This is down right sad...

Even so, this is not something that should be done by a teacher. Having the students in a KINDERGARTEN class vote each other out fo the class??? And then when the kid is hurt by this to have the cruel nature to tell him that the people in the office don't want him there either?? If it were my child, this teacher would have already been beat to hell by both me and by wife. I would have gone to the principal, the school board, the press, anyone I could think of to get that woman fired and barred from teaching ever again.

It's one thing to be be disliked amongst peers, but when someone you look up to dislikes you, well, it's crushing. That'd be like Stan Lee telling most of us to go play in traffic. And at that age, it's really hard to process those kinds of feelings. That's why people wait til the kids are older to explain things like divorce and pregnancy to kids--they just don't understand, and they process the information differently. I know kids who've come home from school crying because their classmates didn't like them--hell, I had that happen to me as a kid because I was different [scrawny white cripple in a predominantly black area, I kinda stuck out]. But at least my family and adults around me showed me respect and love, which is NOT what this "teacher" did. She belittled the child, and this could have a more permanent effect on the kid than she realizes.
I think things get overdiagnosed in this country though....part of me believes that ADD gets thrown around because doctors don't want to tell parents their kids are just plain stupid or ****ed up...

I understand every parent wants to believe their kid is smart or special, but it doesn't work that way
"Asperger's" is bull****.
What are symptoms?

* Not pick up on social cues and lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.

* Dislike any changes in routines.

* Appear to lack empathy.

* Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech. Thus, your child may not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. Likewise, his or her speech may be flat and difficult to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.

* Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the term "beckon" instead of "call," or "return" instead of "come back."

* Avoid eye contact.

* Have unusual facial expressions or postures.

* Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he or she may be very knowledgeable about. Many children with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as doing intricate jigsaw puzzles, designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or astronomy.

* Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized.

* Have delayed motor development. Your child may be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.

* Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures. For more information about these symptoms, see sensory integration dysfunction.

Yeah. Th^t's called a NERD, or a Dork...a clueless Dork.
Everyone can't be charismatic, intuitive, perceptive, together, cool and graceful.

LOL. I'm a Nerd/Asperger. :woot:

Not all but most of those traits fit me.

I guess that's why I'm so miserable in life too.
BlackLantern said:
I think things get overdiagnosed in this country though....part of me believes that ADD gets thrown around because doctors don't want to tell parents their kids are just plain stupid or ****ed up...

I understand every parent wants to believe their kid is smart or special, but it doesn't work that way

I have seen kids who were simply spoiled, the product of poor parenting skills...and they end up on 8 medications, taking medications to counteract the horrible side effects of the other medications, and they end up with terrible, and permanent tics and other painful side effects.....thanks to this "A.D.D." bull****.

It's a disaster.
I feel like the kid seems to be quite a hassle, watching him in the interview it seems liek the mom doesn't have a lot of control over him. Also as for the kids voting this is a common phychological experiment. Everytime I see something I wonder how the media has twisted it.
After watching this video I definitly feel like this was an psychological experiment that the child misinterperted...
I have seen kids who were simply spoiled, the product of poor parenting skills...and they end up on 8 medications, taking medications to counteract the horrible side effects of the other medications, and they end up with terrible, and permanent tics and other painful side effects.....thanks to this "A.D.D." bull****.

It's a disaster.

Now this I agree with. The feminist a-holes that have taken over our schools are way too quick to dole out drugs for any kid that doesn't fit their idea of what a perfect child should be like. This is ESPECIALLY true for any little boy who does not behave like a well-mannered little girl in class. This is one thing any teacher dares suggest to me about my son better be prepared for a psychological beating over because I will be intent on traumatizing them for even suggesting it.

Now this I agree with. The feminist a-holes that have taken over our schools are way too quick to dole out drugs for any kid that doesn't fit their idea of what a perfect child should be like. This is ESPECIALLY true for any little boy who does not behave like a well-mannered little girl in class. This is one thing any teacher dares suggest to me about my son better be prepared for a psychological beating over because I will be intent on traumatizing them for even suggesting it.


hmmm....interesting point....I think the disconnect comes from perfect little girls, the applied thinking is "Why can't boys behave the same way??"
hmmm....interesting point....I think the disconnect comes from perfect little girls, the applied thinking is "Why can't boys behave the same way??"

