The Works of Jhonen Vasquez


Gets It Together
Jun 16, 2005
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Some of you may remember him as the creator of the Nickelodeon show Invader Zim. He also has written and animated several comics and graphic novels. Here they be, in chronological order:

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
The Bad Art Collection
Everything Can Be Beaten
I Feel Sick

He's got an interesting way of looking at things. The only one I have so far is JthM: Director's Cut, but I'll be getting Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors as soon as possible. I love his art style, and his writing is out of this world. He can go anywhere from melodramatic prose to the complete randomness for which he is known. Happy Noodle Boy, which is a comic within a comic (Johnny is the author), may be one of the funniest things I've ever read. I didn't see a thread about him prior to writing this, but if there is one, by all means close it.
I love him, but I hate the fact that all the hot topic goths have latched onto his work as if it were gospel...they dont understand that it's supposed to be ironic and outright mocking people like them.
Yeah, I don't think so. Vasquez looks like a Hot Topic model, himself. Are you saying he's making fun of himself?
Yeah, I don't think so. Vasquez looks like a Hot Topic model, himself. Are you saying he's making fun of himself?

wearing black does not equal hot topic. Hot Topic people wear $60 pants with chains hanging off of them, and shirts with the logo of bands they've never heard. If Vasquez is a hot topic model, so is Neil Gaiman, as they both dress similarly.

JTHM especially was making fun of not only the overly anti-social tendencies these hot topic people put out constantly, but also the "normals." It was just a big mock-fest.
wearing black does not equal hot topic. Hot Topic people wear $60 pants with chains hanging off of them, and shirts with the logo of bands they've never heard. If Vasquez is a hot topic model, so is Neil Gaiman, as they both dress similarly.

Haha. No, they're not similar. And who said wearing black equals Hot Topic, anyway? Oh. You did.

Vasquez looks like he just walked out of a Hot Topic store with a new warbrobe and a parent's maxed out credit card.


Piercings, trendy glasses, overpriced military-inspired Hot Topic jacket. Oh, and nothing like Neil Gaiman. :up:
Haha. No, they're not similar. And who said wearing black equals Hot Topic, anyway? Oh. You did.

Vasquez looks like he just walked out of a Hot Topic store with a new warbrobe and a parent's maxed out credit card.


Piercings, trendy glasses, overpriced military-inspired Hot Topic jacket. Oh, and nothing like Neil Gaiman. :up:

piercings are not hot topicish, everyone has piercings nowadays. He's had those exact same glasses in every single picture of him I've ever seen, dating back to way before they were trendy. And he's wearing a coat, big god damn deal. Maybe it was cold? I wear a leather trench coat, and I get really sick of all the matrix, goth, and columbine refferences. It's cold out, so I wear a nice big heavy coat.
or maybe you've just set an opinion of him without knowing anything about him really, and refuse to change it.
How can I form an opinion about him, if I know nothing about him? All I did was comment on his appearance. :confused:
You took one look at him, and formed the opinion that because he wears thick glasses and a coat, he must be a hot topic goth.
Did I say "goth"? No. Again, you did. My, you're big with the assumptions, aren't you?

Hot Topic serves much more than just the goth kids. Perhaps it's you who shouldn't form your opinion based on one look, eh?
Dear PhotoJones,

Shut the hell up already. Jesus.

~ Flexo.
I like him, but I haven't seen him produce anything new in a while.
wearing black does not equal hot topic. Hot Topic people wear $60 pants with chains hanging off of them, and shirts with the logo of bands they've never heard. If Vasquez is a hot topic model, so is Neil Gaiman, as they both dress similarly.

There's a Hot Topic on Telegraph Avenue in Berkley. I'm continually amazed to see people shopping there.

It's like going to Tokyo and eating at Panda Express.
I like a lot of his work. I own JtHM and the Invader Zim DVDs. Use to have Squee. I haven't gotten to reading Jellyfist yet though. I wish he'd start churning out some new comics.
I liked him for a period there.. but once he started selling shirts at Hot Topic and the people there talking as if he produced the worlds greatest comic made me.. not like him?

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