Dude if there is no "true" Batman how could there be "true" Batman fans? the movies and tv shows are just as valid interpretations as the comics are. **** the movies and tv shows have even influenced the comic canon more times than I can count.
I don't know any of you cats personally but I'd wager that my Batman comic collection is more than likely far greater than yours. How does that make me a "truer" fan than the next man who has the same deep rooted love for the character that I do in a sense but doesn't have the comic collection to show for it? even though he might own thousands of dollars worth of Batman merchandise and is a human encyclopedia when it comes to the tv shows or any of the movies.
Man chill...!!
Everyone says that. And believe me that is a bold statement!!
We have different of opinion, although the minority rules and i agree with the "yes" and "hell yes".
And the movies, tv shows can influence the comics, thats a good thing as it IS batman. The films came from the comics so its good imo if the influence it.
But the discussion is about being a true fan. And to me a true fan reads the comics and loves anything or at least most things batman. If you dont read the comics and just love the live action movies or cartoons then "to me" you are just grounded to that and are a batman fan "IMO" - no reason to keep slamming each others opinions, there isn't right or wrong opinions just opinions. I;ve heard yours and you've heard mine so lets agree to dissagree on this one ok.
lol Deapool living up to his namesake.
Hey my bad if it came across as condescending but in no means did I mean it that way I just like to have good discussion and when it's a topic you're passionate about you like to express yourself as clearly as possible. I'm one of the most laid back posters on this board I don't take threads on this site or the internet in general to the artery. I would agree to disagree but I still feel there is something inherently arrogant and narrow minded about labeling "true" fans and what not. How many people on this board know that Batman has retired, been married, had children and even died in his 70 year history? I'm sure there are a few but I guarantee that many didn't even though they love Batman and are loyal posters on a Batman fanboard. So why shun them for it? you either love the character or you hate him. You're either a fan or you're not personally I just don't see any middle ground. This applies to any comic character BTW not just Bats. I voted "Hell Yes" as I pressumed the question was if you're a batfan if it means something else then the thread starter needed to elaborate.
That doesn't make any sense, if you're a Batman fan then you're a Batman fan no matter what incarnation or medium you're a fan of because not everybody is going to agree on one set interpretation as we're all individuals. There are people who care deeply about the Batman movies and know every detail about them same for any of the TV shows but have never picked up a Batman comic. Tell me if they're passionate enough about the character to have great knowledge of the movies or TV show how does that not make them a true fan?
Pleased to make your aquaintance mr. spirit of the bat.
A true Batfan is someone who is a fan of Batman. So if someone's a fan of the TAS Batman, then they're a fan.
They're only not a true Batfan....if they're not a fan of Batman.
Liking more incarnations of Batman or reading more comics doesn't make you any more or less ture, it only varies the degree of extremity you put into being a fan.