The Zero Theorem


Nov 29, 2009
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Ben Whishaw To Cameo In Terry Gilliam's 'The Zero Theorem'

The last year to year and a half or so have been very good to Ben Whishaw. The rising British actor features in two of this fall's biggest films -- The Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer's "Cloud Atlas" and that latest 007 flick "Skyfall" -- and Steven Spielberg wants the actor for his next blockbuster, "Robopocalypse." Before he gets to that though, Whishaw will making a quick pit stop to the set of a film by another acclaimed director.

Whishaw is set to take an unspecified cameo role in Terry Gilliam's "The Zero Theorem." The movie, which is quickly heading into production, already features a great cast and pretty compelling premise that fits right into Gilliam's fantastical playhouse. The story centers on an eccentric and reclusive computer genius, plagued with existential angst, who works on a mysterious project aimed at discovering the purpose of existence -- or the lack thereof -- once and for all. But his task is constantly diverted and interrupted thanks to the Management, who sends a teenager and lusty love interest to distract him. Christoph Waltz leads the film with Melanie Thierry co-starring, while Matt Damon and Tilda Swinton are slotted for cameo roles. It's in that capacity that Whishaw will be joining the movie as well.
And...that's about it right now. But likely lots more to come as the movie starts shooting on October 22nd. [Daily Mail]
how does a basically unknown "cameo" in a film?

Damon plays Waltz's mentor.
Thank you!

BTW, I cannot believe that Christoph Waltz is 56, turing 57 in October. Cannot believe it. He's like my parent's age and to me that's strange because he has so much youthful energy still.

He looks early to mid 40's easily.
Gilliam Gives "Zero Theorem" Statement

By Garth Franklin Wednesday August 21st 2013 12:22PM
Terry Gilliam's "The Zero Theorem" finally premieres at the Venice Film Festival in a few weeks.
At the same time, The Film Stage has posted a "Director's Statement" from Gilliam explaining why he wanted to make the film in the first place:
"When I made Brazil in 1984, I was trying to paint a picture of the world I thought we were living in then. The Zero Theorem is a glimpse of the world I think we are living in now. Pat Rushin’s script intrigued me with the many existential ideas he had incorporated into his funny, philosophic, and touching tale.
For example: What gives meaning to our lives, brings us happiness? Can we ever be alone in our increasingly connected and constricted world? Is that world under control or simply chaotic? We’ve tried to make a film that is honest, funny, beautiful, and surprising; a simple film about a complex modern man waiting for a call to give meaning to his life; about inescapable relationships and the longing for love, full of quirky characters and sparkling performances; raising questions without offering obvious answers.
Hopefully, it’s unlike any film you have seen recently; no zombies, no caped crusaders or alien spacecraft. Actually, I might have lied about that last item. Having not worked with a budget this small for several decades, I was forced to work fast and instinctively, pressured only by time and money.
We relied on the freedom to spin on a dime, to make outrageous creative leaps. The results surprised even me. I’m proud to have been part of The Zero Theorem."

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