The Slogan Generator

"Always Low On Fran" :csad:
"Every Kiss Begins With Fran" :o
Men Can't Help Acting On Spider-Man Luvr28.

Gonna Be a While? Grab a Spider-Man Luvr28

Nobody Better Lay a Finger on my Spider-Man Luvr28.

We All Adore a Spider-Man Luvr28. (Damn right. :) )
Come see the softer side of Kalel114.

Kalel114: The other white meat.

You like Kalel114. Kalel114 Likes You.

Kalel114 Not Included. :(
"Why have cottoncandy when you can have Asteroid-Man!"

"Bet you can't eat Asteroid-Man"

"Gee! Your Asteroid-Man smells terriffic!"

"Come fly the friendly Asteroid-Man!"

"Promise her anything, but give her Asteroid-Man."
"It Makes Your Superferret Smack."

I guess..


:wow: It DOES!
Every bubble's passed its Symbiotic.
Make the most of Symbiotic.:word:
You need a Symbiotic.:woot:
The biggest Symbiotic pennies can buy.
Where Symbiotic is a pleasure.:word:
Would you give someone your last Symbiotic?
Heh :D

There Ain't No Party Like A Lobo Party.
"Ferret-Lickin' Good."

Someone call the ASPCA, that's cruelty to animals.
"With a name like Chaseter, it has to be good."
Biting the Hand that Feeds Mal'Akai.

Really liked that one.

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