The Video Game!


Jan 4, 2008
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So back at E3 2011 they announced a Kirk/Spock co op game following from the first JJ Abrams Trek film. I really liked the designs and the gameplay looked solid, with Kirk and Spock having different abilities and drop in multiplayer. And the game never came out. It was originally due out last year but got pushed back to this year sometime.

According to What Culture, the game is now scheduled for an April 23 release. It kind of bums me out that the game is basically being dumped because it actually looked pretty cool.

Some videos.



I dig the suits.

Here are a bunch more images.
I'm excited to play this game. I haven't really played any Star Trek games, so at least this will be a new experience for me. My only worry is that movie-based games are usually not that great, so I'm not expecting much from it. If its good, then it would be nice to get a whole Star Trek video game franchise going.
I'm excited to play this game. I haven't really played any Star Trek games, so at least this will be a new experience for me. My only worry is that movie-based games are usually not that great, so I'm not expecting much from it. If its good, then it would be nice to get a whole Star Trek video game franchise going.

Well the thing with this game is that it wasn't really developed as just a movie tie in. Its not like it's Into Darkness: The Game. This game was developed and finished pretty much before Into Darkness started filming and was originally due out last year.
Yes, but it still ties into the JJ Abrams movie universe. Reminds me of The Amazing Spider-Man video game.
Looking forward to getting this on my recently upgraded PC.... :D
I think its more similar to a Bloodstone situation.
So the game was delayed by 1-2 yeats right? So we can expect this to be the most perfect game ever? If not then that was a waste of a potential polish.
Here what the Gorn look like in the game!

Actually not a bad update.
I don't think it was delayed 2 years. It was like first announced at E3 2011.
So Pine & Quinto reprise their role as Kirk & Spock in the game.
Whole cast from the movie is in it actually.

You can also control the Enterprise.
redhawk23, what is your source on that? I don't think it ever had that release date.

They didn't even show or announce the new Gorn designs until LAST JUNE. Before that the new villains were a secret. Either way even if that is true, that's not a two year delay, it's a one year delay.
So the game was delayed by 1-2 yeats right? So we can expect this to be the most perfect game ever? If not then that was a waste of a potential polish.
remember duke nukem and aliens: colonial marines?
Not saying the game can't be crap, but once again, made up lies. Game was first announced June 2011. Release date was not confirmed until like last September.
redhawk23, what is your source on that? I don't think it ever had that release date.

They didn't even show or announce the new Gorn designs until LAST JUNE. Before that the new villains were a secret. Either way even if that is true, that's not a two year delay, it's a one year delay.

I'll dig up some links. I know for a fact that when originally announced that it was near the end of May 2012 because my friend was super stoked that it was coming out right before his birthday.

This story from June of 2011 lists the release date as summer 2012.

The LA times says that this game originally went into development in 2010.
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Hey is the Phaser attachment for the PS3 Move still going to be a thing?
OK, I checked my own preview of the game when I first saw it in June 2011 at E3 that year.

At that time it had a TENTATIVE release of some time in 2012. Tentative as in unofficial. They probably wanted the release to coincide more with the next movie. So no one at Paramount or Namco actually officially confirmed Summer 2012.
Really hoping this game turns out well. This could be the beginning of a Star Trek video game franchise. :D
I hope they didn't drop the ball with the game.

We haven't had a game where we could play as Kirk and Spock since I think an old CD-Rom game from the 1990's.

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