It absolutely does. My cousin is a teacher and she regularly has arguments with her colleagues because they are intent on making the little boys sit and be quiet and pay attention in class like the girls do. Any "little boy" behavior is targeted by these types of teachers and responded to with negativity and punishment while behaving more like the "little girls" in the class is rewarded. It's gender engineering and modification as far as I'm concerned, and I do not welcome it. Do it with your own kids if you want, but not mine. Little boys act differently from little girls because they ARE different. It is LAZY teaching and parenting to try and make them behave like little girls; if you aren't smart enough or talented enough to hold the interest of the boys in your class so that they learn, then perhaps you are in the wrong profession.

It's one thing to be be disliked amongst peers, but when someone you look up to dislikes you, well, it's crushing. That'd be like Stan Lee telling most of us to go play in traffic. And at that age, it's really hard to process those kinds of feelings. That's why people wait til the kids are older to explain things like divorce and pregnancy to kids--they just don't understand, and they process the information differently. I know kids who've come home from school crying because their classmates didn't like them--hell, I had that happen to me as a kid because I was different [scrawny white cripple in a predominantly black area, I kinda stuck out]. But at least my family and adults around me showed me respect and love, which is NOT what this "teacher" did. She belittled the child, and this could have a more permanent effect on the kid than she realizes.


I seriously think a large fine is in order and she should be suspended from teaching for a period of time.

I'm also against this "medication is the answer" mentality that ****ty parents seem to have.
Now this I agree with. The feminist a-holes that have taken over our schools are way too quick to dole out drugs for any kid that doesn't fit their idea of what a perfect child should be like. This is ESPECIALLY true for any little boy who does not behave like a well-mannered little girl in class. This is one thing any teacher dares suggest to me about my son better be prepared for a psychological beating over because I will be intent on traumatizing them for even suggesting it.

Funny story, a buddy of mine when he was young was diagnosed with "ADD"
and put on pills, he hated it, they didn't help and they made him stay up all night.
so one night he goes to his mom and says "Mommy, do you make me take the pills so that you can make me perfect and you can love me again?"
Needless to say she immediatly took him off the pills. He grew up off the walls because he was alwyas thinking of new things and amazing things. Recently he quit school, it was never for him and he now is in the army. also it's funny I have "ADD" becuase my mom said I'd get distracted and not pay attention to her, in reality it wasn't that I got distracted... it's that she's annoying as ****.
That's one ****ed up teacher. And yeah Joker that was uncalled for.
Funny story, a buddy of mine when he was young was diagnosed with "ADD"
and put on pills, he hated it, they didn't help and they made him stay up all night.
so one night he goes to his mom and says "Mommy, do you make me take the pills so that you can make me perfect and you can love me again?"
Needless to say she immediatly took him off the pills. He grew up off the walls because he was alwyas thinking of new things and amazing things. Recently he quit school, it was never for him and he now is in the army. also it's funny I have "ADD" becuase my mom said I'd get distracted and not pay attention to her, in reality it wasn't that I got distracted... it's that she's annoying as ****.

DHA, a natural derivative of oils from cold-water fish and certain planktons, has been clinically proven to naturally help balance out kids and people who have ADD. Has other added benefits such as being good for the heart and proper hormonal development as well. It straightened my nephew right out when his teachers were wanting to dope him up on Ritalin. Drugs are not necessary for a lot of the crap they try and give them to people for.

"Asperger's" is bull****.
What are symptoms?

* Not pick up on social cues and lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.

* Dislike any changes in routines.

* Appear to lack empathy.

* Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech. Thus, your child may not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. Likewise, his or her speech may be flat and difficult to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.

* Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the term "beckon" instead of "call," or "return" instead of "come back."

* Avoid eye contact.

* Have unusual facial expressions or postures.

* Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he or she may be very knowledgeable about. Many children with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as doing intricate jigsaw puzzles, designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or astronomy.

* Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized.

* Have delayed motor development. Your child may be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.

* Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures. For more information about these symptoms, see sensory integration dysfunction.

