Things Ripped off from other Movies


Jan 4, 2008
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As we all know there has been discussion about Avatar's lack of originality ad nauseum. Nearly every single aspect of the film has been accused of being borrowed, cliched or and outright rip-off. That discussion aside (because it seems like every thread on the hype devolved into it in the past month or so) it seems like this is actually very common in all films and all works of fiction really, but i thought it'd be interesting to start a thread about the most blatent ones. By the very nature of this discussion it will be spoiler loaded so read at your own discretion i guesse.

There a couple that come to mind.

Total Recall
Arnold is visited by a representative from Rekal who attempts to inform him that his present situation is merely the side effects of memories being pumped into his head. That the world around him is a delusion and that if he does not stop his own facade he will be lost. The man offers Arnold a RED PILL that is a symbol of his willingness to return to reality.

Fastforward 9 years to The Matrix
Morpheus informs neo that his entire life and all his memories are being fed to him by machines and if he wants to escape to reality he must start between choosing between a blue pill, which will make him stay in the fabricated world, or the RED PILL that will start the process of returning to reality.

There is probably something before Total Recall that uses this plot device but i thought it was interesting that both films had the same colored pill performing the same function

The next deals with simularities between Dracula the book and several film adaptations, and the Harry Potter Franchise, both books and films.

First of all Voldemort in the books and to a lesser extent the films shares many simularities with Dracula

Pale skin, general malevolence, control of animals, long fingernales, corpselike descriptions, red eyes, mind reading etc.

there are also simularities between the relationships between harry and voldemort and between dracula and mina harker.

when voldemort attempts to kill harry part of himself becomes stored in harry creating a kind of psychic link between them, which harry eventually attempts to use to spy on voldemorts movements. This attack also causes a scar on harry's forehead, which burns in voldemorts presense. Later when voldemort regains his body, he does so partially byusing harry's blood.

In Dracula, the vampire forces an exchange of blood on Mina Harker, which also creates a psychic link, which later on, Mina and the others also attempt to use to track Dracula's movements.
Later a communion wafer burns a scar into Mina's forehead.

In Dracula, his persuers must first find caches of dirt from hallowed ground hidden around the area before attacking him for they are a safe haven and any attack would be moot.

The plot of the 7th and to a certain extent the 6th harry potter stories deal with finding a series of horcruxes, caches of parts of voldemorts soul. The must find them before attacking the man himself because the horcruxes would allow him to live on.

In what can surely beconsidered a blatant ripoff on Rowlings part is the way the harry potter series ended in relation to the conclusion of Dracula.

In Dracula, almost immediately after Dracula's defeat, the narative jumps ahead several years and the Harkers are reminiscing and telling their son of his namsake, in that he is named after Quincy Morris, their friend who died in quest to kill Dracula.

In Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows, imediately after the end of the final battle and the defeat of Voldemort, the narative jumps ahead almost 20 years to Harry informing his son, Albus Severus Potter, that he named after Dumbledor and Snape, who both gave their lives for the defeat of Voldemort.

seriously the scenes are nearly identical and i'm shocked that no one has ever called Rowling out on it.
Who is the man in your avatar? Is he a redhawk too?
i don't know if 'rip off' is the right word to describe you're talking about. i think you're thinking of 'inspired'.
i don't know if 'rip off' is the right word to describe you're talking about. i think you're thinking of 'inspired'.
i agree :cwink:

i think it would be an obvious rip off when a lot of people would ntoice it. but i think a lot of people didnt.

Avatar and pocahontas is a better example IMO
i guess every quentin tarantino movie has millions of moments inspired from millions of movies nobodys seen.. lol
i agree :cwink:

i think it would be an obvious rip off when a lot of people would ntoice it. but i think a lot of people didnt.

Avatar and pocahontas is a better example IMO

it's about 40 percent Pocahontas/60 percent Dances With Wolves

either way, I think Costner and Michael Blake should get a royalty check
the whole ending of harry potter though was rediculous. like seriously its just bad and i'm really suprised no one else has ever brought it up
See but you could do this with almost any movie.

See thats true, which is why it shouldn't be such a big deal, unless that movie happens to become the highest grossing film of all time, then so called "inspiration" is considered a crime against humanity
but of course, you can't paint something like this in broad strokes.

Star Wars, The Matrix, and Pirates of the Carribean all have pretty much the same story line, and they all take it from Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey, but they all have done enough that you don't notice it. I don't think Avatar has that element but let me explain:

I think Avatar follows it too, but it's not that the story is weak but I think it's the characters and the dialog that probably needed more tweaking.
those were just two things that came to mind. the end of harry potter bothered me ever since i read dracula.

then i watched total recall yesterday which i hadn't seen probably over 10 years.
the whole red pill thing really got me since the perform the exact same function.
A few examples:

-Sandman being revealed as Uncle Ben's in Spiderman 3 is ripped off from Batman 1989
-Peter Parker in a alley suiting up in Spiderman 1 while running and then swinging is ripped off from Superman 1978
-Mary Jane finding out Peter Parker secret identity in Spiderman by kissing him in both persona's is ripped off Batman Forever
-The Recruit has the exact same f***ing plot twist as Training Day
Hi, As far as I am concerned the most blatant ripoff I could remember came from Eragorn ( a book made into a movie ). The name alone gives you a pretty good idea of the movie, you guessed it is a poor man ( and I am being generous ) LotR mixed with StarWars scenario ( ANH ). The film is so bad that Dungon&Dragon looks like an AAA production and the irony of it is that Jeremy Iron played on both of them !
Are Avatar fans still crying about the people who didn't fall for that mediocre movie?
Are Avatar fans still crying about the people who didn't fall for that mediocre movie?


This is not the Avatar thread but to answer your question they are probably in the same club shared by the Spiderman 3 and X-Men 3 casualties :)

PS : I have nothing against SP3 and X3 ( and neither Wolverine )
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Are Avatar fans still crying about the people who didn't fall for that mediocre movie?

I wouldn't call Avatar a bad film but I do think it's f***ing overrated as hell, good but not epic or the greatest thing on the planet.
The movie has made over 2.3bil worldwide, it got good reviews and won some Oscars. Why on earth would the fans of Avatar be worried about the few who don't care for the film?

I didn't hate the film and I wish none of the crew any personal ill will. I just simply found the film to be all about effects. I like my movies with heart and a little Up for instance. Creative, touching, funny and mostly original.
The movie has made over 2.3bil worldwide, it got good reviews and won some Oscars. Why on earth would the fans of Avatar be worried about the few who don't care for the film?

Over zealous fans are what they are...

I am an Avatar fan and to be honest I don't care if someone didn't liked the movie, to each its own ( I guess it is the proper saying ).
See thats true, which is why it shouldn't be such a big deal, unless that movie happens to become the highest grossing film of all time, then so called "inspiration" is considered a crime against humanity

Oh good, someone else realized that too. :cwink:
but of course, you can't paint something like this in broad strokes.

Star Wars, The Matrix, and Pirates of the Carribean all have pretty much the same story line, and they all take it from Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey, but they all have done enough that you don't notice it. I don't think Avatar has that element but let me explain:

I think Avatar follows it too, but it's not that the story is weak but I think it's the characters and the dialog that probably needed more tweaking.
The Searchers & Taxi Driver
Repo man and Repo the genetic opera.

I can't figure out if this is a coincidence or if the studio turned down the opera and then made a action film based on the rejected film or not.

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