The Revenge Thread


Apr 9, 2006
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*shifty* As Khan said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold". This is the thread about "getting even". Have you ever got even? Has any one ever got even with you? Are you waiting to get even with someone? Do you have a plan? What's the best revenge tale you have heard?
As Lt. Dangle said, 'revenge is best served at least luke-warm' because you still remember the person and what they did to you.
I tricked a girl into overdosing on viagra.
But yea, I usually get even with people.
Nah, but seriously, this is a true story: I went out with some friends to see a movie then we went back to my buddy, Lien's, house. Lien and his girl head outside, so me and Daeshia decide to give them some privacy. Later that night we come out to find his suburban and my altima toilet papered together. So two weeks later me and Daeshia stole the tires from Lien's truck.
Nah, but seriously, this is a true story: I went out with some friends to see a movie then we went back to my buddy, Lien's, house. Lien and his girl head outside, so me and Daeshia decide to give them some privacy. Later that night we come out to find his suburban and my altima toilet papered together. So two weeks later me and Daeshia stole the tires from Lien's truck.

Fair. I once pissed in the hot water urn for coffeee, at a place of work when I was 18. I did this because I annoyed with the boss.
One time a kid hit me in head with a shovel... I rough him up once in awhile now... But it's okay, I'm over it, we're cool with eachother (sometimes the kid is still a little jackass, though)

But I don't try to take revenge, it's not the superhero way.
If someone ever aggravates me I find a way to get them back . I have a tendency to carry a grudge . Not something I'm proud of but I always get them back whether it be a week later or months later. I don't like it but If you were a jerk you get what you deserve unless you apologize. Sometimes apologies don't mean sh_t to me.
Well, there was this one time. Noir, who is a poster on here was talking crap about me, so I got my revenge by totally kicking his ass.

That was awesome.
Ok this may disturb some fellow younglings but heck I was in grade 6 at the time.

Our class went to a camp and in the morning I got up and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I come back to my dorm were all my friends are and all of them start to laugh like mad. I later find out that my best friend at the moment stuck my toothbrush up his but and put it back in my packing bag and I brushed my teeth with it, so I had better plans for him.

The next time when he's sleeping I pull of my pants and boxers and teabag his lag.....he was soo mad but I was proud of it oddly :p
Ok this may disturb some fellow younglings but heck I was in grade 6 at the time.

Our class went to a camp and in the morning I got up and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I come back to my dorm were all my friends are and all of them start to laugh like mad. I later find out that my best friend at the moment stuck my toothbrush up his but and put it back in my packing bag and I brushed my teeth with it, so I had better plans for him.

The next time when he's sleeping I pull of my pants and boxers and teabag his lag.....he was soo mad but I was proud of it oddly :p

This was this one moron on a message board I post on who put his testicles in another dude's mouth and I got back at him for being such a leech on society by calling him "really, really, really gay."
Sixth grade... and you put your balls in another guy's mouth...

Why do I not believe that story one bit?
I swear to god I teabaged his ankle....I swear.

Not gonna lie...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy.

And you fail bro. You brushed your teeth with ass juice, and you put your sack on his ankle...way to go?
I swear to god I teabaged his ankle....I swear.

Okay, I may not be completely up-to-date on my perversion nomenclature, but isn't tea-bagging specifically dropping your sack into someone else's gaping mouth? If it's his ankle, it's not a teabag.

Therefore, you are made of fail. :o


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