Yeah. Th^t's called a NERD, or a Dork...a clueless Dork.
Everyone can't be charismatic, intuitive, perceptive, together, cool and graceful.

Hey Willie...

That's your opinion, and I'm cool with that, but you really don't know...

You can add to that list the uncontrolable incessant hand flapping and the constant whispering of everything that's being said to the child, and I can tell you that it's just a bit more than simply being the social outcast.

By the above definition, I should be considered an Asperger kid... but I'm not... I was just a nerd/dork. And TSoB is a good kid, and shows lots of promise, and by no means is he perfect... he's going on 10 and he's a total sci-fi/comic geek, and I'm very proud of that... he's walking the path least travelled... but there ARE certain psychological aspects that are wrong, and maybe it's something else, but for the time being, it's considered to be Asperger's, and it's very ignorant for you to tell me that my kid is otherwise.

I have seen kids who were simply spoiled, the product of poor parenting skills...and they end up on 8 medications, taking medications to counteract the horrible side effects of the other medications, and they end up with terrible, and permanent tics and other painful side effects.....thanks to this "A.D.D." bull****.

It's a disaster.

Now this I agree with. The feminist a-holes that have taken over our schools are way too quick to dole out drugs for any kid that doesn't fit their idea of what a perfect child should be like. This is ESPECIALLY true for any little boy who does not behave like a well-mannered little girl in class. This is one thing any teacher dares suggest to me about my son better be prepared for a psychological beating over because I will be intent on traumatizing them for even suggesting it.


I'm not going to disagree with either with you... becaused most parents today are too ^&#%ing lazy to properly raise their kids... TSoB's mom is in that barrel as she finds it easier to drug my son rather than taking other proven methods to dealing with kids with Asperger's/Autism... such as basic ABA. It pains me to think that my kid is drugged while I know that with effort, he can be molded into being a capable person that's not drugged related. But it's easier to give a crocodile a root canal than to have a conversation with TSoB's mom...

Hey Willie...

That's your opinion, and I'm cool with that, but you really don't know...

You can add to that list the uncontrolable incessant hand flapping and the constant whispering of everything that's being said to the child, and I can tell you that it's just a bit more than simply being the social outcast.

By the above definition, I should be considered an Asperger kid... but I'm not... I was just a nerd/dork. And TSoB is a good kid, and shows lots of promise, and by no means is he perfect... he's going on 10 and he's a total sci-fi/comic geek, and I'm very proud of that... he's walking the path least travelled... but there ARE certain psychological aspects that are wrong, and maybe it's something else, but for the time being, it's considered to be Asperger's, and it's very ignorant for you to tell me that my kid is otherwise.

I'm not going to disagree with either with you... becaused most parents today are too ^&#%ing lazy to properly raise their kids... TSoB's mom is in that barrel as she finds it easier to drug my son rather than taking other proven methods to dealing with kids with Asperger's/Autism... such as basic ABA. It pains me to think that my kid is drugged while I know that with effort, he can be molded into being a capable person that's not drugged related. But it's easier to give a crocodile a root canal than to have a conversation with TSoB's mom...


As the child's father you have equal say... go to ****ing court if need to...
As the child's father you have equal say... go to ****ing court if need to...

I have... and I lose because I'm "just" the father, and I live in a very conservative part of the world that still believes that moms make the "better" parents :whatever:...

And I still talk to social services people, lawyers, etc... and all it's done over the last 5 years is cost me over $20 000 and all that I got for it was frustration.

I've gone to court, and if I want to go again, there's a 3 year waiting period for a court date... so please don't belittle me for not knowing what to do nor doing nothing...

You have NO $^&*ING IDEA what I have gone through...

A guy in my sriptwriting class winter quarter had Asperger's, and it seriously hindered his learning process. He was a pretty cool guy until it got to critique's and then he just shut down. To put a kindergarten kid with Asperger's through that is absolutely inhumane.
I don't think he was belittling you, Tee-mob. He was just pointing out that you have options.
YOu know if this was a little more than a social experiment, then the school would have definitely taken action.

fact of the matter is, the kid wasn't excluded and took a early knock of confidence when his peers didn't approve of him. 5 year olds say things to each other all the time. I also remember how fickle i was when i was a kid, I would have slaughtered my parents for extra dinner, why should the opinion of a 5 year old matter anyway.

the mom should be telling her kid to man up and that the views of children don't matter and he is loved and cared for and should just try to learn as much as possible and have fun.

