I fully disagree with this. She found herself surrounded by a group of volatile individuals who not only branded firearms, but were also trying to assault her inside her car, all while failing to properly identify themselves as officers (not to mentioned failing to ACT as such). In that situation, she was not only within her right to drive away, but removing herself from that situation and calling 911 like she did was the absolute right thing.
These agents not only failed to properly identify themselves, but acted with excessive force grossly misplaced for the situation at hand, putting not only the girl in danger, but themselves and anyone near them in danger as well. What if this girl wasnt an innocent? What if she or her friend where mentally disturbed and dangerous? Or hell, what if either of them or a passerby (justifiably) misunderstood the situation as an attack by armed thugs, and decided to step in the middle of the situation? And what if that Samaritan was armed?
People (including police) seem to forget that as citizens, we have the right to expect law enforcement to act professionally and logically for all situations, only using force (or the threat of) when the situation calls for it, not only to protect themselves, but the public as well. And as citizens, we have the right to require that they identify themselves properly before submitting to their requests, ESPECIALLY if theyre plain clothed, because ANYONE can walk up to you and quickly flash something that looks like a badge it happens all the time, which is why police tell you to call 911 if youre unsure of the identity of a cop who is approaching/interacting with you.
I'm glad the Commonwealth Attorney dropped the charges. This girl needs to sue, the agents need to be fired, and the ABC needs to be investigated as a whole for allowing people like this to work for them.