The Wrestling Thread looks like Michael Biehn now

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That video about Devitt was great. TNA is building their X-Division up, I could see him being part of it if they wanted him. He may prefer traveling the world at this point.

I want to see more of his matches.

This is a match from last month with him against Pac,F'n fantastic match!!

The Wrestling Thread celebrates its 1000th episode!

The Wrestling Thread is busy lining up for TDKR tickets

Charlie Sheen is social media ambassador for the Wrestling Thread

The Wrestling Thread doesn’t give a crap about “tout”

The Wrestling Thread is trending nowhere

The Wrestling Thread just beat up Heath Slater

The Wrestling Thread looks like Michael Biehn now
The Wrestling Thread celebrates it's 1000th thread!
Swagger got knocked out or what??,Ryback got moved up to official mid-carder against other mid-carders!?
Job Swagger is enhancement talent. Long, gangly looking enhancement talent.
Ur calling Swagger a Real Superstar? Hes more Like a Jobber

I would have said wrestler... But it would have passed Vince off.
. I'd care more about this DX reunion if it was HHH, Shawn plus the Outlaws.

... No Xpac.
I want X-Pac to be part Raw 1000,Like him or not I feel he deserves to at least make a damn cameo!!
I want X-Pac to be part Raw 1000,Like him or not I feel he deserves to at least make a damn cameo!!

With Degeneration X!

Vicki's thighs look GOOOOOD tonight!
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