Timecop Planned for Big Screen Reboot

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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Dark Horse Comics' Timecop is heading back the big screen. The Hollywood Reporter brings word that Universal Pictures is currently developing the property for a franchise reboot with Marc Shmuger and Tom McNulty producing.

"What a dream: to travel through time," Dark Horse's official description of the series reads, "You can change the past, the future, your future. Then imagine Max Walker, one of the Time Enforcement Commission's toughest and most extreme cops. But as nasty as Walker's methods are, even he may not be able to stop a nefarious plot to destroy the future as we know it."

Originally published as a three-part story in the "Dark Horse Comics" anthology series, Timecop was adapted for the big screen in 1994 with Jean-Claude Van Damme in the lead. That feature version featured a script by the character's creators, Dark Horse President Mike Richardson and Mark Verheiden.

ComingSoon.net spoke with Verheiden about the potential for a Timecop reboot back in 2011.

"Boy, I'd love that," he said of a new film. "I like that rumor. 'Timecop' was a fun project and one of my earlier movies. It was fun to do then and I really think there's a franchise there, whether its TV or film. It would be great to bring it back. I think we should get that rumor going!"

The first Timecop film received a brief television spinoff in 1997 and a direct-to-video sequel Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision in 2003.

I've never actually seen the JCVD version, how close to the book was it?
Didn't read the book but the JCVD version was pretty good for it's time. However, I have to insist that they reboot Double Impact or maybe Under Siege before rebooting this one *sarcasm*.
I really liked the original. One of the more innovative villain deaths out there.

And who doesn't love JCVD saying "There's never enough time..."
He looks like Judge Dredd in that picture. With that said, the original film is a pretty decent film. It's a good Van Damme film. And oh boy, that Mia Sara.
i liked the original JCVD film. hopefully this one will have the gritty look of the last Dredd film.
My prediction: this is Len Wiseman's next movie, with Kate Beckinsale mocapping Ron Silver.
Unfortunately, she'd be playing the (much hotter) Mia Sara's role.
I was actually watching the original about a week ago and it's a really bad movie in my opinion. I don't know anything about the comic though.
I think Dark Horse are looking at the wrong franchises to adapt. Maybe it's due to creator controlled IPs vs in-house, but where's my Fear Agent film? Or even the surpringly great Umbrella Academy? The Goon is stuck in dev hell, and that's a shame!
I definitely liked the original. Van Damme does some underestimated sci-fi movies and they are all amongst my favorite Van Damme titles, if not sci-fi movies in general:

Universal Soldier(1994)

Unfortunately, I think a remake will turn out more like the Total Recall re-make than anything.
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But who can do splits in their tighty-whities like JCVD?
Mia Sara is in the movie? from Legend?
No, from Ferris Bueller.

-start googling Mia Sara
-realize that she was nude
-need to search deeper
-realize that she was Harley Quinn in Brids of Prey
-holly sh.. :wow:
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yeah I need to pick up That Birds of Prey dvd set. That was a cool show.
it came out at the wrong time. today the horny teens would make this show bigger than GOT.
I would hope they cast somebody that actually looks like the guy from the original comics.
I never watched that Birds of Prey show but I watched the intro to it a little while on youtube and laughed my ass off.
And Mia Sara played the girlfriend on Time Trax, this 90s TV show about a cop from the 22nd century who comes back to the 20th century to capture fugitives who used the time machine Sara's character helped invent to escape. And she was killed in the future timeline...so when Timecop came out a few years later, it all seemed ridiculously similar.

I don't think I ever saw all of Timecop, but Time Trax was a guiltly pleasure back then. :oldrazz:
And Mia Sara played the girlfriend on Time Trax, this 90s TV show about a cop from the 22nd century who comes back to the 20th century to capture fugitives who used the time machine Sara's character helped invent to escape. And she was killed in the future timeline...so when Timecop came out a few years later, it all seemed ridiculously similar.

I don't think I ever saw all of Timecop, but Time Trax was a guiltly pleasure back then. :oldrazz:

Yeah, I was a big fan of Time Trax when it came out. The special effects were terrible and the story was a little wonky but I still loved the hell out of it. Darien Lambert was awesome!
Yeah, I was a big fan of Time Trax when it came out. The special effects were terrible and the story was a little wonky but I still loved the hell out of it. Darien Lambert was awesome!

High five! :woot:

I just got both seasons on DVD. Oh, it's cheesy as hell and hasn't aged well at all...but damned if I'm not still loving watching them again. :up:

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