The worst fast food meal in the world

I thought the infamous 'Heart Attack Grill' was the worst with its 10,000 calorie burgers. That place has actually killed people while they're eating.
Long John Silver's? Really? That's... surprising.
CSPI is not the best source of facts but in this case I wouldn't call them far off the mark.
Fish, hush puppies, and onion rings? Pfffttt! I'm pretty sure the Big Box I got from Taco Bell last Friday was far less healthy.
What's a hush puppy? The only thing around here named that is some slushies.
What's a hush puppy? The only thing around here named that is some slushies.

Deep fried cornbread dumplings. Considering most contemporary cornbread recipes, it's basically deep fried cake.

I don't care if it kills me, I want that in my mouth right now!
Soooo many jokes I cannot say...
Terry, you need to start copy/pasting some of the story's text, in addition to the link. Some of us don't always have the time to click on the link.

Also, it says worst in America. The world?
Terry, you need to start copy/pasting some of the story's text, in addition to the link. Some of us don't always have the time to click on the link.

Also, it says worst in America. The world?

My girlfriend swears that some places use shredded cardboard to make the inside of dumplings in China. So cardboard sounds worse than trans-fat. But she's Korean and the Koreans don't always have the best things to say about China, so who knows if that's true.

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