This Is The Thread of Mine That Won't Get Locked

Not Jake

Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Let's all be good in this thread! Best behaviors! YEAH!

Cute things cute things rainbows morals FRIENDSHIP!

So. I was thinking about conversing on the topic of assorted lollipops in this thread. I myself prefer a tootsie roll pop but others' allegiance lies with Dum-Dums. Discuss.
Times up. Kittens vs puppies people, cuteness not sexual performance, I'm looking at you, Lackey!
Crying Girl: [reading from paper] I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...
[about to cry]
Damian: [shouting from back] She doesn't even go here!
Ms. Norbury: Do you even go to this school?
Crying Girl: No... I just have a lot of feelings...
Ms. Norbury: Ok go home...
[girl walks off stage]
Ms. Norbury: Next!
Not Jake said:
Let's all be good in this thread! Best behaviors! YEAH!

Cute things cute things rainbows morals FRIENDSHIP!


Drugs are bad, m'kay?
I love closing threads. - pre-lock mod "joke" (minus wink smiley)
It's almost's almost like it was my plan all along!
Not Jake said:
It's almost's almost like it was my plan all along!

Don't try and back up because he caught you looking like a fool, Jake.

Sammy Davis Jr promotes cuteness and love.
This thread is so stale, you could cut diamonds with it...

I'm kidding. I love you guys so f***ing much.
you said to take it seriously and then you didn't even take it seriously.
SpiderHulkThing said:
you said to take it seriously and then you didn't even take it seriously.

Yeah lets all be seriously you guys.
SpiderHulkThing said:
so cocoa puffs or cocoa crispies?

puffs all the way....

crispies remind me of dead kittens that were burned alive.
I actually said "Blastoise" in normal conversation the other day. :(
I hate you all.

I never wanna see you sad girl...

I'm going to become a homocidal maniac that steals peoples ***** and staple them to my forehead.

God i'm depressed, and tired. I should go to bed. I took two and a half sleeping pills, yet something is keeping me from going to bed...sometimes i feel like going to sleep and never waking up. It is stressing.

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