firearms, radios, and even a rudimentary understanding of radiation. Their technology still far outshines our own, though not by nearly as much as they originally believed. Technologically speaking, they're relatively on par with humanity in the 21st century. Their only real advancement is in space travel, and we're pretty close to getting caught up with them there.

Anyway, they commense with their invasion (the colonization fleet is on its way, what else can they do?). When the world's governments see that there is a new global threat, they cease hostilities between each other and fight against the invaders from beyond the stars. Some humans welcome The Lizards as saviors (namely the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe), but most see them as invaders. It's an interesting story, with lots of side plots, and could make for a very interesting series of films.

Another book which I think would make for an amazing movie is called In The Net Of Dreams. It's kind of like a cross between The Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix, and (in a way) Jumanji. It's set in the not too distant future. The world's most popular past time is VR gaming. Essentially you lock yourself inside a sensory deprivation chamber and your conciousness awakens in the body of your virtual reality avatar. Unfortunately something has gone wrong. The virtual realities have bled into each other and CG characters from one game are showing up in other games. And to make matters worse, people are getting trapped inside the Virtual Reality worlds of their games. And to top it all off, there's a information feedback loop, causing people to feel in real life what their avatars experience in the game. In other words, if your character dies in the game, the player dies in real life.

As luck should have it, the vice president of the United States is an avid gamer. And one day while playing in West World (a "cowboys & indians" VR game), he is suddenly abducted by a horde of orcs from Fantasy World. So the government calls in one of the games original designers to go in and rescue the Vice President. He's reluctant, due to a conflict of interest he has with the corporate heads who run the VR game he had designed, but he agrees. So he goes into Fantasy World and joins up with a party of adventurers, some of them the avatars of actual gamers, some of them CG characters created by the computer, and together they try and rescue the Vice President and at the same time discern what has gone wrong with the game and hopefully fix it before it gets any worse.

Another book I'd love to see made into a movie would be Body Smasher. It's about a war veteran named Rick Harrison who is recruited by an old army buddy of his to work for the CIA as an undercover agent. Communist terrorists have stolen a shipment of weapons grade plutonium, and are planning on bombing The World Wrestling & Weightlifting Competition in New York City. The head of the CIA division in charge of stopping the attack recruits Harrison because he believes he has a leak in the department and he needs someone he can trust. Harrison is to go undercover as a catch-as-catch-can wrestler for Team USA, and is given a crash course in being a spy AND being a wrestler. And brought in to train Harrison as a wrestler is none other than the manager of champions himself . . . Captain Lou Albano! The rest of the book/movie is pretty much your standard "espianage action movie" fare. Still, it would be fun to watch.

Both In The Net Of Dreams and Body Smasher are from the 80's and are very much products of their time. For these stories to work, Body Smasher would have to be set in the 80's (for one thing, Lou Albano has passed away). In The Net of Dreams works pretty well as is, except that one of the main characters is an agent of the KGB. She would have to be rewritten into something more modern/futuristic, as the KGB has been disbanded. She'll need to be either an agent of the modern equivelant of the KGB, or she'll have to be rewritten as perhaps an officer in the Russian Army.
Cage to the Future

Nicolas Cage goes back in time and kills Johnny Depp. This results in a universe where Nicolas Cage played Tonto in a Long Ranger movie.

The Long Ranger? Is that the XXX porno version?
* Vampire Hunter D"

* Thundarr the Barbarian

* Ninja Scroll

* Battle Angel

* Silver Surfer

* Demon CIty Shinjuku

* Doctor Strange

* Speed Racer-reboot (i mean an absolute total reboot!)

(maybe down the road...Rom:Spaceknight, Black Panther, Baoh)
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I've always wanted a Dragon Ball movie, don't know why they haven't made one yet. Stephen Chow as director of course.

Starring Ryan Gosling and Rooney Mara as Husband and Wife

Gosling is Wife, Mara is Husband

Ready your Oscar statues. :o
I've always wanted a Dragon Ball movie, don't know why they haven't made one yet. Stephen Chow as director of course.

I believe they've made a couple of them, they've just all totally sucked.

I'd really like to see someone make a biodrama movie out of Mick Foley's autobiographies, Have A Nice Day & Foley Is Good. I would call it Blood & Sweatsocks: The Mick Foley Story. It would star Jack Black as grown up Mick Foley, Angelina Jolie as his wife Colette, and if Owen Hart is featured in the story at all, he would be played by Owen Wilson. The movie would start just as the first book does, with Mick losing half of his ear during a match against Vader in Germany. Then it will go to his youth. His filming of "The Loved One". His early years in pro wrestling. His time in WCW, ECW, Japan, and eventually the WWE. Then I would end it with his Hell In A Cell match against Triple H, after which he "retires". One scene that absolutely must be in the film is when Mick, Al Snow, Hardcore Holly, and test are driving down the highway together. Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" comes on the radio, and Mick absent mindedly starts singing along. Al asks him "You actually like this song?" To which Mick sheepishly replies "Yeah." Then Al Snow says "Me too! Crank it up!" So Mick turns the volume all the way up and the four of them are barreling down the highway singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time" at the top of their lungs.
Cowboy Bebop Movie

Director : Rian Johnson


Spike Spiegel - Joseph Gordon Levitt

Jet Black - Ron Perlman


Faye Valentine - Emily Blunt


Edward - Chloe-Grace-Moretz

Viscous - Tom Hiddleston


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