that was a GREAT article btw, thank you for posting that. people should really read this, who could argue with it? most of it, if not all of it, is fact.
I actually can argue with most of these points;
1. Home & Little Big Planet
I won't disagree that Little Big Planet is cool, has some very interesting concepts and could open up a lot opportunities for future games. Home, on the other hand, seems more like a gimmick than the next big thing, walking around a virtual world on my video game console doesn't interest me, playing games does that's why I buy these, to play game. If I want to talk to someone via a console, I'll do it in between matches or send them a message, but chances are I'm not gonna just chat with you via a console.
2. Free Online
Free is nice, but $50/year isn't bad. Plus Sony will recoup their costs online with Home through advertising and downloadable products. Like I said though $50/year doesn't even register when Cable costs more than that a month.
3. 50 GB games, aka Blu-Ray Storage
Elder Scrolls Oblivion looks great and has over 200 hours of gameplay, case closed.
4. Casino Royale, aka Blu-Ray movies are the next big thing
I don't think HD-DVD or Blu-Ray will be the next format, I doubt it, downloading online or through cable's on-demand will be the next dominate format. I've said it from the beginning the general public isn't ready for a new format, I see both going the way of Beta-Max and Laserdisc.
I'm going to skip this because I really don't understand it, my 360 looks and sounds great in HD. Plus, Xbox Elite comes packaged with HDMI cables.
6. Standard HDD
There were two points here
1. A hard drive allows for faster load times. PS2 consistently had the longest load times, but was still the number 1 system.
2. Bigger downloadable games because you can buy bigger third party hard drives. I'm sure if Microsoft starts releasing these huge downloadable games they'll release bigger hard drives. Hell Xbox Elite will have a 120GB hard drive that I'm sure will be on sale seperately shortly afterward.
7. The Wii Fad Will Fade
The Wii isn't a Fad, he mentions Tickle-Me Elmo and Furbies, both those cost $20-$30 (admittly more if you bought on eBay). A Wii's base price is $250, you don't spend that much on a fad. He mentions immersive experience that's what Wii is at it's core. Then mentions the graphical advantage of 360 and PS3, but PS2 was lowest in graphics, but highest in sales.
8. PS3 Has a Major CPU Advantage
PS2 once again, lowest in tech specs highest in sales.
9. PS2 still outselling 360
He makes a good point with first party franchises, but there's a lot of third party franchises on PS2 that will also be available on the 360, which will most likely always be cheaper.
10. Something For Everyone
I believe Wii has this area covered as well