Trailer theme song mp3????


Apr 23, 2005
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Is there an .mp3 of just the instrumental of the theme used in the trailer, TV spots, and on the website?

I think it was mentioned before, but it was a really really long time ago, and I have no idea where I'd find it now.

But if there is one, and it could be posted, it'd be most appreciated :)

Thanks in advance.

"Plague Burial" from the teaser.
"Rising Empire" from the trailer.
The Rising Empire is the one in my link :p
OMG, thanks so much! I love this song (Rising Empire), I know it won't but I hope it makes it in the movie somewhere...
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Is there an .mp3 of just the instrumental of the theme used in the trailer, TV spots, and on the website?

I think it was mentioned before, but it was a really really long time ago, and I have no idea where I'd find it now.

But if there is one, and it could be posted, it'd be most appreciated :)

Thanks in advance.

the actual song used is..... SNOW - INFORMER "a lick me bomb bomb down!" :up: ;)
*looks up* nope nothing floating above my head :p
Roma, I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

You kick ass.

Thank you so much!

This song is so awesome!
Its used on the website and TV spots so I assume we will get it in the next trailer. Its X-Men 3's marketing music!
Bastila said:
Could you upload it on send space or somthing else that one does not work for me.

Just a question, do you know how to use rapidshare? I only ask because it took me awhile before I realized how the damned thing worked, and now that I do, it's really hella easy.
I should put this on a CD and annoy my friends by playing the trailer music everytime we go somewhere in my car :)

They've gotta be annoyed enough as it is with my constant 'X-Men' talk, now, there will shall be NO ESCAPE!

Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Roma, I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

You kick ass.

Thank you so much!

This song is so awesome!

Now you have some music to go with that avvy :p
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
I should put this on a CD and annoy my friends by playing the trailer music everytime we go somewhere in my car :)

They've gotta be annoyed enough as it is with my constant 'X-Men' talk, now, there will shall be NO ESCAPE!


The song is 1:47...

I really don't care if it's so long that it would take the actual movie outside of opening sequence and credits to under 100 minutes...

If this is the opening theme for the movie (which I know it won't be :() I will ****ing flip the hell out!

They could do the first 45 seconds or so (which is the theme's "intro" if you will) to play in the background of Xavier's monologue...

End the monologue just as the music is building up...

And then go into the CGI sequence for the main part of the theme.

And with the way the music ends, I could just totally hear the SLAM of the Cerebro doors afterwords, as the camera zooms in, taking us to Jean Grey's childhood...

IF that was the sequence (and again, I understand it won't be :() that in itself would make this the best movie of the franchise.
I can just picture the entire opening sequence in my head as I listen to this...

I'm gonna cry tears of sadness when they don't use this as the opening theme :(
I have to say, this is a great them for X-Men.

The music is almost as good as "Lacrimosa" from the Spiderman 2 trailer. That music was so powerful and just mad me feel.
Yeah, I agree. Rising Empire is great and very appropriate for this movie. Actually, I've enjoyed most of the music in all of the X-Men trailers. X2 had some nice music in its trailer as well.

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