Ultimate Hulk


Apr 23, 2004
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I'v read very little of the ultimates comics, actually i've only read like 2 issues of the ultimates. I would have kept up, but i lost track of the series to keep track of other comics that caught my eye.
My question is if someone could explain a little, about how they have portrayed the hulk in the ultimates comics. Is he in alot of issues, if so is it worth investing time into reading. Also is he always grey when he transforms or has he ever gone green? (any pics anyone can post?) :hulk:

cause if it's worth it, then i think i will start collecting the issues.

thanks for any help.
He was green in a Spider-Man annual.

But besides that he's always been gray.
I don't know much about how his character is portrayed in the Ultimates...I haven't followed that series until recently, but he also showed up in as a cameo in the Ultimates2 Annual page 17 it looks as if he was green in there as well...

1987olds442 said:
I don't know much about how his character is portrayed in the Ultimates...I haven't followed that series until recently, but he also showed up in as a cameo in the Ultimates2 Annual page 17 it looks as if he was green in there as well...


isn't a ultimate hulk and wolverine team up happen soon?
I thought Ultimate Hulk was getting his own title, too?
Ultimate marvel is just a pale immitation of the real, classic marvel. I don't even bother with it.
Though i agree with you, the Ultimate Universe is still bad-fu(kin-ass...
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I believe it was Wasp who actually delivered the battle-ending blow...
Lt. Figgnuts said:
I believe it was Wasp who actually delivered the battle-ending blow...
Yeap she did, she flew inside his ear as a tiny wasp and stung him inside there. Hulk was kicking around Thor, Capt. America and Ironman around when she did this. Even those 3 power houses couldn't stop him. Hulk is the strongest! :p
Later on Hulk also defeats the alien invasion, something the rest of the Ultimate's couldn't do(CA couldn't defeat the alien leader, and was getting beaten up bad, Hulk just crushes him and eats him like he was inconsequential).
The cannibalism part and crude language is the only thing I don't like about Millar's Ultimate Hulk. I love everything else. Hitch's art is just superb. :up: Buy the Hardcover for season 1. Hulk isn't really in season 2(just features the trial and execution then Hulk is gone till the Annual cameo from the scan above) so you can ignore that if you are just wanting Hulk. If you want just specific Hulk heavy issues, grab issue 5-6 and 12-13(season 1).
Henri DuCard said:
i missed this story arc in the ultimates. cap took down hulk, right?
He put in some pretty mean blows, but Hulk ended up owning him. I think that an ongoing Ultimate Hulk title is badly needed. You can never get too much Hulk.
hulk was portrayed as a big horny monster and wanting to kill freddy prince jr
and for god sake captain america fight fair!

the hulk destroys manhattan and goes to trail and found guilty and nick fury kills banner or so he thought?
Well he is getting the Ultimate Hulk/Wolverine mini, maybe if it does well who knows....
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Whos writing the ult Hulk/ Wolverine story?
Damon Lindelof is writing it. He's one of the head writers on the tv show Lost. :) Apparently he's a big comic fan.
The art looks abit iffy(I hate that look for Hulk, bald sides on his head, pale green) but hopefully the writing makes up for it.
Wolverine does look good though.
Didn't Ultimate Hulk recently get owned by Ultimate Thing ... And try to rape The Wasp earlier? Doesn't sound like a Hulk I'd want to read about.

Rape wasp? I don't think so. Wouldn't know about Ultimate Thing, I assume that's in the Ultimate F4, I don't follow that series. Characters usually lose when they appear in other characters comics though.
I think they explained it as an early batch or something. A Ultimate Hulk series was actually planned when the Hulk film came out, but since it wasnt a huge success, the series was scrapped.
Ultimate thing only beat Ultimate hulk from some zombie universe.
I heard that Ultimate Hulk can only lift 10 tons,that true?Or is that 616 Hulk?

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