Transformers Transformers found in the Antarctic?


Mar 6, 2005
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Not sure where, Anint it cool i think, I read that the transformers will be discovered in the antarctic....... not a bad concept.....since the average person isnt going to just rock up at their base (crashed ship) which could be possible at their base in the original cartoon series...........

anyway.......Makes me think of this image

interesting.. antarctica would keep out all but the most bold/stupid of interlopers..

but where would the decepticons be at? the north pole?
I thought it was confirmed that they way they're found is that the main character who buys a new car discovers its a Transformer?
I think it's a great, "epic" way to start things off without blowing away the mystery of everything from the get-go (even though it seems most people want that :down: )
Found in the antarctic? A Global warming message seems to be looming in this film...
Seekaedigital said:
Not sure where, Anint it cool i think, I read that the transformers will be discovered in the antarctic....... not a bad concept.....since the average person isnt going to just rock up at their base (crashed ship) which could be possible at their base in the original cartoon series...........

anyway.......Makes me think of this image

as soon as i saw this thread title, i thought about this....

are the autobots and decepticons going to be found at the same place or are they going to be separated.

if so i feel the decepticons should stay in the antartic and the autobots should be located elsewhere.
sounds like a cool concept, however i do hope the deceptecons are found elsewhere.
the problem with that is when the scanner goes looking for equipment, how is it going to find the relevant vehicles in the antartic?

are there any airforce bases located near the antartic?
Odin's Lapdog said:
the problem with that is when the scanner goes looking for equipment, how is it going to find the relevant vehicles in the antartic?

are there any airforce bases located near the antartic?

In the series, I kind of remember the scanner flying around to different locations to gather information. I don't think it would be limited to where the ship landed.
Yawn. I think Antarctic is a bit unimaginative no? How many aliens have been found down there now (The Thing? X-Files?... prob lots others). I always liked the ORIGINAL story of The Ark hidden in a Volcano in Oregon.

As a kid it was cool to think that an alien ship could be buried deep in the side of the mountain near my home.

There are worse dumbed down things with this movie (based on what I've read so far) but this is a pretty clear example of a missed opportunity to make a good (and imaginative!) sci-fi story.

Don't even get me started on this movie taking place in L.A.

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