My working title for this movie is "Camp Blood", though I may have to change that because there's already a series of movies by that name. The idea is Camp Blood is a summer camp for young horror fans. The teens are there for 2 weeks. Week #1 is like any other summer camp, they go hiking, swimming, canoing, hoseback riding, archery, etc. The second week, a "psycho killer" starts "picking off" the campers one by one. This is all just a gag though, like those murder mystery parties. The "killer" attacks his "victims" with rubber axes and plastic knives with retractible blades. Once "killed", the campers go to a luxery cabin deep in the woods to wait out the rest of their stay. But this year, the actor that the camp hired to play the psycho killer is killed by an actual homicidal maniac, who takes over the role for real.
The working title of my next movie idea is Omega Force 7. It's an epic sci-fi action movie. A peaceful planet in a distant galaxy is attacked by an unknown enemy. The invaders are vicious, cruel, and ruthless, butchering women, children, and elderly with hardly a thought. Their identities are completely unknown because they wear helmets with tinted visors. The aliens who are under attack are humanoid, but don't look quite human. They're hairless, have only 3 fingers on each hand, different colour skin, etc. They finally manage to mobilize their military and turn the tide of battle. At the end of the final battle scene, one of the invading soldiers' helmet comes off when he's shot. The storys hero walks up, takes a look at the invader and says "Damn, they're ugly!" Then the camera pans down to the dead invader, and it's a human, wearing a uniform which reads "U.S. Army".
The Body Smasher. This is a novel about a bunch of communist terrorists planning to set off a nuclear explosion at The World Wrestling & Weight Lifting Games in New York City. The head of the CIA recruits an old army buddy of his. They were in the special forces together. In order to infiltrate the games he has to take a crash course in catch as catch can wrestling, by non other than the manager of champions Captain Lou Albano. Needless to say the hero, Rick Harrison, kicks some ass, saves the day, and gets the girl.