I remember having to be picked for games in school and being picked last because i was too rough or not playing at all, such is the way of kindergarten.
He has his moments, but he tries really hard, but in the ME generation where nobody gives a ^%# about anybody else any more, it is hardly surprising that I read comments like Odin's?

:whatever: :whatever: :whatever:

I'm sorry but I was brought up by Nigerian parents with Nigerian points of view. If I came home complaining about such a trivial thing, I'd probably get slapped for being soft. The term Aspergers doesn't even exist in Nigeria.

So I apologise if I've read between teh lines and decided the case isn't as large as you think or even as bad as terrorists like the mother does. Really when a mother makes those sorts of comparisons, it's hard to justify her concerns as rational, especially considering how her child was acting during the interview.
I'm sorry but I was brought up by Nigerian parents with Nigerian points of view. If I came home complaining about such a trivial thing, I'd probably get slapped for being soft. The term Aspergers doesn't even exist in Nigeria.

So I apologise if I've read between teh lines and decided the case isn't as large as you think or even as bad as terrorists like the mother does. Really when a mother makes those sorts of comparisons, it's hard to justify her concerns as rational, especially considering how her child was acting during the interview.

No worries... you didn't say anything too harsh, but Willie basically said that Asperger's was nothing more than a social outcast and he's WRONG! (imagine that :wow: )

And I'm not really all that concerned about the rants of a pissed off Mom... she's an American getting her 15 minutes of fame... should we expect anything less? :whatever:



I don't think anyone should subject anyone to that kind of indency.
No worries... you didn't say anything too harsh, but Willie basically said that Asperger's was nothing more than a social outcast and he's WRONG! (imagine that :wow: )
That's not what I said at all.
You aren't born a social outcast. That's society's response to you.
I'm saying that it's silly that being a socially awkward geek is now a "syndrome"...right down to the very thing that so many awkward geeks have in common, the obsessive focus on one hobby or interest. Please. :whatever:

Lerpy Weirdos, have always used weird gestures, suffered from embarrassing tics and habits, been obsessive about narrow topics, just seemed "off" in the lack of empathy and people-reading abilities dep't.
This "syndrome" didn't just start last tuesday.
It's always been around. Only people called them, "weird".

Now, there is a proven genetic difference between people who love the taste of cilantro and people who can't stand it.
Are people who want to puke when they detect cilantro in their fish taco, "afflicted" with a "syndrome" ?

Of course it is to do with the brain function...just like, two guys might be born with superb eye/hand coordination while Oswald is a total klutz.
If I'm bad at P.E., if I can never get the ball into the basket, how far are we, really, from calling that a "disorder of the nervous system".

But I really believe the seeming rash of Asperger cases, like the sudden "explosion" of cases of kids with "A.D.D.", really comes down to this idea that vain parents don't want to admit, "Yeah, our kid is a ****ing misfit freak. :huh:", so, now it's a "disorder"'s "not his fault".

Well guess what, it's not anyone's fault.
No one says, "You know, I'd like to be an idiot today! :) I'm going to be bad at math, and foolish. :)"

People are born just plain dumb, or bad at math, or with big noses, an extra sweat gland, a genetic predisposition toward having bad skin, girls go bald, men have tiny baby-*****, or 3 foot long monster-*****...some are just whiny bastards from birth despite their parents efforts, some have atrocious parents but grow up to be noble, responsible, pleasant people.

Of course some people really share these specific kinds of traits, and it is something going on in the brain, but it's always been the case.

There have always been child molesters, and really violent people, and soft-spoken people, and brainy people, and people who crack their knuckles and people who don't.

But this attempt to try and turn anything that doesn't fit in to society's ideal model for perfection as a "disease", where we should pity the poor person who is so "afflicted" with this "disorder"...and always excuse them, "Oh, Billy has Asperger's.", "OH....I see, okay."
It's stupid.

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