Top Ten Reasons to Move to England


Goddess in Residence
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
10. Crown jewels: It's just so cool knowing your taxes are protecting tiaras and necklaces.
9. To test your hypothesis that the acoustical qualities of the Chunnel would allow one to detect even the slightest passing of gas from someone on the French side
8. Much easier to taunt the French:o
7. Fanny packs are still cool there
6. All the religious nuts over there already left to start a little country called USA.
5. Because Daisy is doing America
4. If you don't like it there, and you can't follow English laws ... free trip to Austrailia!
3. To find out if there's any truth to the rumor that Prince Charles is the product of the Queen's tryst with Mr. Potato Head
2. So your Siamese Twin can drive for a while

1. Why study the English language if you're never going to travel and use it?
Those in no way motivate me to pack my bags and move to England. :confused:
I'm pretty damn happy living in Canada. We're like the weird hybrid between British and American.

As for reason #7, that sounds more like a deterrant than a motivation :p
Halcohol said:
I'm pretty damn happy living in Canada. We're like the weird hybrid between British and American.

As for reason #7, that sounds more like a deterrant than a motivation :p
Is Montreal anything like the rest of Canada?.....or, is it like the "freak" province
comicgirl said:
10. Crown jewels: It's just so cool knowing your taxes are protecting tiaras and necklaces.
9. To test your hypothesis that the acoustical qualities of the Chunnel would allow one to detect even the slightest passing of gas from someone on the French side
8. Much easier to taunt the French:o
7. Fanny packs are still cool there
6. All the religious nuts over there already left to start a little country called USA.
5. Because Daisy is doing America
4. If you don't like it there, and you can't follow English laws ... free trip to Austrailia!
3. To find out if there's any truth to the rumor that Prince Charles is the product of the Queen's tryst with Mr. Potato Head
2. So your Siamese Twin can drive for a while

1. Why study the English language if you're never going to travel and use it?

England :up:

I'm still working on No.4 for the summer
Montreal's not a province... it's a city, it's the capital of the province of Quebec, and it's the 'French' province. When you drive around the rest of Canada, most of the government signs and road signs will have English on top and French below it, but in Quebec it's reversed.

I think most people from Quebec are bilingual, but I can't be sure since I've never been there. They keep threatening to separate from the rest of Canada if they don't get their way, but the new government we elected seems to please them.

Honestly, I'm from out west, so I have no idea what life is like in Ontario or Quebec.
Ontario is like New York, Quebec is like... I dunno Canada.
Master Chief said:
Ontario is like New York, Quebec is like... I dunno Canada.
HA... I'm a good ol' Alberta boy, the only French I know comes from the back of a Cheerios box :D

Damn this bilingual thing, all of my DVDs have dual titles on the spines :down
Halcohol said:
Montreal's not a province... it's a city, it's the capital of the province of Quebec, and it's the 'French' province. When you drive around the rest of Canada, most of the government signs and road signs will have English on top and French below it, but in Quebec it's reversed.

I think most people from Quebec are bilingual, but I can't be sure since I've never been there. They keep threatening to separate from the rest of Canada if they don't get their way, but the new government we elected seems to please them.

Honestly, I'm from out west, so I have no idea what life is like in Ontario or Quebec.
I live in Pennsylvania, so we're about 2 1/2 hrs away by air to Montreal........I love it!!!!! But, I don't think it's like the rest of the country
comicgirl said:
I live in Pennsylvania, so we're about 2 1/2 hrs away by air to Montreal........I love it!!!!! But, I don't think it's like the rest of the country
Yeah, that's the impression I get too :) This is nothing against anyone specific and it's not meant to offend, but a lot of the stuff I hear in the news about Quebec and Ontario just piss me off.

It's like they're the only 2 provinces in the country, screw the rest of it... it'd sorta be like if the US government only focused on the original colonies :p

But anyways, England's nice this time of year? Where abouts are you, cg?
Alpha and Omega said:
Move there for the highly coveted weather? :confused:
Man, I live in PA...we have winter for 8months

yup....that and the right to say "aboot" whenever I want:o
You know, I don't actually say "aboot", I think that's an Eastern thing, but I do catch myself saying 'eh' all the time.

And 8 months of winter is a godsend when I live an hour away from the mountains :D
Halcohol said:
Yeah, that's the impression I get too :) This is nothing against anyone specific and it's not meant to offend, but a lot of the stuff I hear in the news about Quebec and Ontario just piss me off.

It's like they're the only 2 provinces in the country, screw the rest of it... it'd sorta be like if the US government only focused on the original colonies :p

But anyways, England's nice this time of year? Where abouts are you, cg?
I'm in Harrisburg, Pa...but, no one know's we're the capital:(

I just tell people I live 10 mins from Hershey (US chocolate capital) and 25 mins from Gettysburg ( know, the whole Civil war battle thing )
honestly i woulda guessed philly to be the capital. huh, my physics lab partner moved here this year from philly.

what's the capital of alberta? :confused: :D
Immortalfire said:
I do. Been to PA, lovely state :up:
Fire! Good to see you, my brother.....yup, it's nice here.....we have the Amish, long winters, beautiful autumns........funnel cakes, whoopie pies, shoe-fly pies.....other weird sounding, but good food:up:
comicgirl said:
Man, I live in PA...we have winter for 8months

yup....that and the right to say "aboot" whenever I want:o

In VA, our winter was pretty tame this year; it only snowed twice and it dissappeared w/in those same weeks of occurrence. I was happy though; I hate winter.:(

People move to London to gain recognition for their band, to fool people into believing that their IQ is that of the alleged average, or to eat non-seasoned cuisine.:o
comicgirl said:
Fire! Good to see you, my brother.....yup, it's nice here.....we have the Amish, long winters, beautiful autumns........funnel cakes, whoopie pies, shoe-fly pies.....other weird sounding, but good food:up:
I drove through and stopped in Lancaster for an afternoon, had some shoe fly pie...twas goooood :cool:
Oh yeah? We have gay cowboy movies being produced :p :)
I live in England. It's okay. Wet at the moment. Summers are getting hotter.

Reasons not to move to England:








Speed cameras
Immortalfire said:
I drove through and stopped in Lancaster for an afternoon, had some shoe fly pie...twas goooood :cool:
:up: you better believe it

Oh yeah? We have gay cowboy movies being produced
Yee-ha! gives a whole new meaning to ride em, cowboy:o

In VA, our winter was pretty tame this year; it only snowed twice and it dissappeared w/in those same weeks of occurrence. I was happy though; I hate winter.

People move to London to gain recognition for their band, to fool people into believing that their IQ is that of the alleged average, or to eat non-seasoned cuisine.
Yup.that about sums it up:o
I'd much rather visit Australia than England. You know, except for the cyclones and such...
Halcohol said:
I'd much rather visit Australia than England. You know, except for the cyclones and such...
oh,'s Australia!

Question for Brit posters............What's a Chav?

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