The Usual Suspects


Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Anybody else love it? I mean the whole question during the movie Who is Keyser Soze? Kevin Spacey’s Oscar winning performance, The ensemble cast, and of course the ending. Who else loves it?
I love it! I will give it 9 out of 10. Great work of Spacey and excellent job of Singer as director.

It was one of the best detective thrillers with great twist!
I saw it for the first time recently,already knowing the twist.Needless to say,I really missed out.:(
In my top 5 of favorite movies.
The Hero said:
I saw it for the first time recently,already knowing the twist.Needless to say,I really missed out.:(

You poor thing...The whole film was built around that twist :(
Erundur said:
You poor thing...The whole film was built around that twist :(
However, the twist ruined all other plot development in the film and essentially made the film about nothing.
reggiebar said:
However, the twist ruined all other plot development in the film and essentially made the film about nothing.

I guess you didn't like seinfeld either :confused::(
Erundur said:
I guess you didn't like seinfeld either :confused::(

I loved Seinfeld. However, if you really think about the end of this film (give it some thought) and you will realize that the ending ruins the rest of the movie - it is a huge contridiction to the rest of the film. So, if you want to say that we shouldn't believe any of the story what is the point of the film?
The ending shows the genius of
Kyser Soze
Its a good movie, its not as good as the hype around it, but its good.
reggiebar said:
I loved Seinfeld. However, if you really think about the end of this film (give it some thought) and you will realize that the ending ruins the rest of the movie - it is a huge contridiction to the rest of the film. So, if you want to say that we shouldn't believe any of the story what is the point of the film?

Ruined or not I still think it's a cool movie. So there.
Great piece of modern noir. We need more films like it. I think that the sucess of it was less Singer and more Christopher McQuarrie's screenwriting. With that terse of a script, Ed Wood could have made just as fine of a movie.
I really like the movie. I don't think it is as good as the hype for it is (but hardly any movie ever is). I didn't know the twist befoer I saw it, but I knew there was a big twist, and I guess knowing that made it pretty easy to figure it out. Even still it was a very good and enjoyable movie.
War Party said:
The ending shows the genius of
Kyser Soze
No, it doesn't. It actaully shows how he is an idiot. Let's see, he plans all of the events of the film in order to get the "one man who could identify" him on the boat only to give away his identity at the end because he needed to outsmart some two-bit detective. Please. The ending ruins the movie. If Soze was just going to disappear anyhow, why plan all of the events in the film. I am sorry that you cats didn't get it, but the ending is nonsense and ruins the film.
reggiebar said:
No, it doesn't. It actaully shows how he is an idiot. Let's see, he plans all of the events of the film in order to get the "one man who could identify" him on the boat only to give away his identity at the end because he needed to outsmart some two-bit detective. Please. The ending ruins the movie. If Soze was just going to disappear anyhow, why plan all of the events in the film. I am sorry that you cats didn't get it, but the ending is nonsense and ruins the film.

I agree. Its not a twist for the sake of the plot...its a twist for the sake of having a twist.
Karem-Knight said:
Anybody else love it? I mean the whole question during the movie Who is Keyser Soze? Kevin Spacey’s Oscar winning performance, The ensemble cast, and of course the ending. Who else loves it?
I DO.:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
reggiebar said:
I loved Seinfeld. However, if you really think about the end of this film (give it some thought) and you will realize that the ending ruins the rest of the movie - it is a huge contridiction to the rest of the film. So, if you want to say that we shouldn't believe any of the story what is the point of the film?
exactly that, to null everything before the end, or the end itself, it's up to you
I loved it, very clever writting, which is something that most movies nowadays lack
reggiebar said:
No, it doesn't. It actaully shows how he is an idiot. Let's see, he plans all of the events of the film in order to get the "one man who could identify" him on the boat only to give away his identity at the end because he needed to outsmart some two-bit detective. Please. The ending ruins the movie. If Soze was just going to disappear anyhow, why plan all of the events in the film. I am sorry that you cats didn't get it, but the ending is nonsense and ruins the film.
he was caught in the whole mess, the whole movie was his way of getting out of it

and by the way, can a mod please edit the title so it says "Spoilers Inside"?
reggiebar said:
No, it doesn't. It actaully shows how he is an idiot. Let's see, he plans all of the events of the film in order to get the "one man who could identify" him on the boat only to give away his identity at the end because he needed to outsmart some two-bit detective. Please. The ending ruins the movie. If Soze was just going to disappear anyhow, why plan all of the events in the film. I am sorry that you cats didn't get it, but the ending is nonsense and ruins the film.
Don't know much about villains, do you? It was arrogance, not stupidity. He wanted Kujan-a FED, not a two-bit detective-to know "You HAD Keyser Soze & you let him walk." and like he said, "You'll never see him again."
reggiebar said:
Please. The ending ruins the movie. If Soze was just going to disappear anyhow, why plan all of the events in the film. I am sorry that you cats didn't get it, but the ending is nonsense and ruins the film.

I won't go as far as to echo reggie's favorite refrain of "you just don't get it", but he's correct in saying that the ending of the film ultimately negates everything cool that you'd seen previously. Keyser's story is engrossing, and thus the body of the film is as well, but when Keyser's scam is revealed, all the logic just falls apart after that one moment of "Whoa - what a twist!"

That's why The Usual Suspects is on my list of films that I'm glad I saw once, but have no desire to see again.

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