Top 10 Comic Book Movies Ever Made.


May 16, 2006
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Ok what is your top 10 comic book movies ever made. From Superman to The Incredible Hulk what is teh top 10 best comic movies to hit the silver screen. There is no wrong list as long as its your own list.

1 Batman Begins.

2 Iron Man.

3 X-Men 2 X-Men United.

4 Batman.

5 Spiderman 2.

6 The Incredible Hulk.

7 Superman 2.

8 Spiderman

9 Hellboy.

10 Men In Black.
no special order

Superman II
Batman 89
Batman Begins
Sin City
X-Men 2
Road to Perdition
Iron Man

Wow, as much as I love the 2004 Punisher, I just don't see it as being the best comic book movie to hit the silver screen.

Now if we want to talk Top 10 favorite comic book movies then that will be #1 on my list.
Batman Begins
Spider-mane 2
X-men 2
Batman Returns
Superman II
Wow, as much as I love the 2004 Punisher, I just don't see it as being the best comic book movie to hit the silver screen.

Now if we want to talk Top 10 favorite comic book movies then that will be #1 on my list.

It should be on everyones top 10 list.
1. Iron Man
2. Incredible Hulk
3. Superman: The Movie
4. Batman Begins
5. Spider-Man 2
6. X-Men 2
7. 300
8. Superman II
9. Batman '89
why does everyone say superman II?

that movie really kind of sucked, admit it... it had a few great moments, sure, mostly due to the little bit that richard donner directed and another great performance by cristopher reeve, but the other 90% of the movie is just so stupid that it ruins it for me.
oh, and to throw in my vote:

iron man is undoubtedly the best superhero movie i've ever seen, followed by (in no particular order) constantine, blade II, superman returns, sin city, men in black, spider-man 2, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the incredible hulk, and... um... probably wanted, even though i haven't seen it yet. i have no doubts that it will rule my ass.
Top 10:

1. Batman Begins
2. Iron Man
3. Men In Black
4. Road to Perdition
5. Spider-Man 2
6. Hellboy
7. X2: X-Men United
8. The Crow
9. X-Men
10. A History of Violence

Damn, this was HARD. :csad:
1. Batman Begins

2. Iron Man

3. X-Men(still hate the 3rd...)

4. Spider-Man

5. Spidey 2

6. X2 (still hate the 3rd...)

7. Superman (original)

8. Batman

9. Spider-Man 3 *ducks from flying tomatoes*

10. Men in Black

I am going to go see The Incredible Hulk tomorrow so this list might change...or might not. I never did like the green dude anyways.
Right now (subject to change, of course), I'd say:

10) Iron Man
9) The Mask
8) Superman II
7) Superman
6) Men In Black
5) Batman Returns
4) Spider-Man 2
3) X2
2) Batman Begins
1) Batman: Mask of The Phantasm

Deciding on the order was surprisingly difficult.
Well Iron Man was close for me but the cast is what give Batman Begins number 1.
2)Iron Man
3)Batman Begins
4)Spider-Man 3
5)The Incredible Hulk
6)Spider-Man 2
7)X-men 3
8)Ultimate Avengers
9)Ultimate Avengers 2
Ok what is your top 10 comic book movies ever made. From Superman to The Incredible Hulk what is teh top 10 best comic movies to hit the silver screen. There is no wrong list as long as its your own list.

1 Batman Begins.

2 Iron Man.

3 X-Men 2 X-Men United.

4 Batman.

5 Spiderman 2.

6 The Incredible Hulk.

7 Superman 2.

8 Spiderman

9 Hellboy.

10 Men In Black.

no Sin City? fail and it's Spider-man :oldrazz:
1.TMNT-live action
2. Incredible Hulk
3. Iron Man
4. The Crow
5. Hellboy
6. Men In Black
7.Blade 2
9. X-2
10.Daredevil DC
Others like Batman Begins I thought were good, but boring. And movies like Spider-man I thought were terrible.
1. The Crow

2. Superman II

3. Sin City

4. Batman Begins

5. Hellboy

6. Iron Man

7. X 2

8. Blade

9. Spider-Man 2

10. Superman
1. Spiderman 2
2. Batman (1989)
3. The Crow
4. Xmen 2
5. Batman Begins
6. Spiderman
7. Hellboy
8. Sin City
9. 300
10. Iron Man
I'll divide my list of my top 10 favorite comic book adaptations or superhero movies into 2 seperate lists

Comic book movies

Sin City
American Splendor
Road to Perdition
A History of Violence
The Rocketeer
The Mask
Conan The Barbarian
Dick Tracy
Ghost World

Superhero movies

The Crow
Superman: The Movie
Iron Man
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Batman Returns
Superman II (both versions)
hmm..... Conan is not a comic book character. Robocop is -somehow- a superhero, but doesn't come from a comic book so you could put COnan there. :yay:
1. Spiderman 1
2. Batman Begins
3. The Incredible Hulk
4. Spiderman 2
5. Iron Man
6. Spiderman 3
7. Hellboy
9. Batman
10. Daredevil

I have a feeling alot of my picks wont make it in other peoples list lol
1) Batman Begins
2) Spider-Man 2
3) Sin City
4) The Incredible Hulk
5) Iron Man
6) A History Of Violence
7) Spider-Man
8) Superman
9) X-Men 2
10) The Crow

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