The Question is RIDICULOUS!!!

Dr. Mid-Nite

Apr 15, 2006
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I came to the conclusion that The Question is a really stupid name to have, I mean why would he call himself that if all he does is look for answers? Shouldn't he be called The Answer? No offense, but it's like Batman who names himself after a freakin flying rodent. :rolleyes: Bash me if you want to, but this whole name thing has been bothering for quite some time.
If it just takes something like that to bother you, then you might require some medical assistance. I think they have pills for it.
As opposed to Dr. Mid-Nite, whose name is a pun that means absolutely nothing?
Dr. Mid-Nite said:
I came to the conclusion that The Question is a really stupid name to have, I mean why would he call himself that if all he does is look for answers? Shouldn't he be called The Answer? No offense, but it's like Batman who names himself after a freakin flying rodent. :rolleyes: Bash me if you want to, but this whole name thing has been bothering for quite some time.

"Bats aren't rodents, Dr. Meridian"
Dr. Mid-Nite said:
I came to the conclusion that The Question is a really stupid name to have, I mean why would he call himself that if all he does is look for answers? Shouldn't he be called The Answer? No offense, but it's like Batman who names himself after a freakin flying rodent. :rolleyes: Bash me if you want to, but this whole name thing has been bothering for quite some time.

Bats aren't rodents. They are however, the only mammal capable of flight.

And the reason he's called "The Question," is do to the fact that he questions everything that surrounds him. For instance, he'll question where a specific item comes from and finding his way up to it's main source.
I came to the conclusion that The Question is a really stupid name to have, I mean why would he call himself that if all he does is look for answers? Shouldn't he be called The Answer? No offense, but it's like Batman who names himself after a freakin flying rodent. Bash me if you want to, but this whole name thing has been bothering for quite some time.
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I didn't see that coming. You got me. hahaha
The Question is a character who can see that there is more to life than what is given at face value. There are more things hidden in the shadows, than will ever be acknowledged or said in the light. The quote "There are more things under heaven and earth, than in your wildest dreams, Horatio"..comes to mind.

Hence he questions everything. And look to the conspiracies to find answers. His name is unique and stands out above other heroes.

Batman also had thought behind his name. And the fact that you called a bat a rodent, kind of shows how you're not really a valid source on this matter. Spider-man was bitten by a spider, super man is super, iron man has an iron suit, aqua man swims a lot and eats fish sticks sometimes. The names make sense and are actually realistic given the fact that they are easy to remember and are only aliases so that the real heroes didn't have to go out in public and risk their family and friend's lives to fight crime, or in Batman's case, risk his ideals and motivation.

You're kind of just truling to come into a super hero board and say that hero's names are stupid.

You need to think about it first before posting.
The world spins mad.
The people are so intoxicated by luxury,they have forgotten everything that makes us more than house pets.

Yet I will not yield. I will not accept the corrupt new way of things.

The mind of man must be reclaimed, if not by this generation or by the next, then some day. Some decade.

It is not in my power to effect the change. I haven't the might.
I am not the answer.
I am only the Question.

That's why.
well if you don't like the question, you better get used to him, he's gotham's guardian for an entire year.
Dr. Mid-Nite said:
I came to the conclusion that The Question is a really stupid name to have, I mean why would he call himself that if all he does is look for answers? Shouldn't he be called The Answer? No offense, but it's like Batman who names himself after a freakin flying rodent. :rolleyes: Bash me if you want to, but this whole name thing has been bothering for quite some time.

He's called The Question because he questions things. Both practically and philisophically. He doesn't call himself "The Answer" because he doesn't have any answers. He's looking for some. And, to him, while he's searching for answers, it's the questions that matter. Not the result, but the steps you take to acheive that result. The journy is the fairer part, not the destination. Also, it's a throwback to old crime noir heroes of the 30s, like The Shadow or The Spider.

rigel7soldiers said:
The world spins mad.

The people are so intoxicated by luxury,they have forgotten everything that makes us more than house pets.





Yet I will not yield. I will not accept the corrupt new way of things.

The mind of man must be reclaimed, if not by this generation or by the next, then some day. Some decade.

It is not in my power to effect the change. I haven't the might.

I am not the answer.

I am only the Question.

Dude. Nice one.
This thread actually made me like "The Question" a hell of a ton more.
The Question is badass. I can't wait to see what he was up to in Gotham.
ChineseFooD said:
The Question is a character who can see that there is more to life than what is given at face value. There are more things hidden in the shadows, than will ever be acknowledged or said in the light. The quote "There are more things under heaven and earth, than in your wildest dreams, Horatio"..comes to mind.

Hence he questions everything. And look to the conspiracies to find answers. His name is unique and stands out above other heroes.

Batman also had thought behind his name. And the fact that you called a bat a rodent, kind of shows how you're not really a valid source on this matter. Spider-man was bitten by a spider, super man is super, iron man has an iron suit, aqua man swims a lot and eats fish sticks sometimes. The names make sense and are actually realistic given the fact that they are easy to remember and are only aliases so that the real heroes didn't have to go out in public and risk their family and friend's lives to fight crime, or in Batman's case, risk his ideals and motivation.

You're kind of just truling to come into a super hero board and say that hero's names are stupid.

You need to think about it first before posting.

Iron mans suit isn't made of Iron.

If it was, even Kingpin could peel him out of it
Dwarf lord said:
If it just takes something like that to bother you, then you might require some medical assistance. I think they have pills for it.
I'm inclined to agree.
rigel7soldiers said:
The world spins mad.
The people are so intoxicated by luxury,they have forgotten everything that makes us more than house pets.

Yet I will not yield. I will not accept the corrupt new way of things.

The mind of man must be reclaimed, if not by this generation or by the next, then some day. Some decade.

It is not in my power to effect the change. I haven't the might.
I am not the answer.
I am only the Question.

That's why.

Yep. Q was definately one of the best parts of DKSA. :up:
rigel7soldiers said:
The world spins mad.
The people are so intoxicated by luxury,they have forgotten everything that makes us more than house pets.

Yet I will not yield. I will not accept the corrupt new way of things.

The mind of man must be reclaimed, if not by this generation or by the next, then some day. Some decade.

It is not in my power to effect the change. I haven't the might.
I am not the answer.
I am only the Question.

That's why.

Well said.
Good Lord. What a childish little person. And yet all of you fell for the obvious ploy. He was trying to piss everybody off. He hasn't been back to this thread yet, and it's been almost a day.

That said, I would like to point out that the statement, "all he does is look for answers" is a gross oversimplification of what The Question means. Read the old pre-DC stuff, as I did recently, and you'll see what the character is about.

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